Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: jamesmayiii on April 23, 2012, 08:12 pm

Title: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: jamesmayiii on April 23, 2012, 08:12 pm
Hey everyone,

Sorry this is a little long buy I wanted to paint a clear picture of my scenario. I was hoping someone with some experience with molly could help me out with a question I have about dosage. I've taken it twice and both times all my friends I've done it with have instructed me to take "at least 300mg." The first time I did 300mg all at once and the second time I did 200mg with a 50mg redose after 4 hours. Both times were equally as awesome with no bad side effects. Felt very good but definitely still in control. It didn't feel like a dangerously large dose as I've read online. Read on.

I've read through multiple popular drug forums and even some scientific studies online and it's pretty much unanimous that 100-170mg is the perfect dose, and that 250+ is considered very heavy and dangerous. Most agreed with 1.5-2mg/kg of body weight.

So why do my friends say to take nearly double than what I believe to be experienced MDMA users say online? My friends have done it 5 times so it's not like they have built a huge a tolerance. The last time we did Molly was ~6 months ago.

Any advice is appreciated. My main questions are:

-How big were your doses your first few times?
-Will I be disappointed with my roll if I only take 150-200 next time? (planning on buying from SR next time)

-Could the Molly we took have been fairly impure both times? i.e. is shitty Molly common?

Ps this is NOT something I bought on SR. I got it from a friend who got it in Miami at an electronic music festival.

Thanks for any advice
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: Kappacino on April 23, 2012, 08:22 pm
250mg is pretty fucking beast dude. For your first time that's just absolutely ridiculous (unless you're morbidly obese). I'd hazard the guess that what you had was either cut/or weak.

I've taken about 300mg a couple times before, and each time I threw up. It was shit until I got it all out but after that I felt amazing and ready to roll. But it wasn't really that much more than a 175-200mg experience.

If you buy the MDMA from someone reputable on here, 175mg will get you exactly where you want to be. I highly recommend not taking anything more than 200mg. The only reason I take that much is because I do it a lot and my tolerance is pretty fucked up.

Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: l1llykins on April 23, 2012, 08:30 pm
How much do you weigh?

I kinda have the same question with my husband ... he's in the 240's and a lot of people/sites say to not go above 175mg. But at 2mg per 2.2lbs, that puts him at 225mg.

I assume your friends have built up a tolerance.
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: divinechemicals on April 23, 2012, 11:03 pm
That's weird to me, because I've always taken 250 mg. Me and everyone I know. That dose just gives us the perfect roll. I've never really tried less though so who knows.
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: Horizons on April 23, 2012, 11:20 pm
Wow. I've been rolling for years and I still get to that magical place with 150mg (up from 100 my first few times). I'm a skinny fuck, but holy shit guys. Slow down.
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: gg on April 23, 2012, 11:33 pm
Is it possible that your MDMA is cut with an inert powder? You could be taking a low amount all along if this is the case.
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: Mrambulancedriver on April 23, 2012, 11:35 pm
Yeah, i start 'rolling' at 100mg of pure crystal, and 250mg+ fuckin' gets me floored. Last time i did that much, I couldnt move, i couldnt do shit but sit there in utter amazement haha, i felt great, but its not something i wanna do everytime, especially when im at a show.

I love to dose at like 125mg-200mg for a good time.
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: pine on April 23, 2012, 11:58 pm
Impure/crap MDMA is a scourge. It is extremely common, esp. state-side. Some mandy tablets don't even have anything related to MDA, MDMA etc. This is why you should ideally purchase drug testing kits, especially if you buy from the street instead of SR. In my opinion, this is why more people are buying power over pills today.

The science studies really are correct, tolerance issues aside (you drug-pig fiends! lol), 100mg - 200mg is more than enough for most people. This is why SR is a huge blessing for party goers everywhere, you actually have a fair idea of what quantities you've taken. If not, the feedback would very quickly tell you otherwise. People aren't stupid, they don't need a degree in organic chemistry to know they've had a bad time or a good time.

This is why I like SR, it provides an environment in which customer and seller can transact without the high drama/soap opera element. I think some people might actually like this at the beginning (oooh, so taboo), but trust me, it gets pretty fucking wearisome after a while.

Anyway yeah, lower your dose, protect your wallet. It's just like your momma told you with cooking sauces 'you can always add more', so start with 100mg and then use your judgement to up the dose.

Note: Erowid and the DEA agree that the half life of MDMA is 8-9 hours (+/- 2 hours). Frequently people have 1 dose and then have another later. So if 100mg is doing the job for you, you can sustain that by putting your mobile onto a timer for six or seven hours time. However, a lull is likely to occur before the half-life.

I know not everybody is like me, but I like to be scientific about these things, I think everybody should be using the kits, mg scales etc as a matter of principal. I cannot for the life of me understand why people pop Rx pills like so many M&Ms into their mouths because the doctor gave them and gave the thumbs up. Do you know that more people accidentally overdose from anti-depressants, aspirin and paracetamol than scheduled substances? You know why? Because they don't take them seriously and imagine they can take them whenever they want, as much as they want.

The most bizarre fact about the Drug War, is that a vehemently anti-drug legalization/decriminalization Rx toting granny, is more likely to OD on legal drugs, than her more socially liberal grandchildren on illegal ones.

Actually, I take that back, many grannies are more liberal than their stuck-up grandchildren since they remember when many scheduled drugs were legal, but the point remains the same.

Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: jamesmayiii on April 24, 2012, 01:58 am
Thanks everyone. I weigh 175 lbs and after hearing your responses I can only assume that our stuff was impure or cut with something. I do live in the US so I figured we got weak shit. Next time I'll try 150mg from SR.
Title: Re: MDMA Dose Discrepancy
Post by: Kappacino on April 24, 2012, 02:09 am
Thanks everyone. I weigh 175 lbs and after hearing your responses I can only assume that our stuff was impure or cut with something. I do live in the US so I figured we got weak shit. Next time I'll try 150mg from SR.

Hope you have a good one dude.

If your previous stuff was cut, you'll know straight away when the pure molly kicks in. Its just clearer.