Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: variant on July 14, 2012, 04:43 am

Title: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: variant on July 14, 2012, 04:43 am
Anyone here from iceland who can share stories about shipping?
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: mikilmenni on July 17, 2012, 02:43 am
Please tell us.
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: Konguloarmadurinn on July 17, 2012, 09:04 pm
Sorry for Icelandic!

Ég er búinn að fá oft sendingar frá þessari síðu og ekki verið neitt vandamál hingað til,  seinasta sendingin var reyndar opnuð af tollinum en var hleypt í gegn eftir tollskoðun (Latir tollverðir?).  Ég nota alltaf mitt nafn og rétt heimilsfang og ég hvet ykkur til að gera hið sama þar sem hitt gæti orsakað vesen.

Ef þið viljið fá eitthvað meira info þá spurjið þið bara!
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: mikilmenni on July 18, 2012, 01:16 am
Djöfull líst mér vel á það!

Hvað hefurðu verið að panta og hve mikið í senn? Eru umbúðirnar á þessu öllu alveg safe? Hvað var í pakkanum sem tollverðirnir skoðuðu?

Og eitt að lokum, hvernig græjarðu þessi bitcoins?
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: pine on July 18, 2012, 05:39 am
Holy shit.

Alaska, Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Australia and that's just half of the front page. This is amazing!

Soon: SR will be shipping to the Arctic Circle and from Equatorial Africa!

Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: mikilmenni on July 18, 2012, 06:05 am
When you're used to paying way too much for drugs (40 USD for a fucking gram of weed), a place like this seems unreal. I'm amazed to read all the success stories and can't wait to score me some of them psychedelics.
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: Limetless on July 18, 2012, 06:07 am
Not from Iceland but I have visited the country on Holiday. Lovely country you have got, was a right experience going whale-watching and glacier walking. :)
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: mikilmenni on July 18, 2012, 06:25 am
Do you, or anyone you know, have any experience in shipping to Iceland?
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: Limetless on July 18, 2012, 06:40 am
Do you, or anyone you know, have any experience in shipping to Iceland?

Nah mate, I just went there on holiday lol. Sorry if I went off on to a tangent lol.
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: Konguloarmadurinn on July 18, 2012, 11:27 am
Djöfull líst mér vel á það!

Hvað hefurðu verið að panta og hve mikið í senn? Eru umbúðirnar á þessu öllu alveg safe? Hvað var í pakkanum sem tollverðirnir skoðuðu?

Og eitt að lokum, hvernig græjarðu þessi bitcoins?

Ég hef verið að pannta frekar mikið af hlutum en aldrei mikið í einu,  reyni að halda mig við það sem kemst í lítið venjulegt umslag,  það sem tollverðirnir opnuðu var DMT.
Það sem ég hef fengið hingað til er Sýra, Ketamine, DMT, Changa, Hass og nokkur hundruð hits af 25i-Nbome.
Það er vesen að ná í bitcoins og við verðum að kaupa þá á uppsprengdu verði útaf gjaldeyrishöftunum.
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: snufkin on July 21, 2012, 08:36 pm
Acid, 25I-NBOMe only, obviously this went through without problems. It is encouraging to hear that Ketamine and DMT went through, especially that story where the package was opened (wtf?). Would have thought that white powder would be an issue.
Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 21, 2012, 10:45 pm
Holy shit.

Alaska, Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Australia and that's just half of the front page. This is amazing!

Soon: SR will be shipping to the Arctic Circle and from Equatorial Africa!

I have now received orders from every single European Country except Liechtenstein and Iceland. This bothers me. Therefore if anyone from Iceland needs BItcoins please get in touch.

Title: Re: Anyone here from iceland?
Post by: Konguloarmadurinn on July 23, 2012, 10:54 pm
Acid, 25I-NBOMe only, obviously this went through without problems. It is encouraging to hear that Ketamine and DMT went through, especially that story where the package was opened (wtf?). Would have thought that white powder would be an issue.

It was actually Changa that got opened,  they ripped the packaging apart and then taped it all back together with all of the product still inside.  :)