Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: Heinzschwarz on July 09, 2012, 06:21 pm

Title: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Heinzschwarz on July 09, 2012, 06:21 pm
Hi All,

I am new here and I have been reading in this forum for a few weeks now, a lot of questions have been answered but I am still wondering about a thing:

I'm looking for people from the EU/GERMANY and their experiences with the customs, just can't imagine how safe it is to order pills/Speed from the Netherlands to Germany...
After messaging some vendors like shizofreen/supertrips/chemical brothers they told me the success rate is about 99-100%, but I'm not sure about the honesty...

So I would be very happy if anybody could help me with your experience!?  :)

(...and I know you can not explain that in numbers, like a 75% chance to go safe with an order form the NL to GER...)
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Heinzschwarz on July 09, 2012, 07:42 pm
Ah thats exactly some kind of answer I was thinking of, thank you very much ;)

I also have heard of the schengen-abkommen, but the netherlands are known for drugs and because of that customs take a closer look at things coming from NL compared to other countries. But the fact that it is shipped in a letter, not a package, gives it a lower chance to be detected, that is what I was reading of.
 I'm just interessted in pills, because you can't get like blue defqons or ferraris round here ...;)
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Honza on July 09, 2012, 07:52 pm
never go through customs (siehe Schengen-Abkommen).

That is what dumbasses believe.  ::)

They controll more then you silly fucks even can think of.

OP, just don't be too sure about this. The vendors who say they have a good succes rate just want to sell.

Many people were busted already because they ordered from NL to  Germany or other EU countries.

And many of this people have not even ordered real drug but cannabis seeds.

I can only recommend you not to order from NL. Schenger-Abkommen doesnt mean anything, they know how much drugs comming from Netherlands. They do controls anyway, it is legal for them to do so since there is a known risk.

But of course you can order since all people here will say you it has no risks.  :)
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Heinzschwarz on July 09, 2012, 08:13 pm
honza I agree with you, this is exactly where my doubts are from!

My first order is no more far away, but I think I will stay safer and ship domestic to keep the risk at a minimum!
Unfortunately they don't have the same wonderful pills in stock...!  :-\
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: hansihansi on July 15, 2012, 11:32 am
I am from Germany and i have  ordered different times from NL / Spain / India / Sweden /  England / Germany  and everything arrived here.

Was on a Coach-Trip to Amsterdam yesterday (the first in the last 5 years)  and we got busted from the Cops at the Border. (which is in theory open because of Schengen-Abkommen)

Just my 2 Cents.

Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Heinzschwarz on July 15, 2012, 11:54 am
All right, thank you hansi!

How have you been crossing the border? By car/train/ect. ? ...hope you didn't have too much stuff with you!?  :-\
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: hansihansi on July 15, 2012, 12:05 pm
We were in a Travel-Bus and at the Border there were two Police-Cars which stopped us.
Me and a Buddy had about 15g in a Box which we put under the seat.
They found it but we booth said that it isn`t ours.

 Now  i`m waiting for a Loveletter from them and then lets see what happens.

It`s really sad because there were such lovely Strains ( Liberty-Haze, G-13, Jack Herer, Pineapple Chunk, Tangerine Dream, Vanilla Kush)   :'(
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: pine on July 16, 2012, 02:30 am
Hi Heinz and welcome to SR.

(...and I know you can not explain that in numbers, like a 75% chance to go safe with an order form the NL to GER...)

Yes we can, it's been done already, albeit not for specific states.

Look at the Global Delivery Success Rate. It is 97.48%, the criteria and evidence are in the thread:


For good vendors, it will be much higher. 1 in a 1000 packages are intercepted at the most. And that 2.52% certainly is not all interceptions.

It is hard for people to believe at first. But with the right quantity of product, the right vendor, the odds of your package being intercepted are statistically insignificant (unless somebody is under surveillance of course). The odds of you receiving your package from SR if you're smart and follow the tutorials is pretty much exactly the same as the odds of you receiving a package from Amazon or Ebay. I mean, you'll get screw-ups occasionally like incorrect addressing and so forth, but screw-ups certainly aren't unique to SR, you've probably experienced a couple of those with regular mail already.

Still, it is best to pay attention and not become complacent.
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Heinzschwarz on July 16, 2012, 05:20 pm
thanks pine ;)
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Bungee54 on July 19, 2012, 11:55 am

If you want great coke & mdma fell free to test us out :) 

Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: sbaxter on July 19, 2012, 12:19 pm
I have ordered a lot from the NL, to Austria, never had any problems. And I guess Germany and Austria have similar customs controls.
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: Heinzschwarz on July 19, 2012, 05:49 pm
all right baxter, which vendor would you say had the best stealth technique?
Title: Re: Success rate in EU/Germany
Post by: sbaxter on July 21, 2012, 06:21 pm
I wouldn't usually answer this question on on opn forum, but as it is, all vendors I have bought from had more or less the same packaging, printed stickers, no smell, etc.
All very high-rated vendors.