Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: RxKing on April 20, 2012, 04:52 pm

Title: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: RxKing on April 20, 2012, 04:52 pm
Perky 43 years old of middle America died last night. The coroners did there fastest autopsy ever and said there were many causes to his death. One was he was an overweight fat fuck who sat on his computer all day and told lies about vendors, tried to scam new vendors out of pill's and tried to blackmail new vendors with his bullshit senior member status. The other reason he died is the same as the first reason except this:

He is a fucking piece of shit, no good, lying, scamming, begging, shit eating, piss drinking no good mother fucking cunt loser that could not spell or find the shift key. No one attended the funeral services today except for a courier that had a message he wanted to read. Again NO ONE was there so the courier came to SR and gave it to me to post. I hear the message is from a good guy that just wants to make people happy, make money, be fair, talk shit, and have a good time. I hear he is a street sweeper of internet junk. He gets rid of trash. Here are his last words about PERKY/pesky:

No one listens to a DEAD MAN. You have ZERO credibility. Not one person believes you. Except for your other 9 names you have. You are a scammer, a beggar, a loser, and a LIAR.

Not one person can even read your post! You are a fuck stick. You try to con new vendors in to believing you are a senior member .....and that with your help you will increase sales. You are a fuck stick. I killed PERKY last night, he is dead.

You can read all about it.

You are such a loser ..... you don't realize that the WHOLE COMMUNITY knows you were a loser already. They call you PESKY. I call you DEAD. You need to log out of PERKY account and lose the password. Use one of your other 9 names and start begging and lying on there.

PERKY is dead. The KING killed him and is cleaning up the road. Every time you post you will be reminded how dead you are. They will see links to your scamming ways. You ruined your self with lying.

And you are on a drug site and every single one of us do not  like you. You are scum. A huge lying scamming asking for freebies, non writing idiot.

The fact you claim to write papers is maybe the biggest lie since Ricky Martin said he was straight. Or Bill Clinton said he did not have sexual relations.

You can say that PERKY(if you were alive) say it perky" I HAVE NOT HAD SEXUAL RELATIONS" see you just  finally told the fucking truth for once.

Now get off this name and try and build another one up. And when you do. I WILL KILL THAT NAME TOO!

You will be easy to spot. Your post will be about who is LE, what new vendor is a scammer, that you just ordered a huge supply of to follow. And that you want free samples. You can't teach a new pony tricks.


And in case you  think I will forget about you..... The KING never forgets. You attacked me and you lied to me. You tried to ruin my first night on here with your post that I was a scammer. Then when I got good feedback you tried to say my product was great and you asked for a sample. You then tried to say I need a senior vendor to get sales. Then I told you to fuck off and quit pming me and you then said I offended you and that you will now try and ruin me in the forums.

None of it worked. Just like I told you. You are a thief and a liar. And you are a loser. And you are DEAD.

You just sent me this:
Quote from: perky on Today at 04:09 PM

    make things right sned me what you owe me and i will clean up you name..

    im sorry sir
    please lets end this and give me what you owe pleae ill delete my bashing pages on you

I did not reply. I will reply hear. Post what ever the fuck you want. You can not blackmail me. I am showing you what happens when you try and blackmail the KING. It reverses you and you get blackLISTED.

Perky has been killed and put on the KINGS DEAD LIST.


But I want you to know one good thing. Since you passed away, the KING has eliminated all paper thief's. So your life had a purpose on the last day. Your tragedy turned into a beautiful thing. No more paper stealing!

So now go away. Log into a new account and start that up. Then the sooner I can KILL that name to.

By the way PERKY. As I was typing this I got 3 orders. One was for xanax. Your favorite. He wanted me to pass a message to you:


Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: simplyanon on April 20, 2012, 05:23 pm
I am thoroughly enjoying this.

I'm thinking the poor guy might be

1: A heavy addict with zero source of income.
2: Suffering from mental health issues ranging from schizophrenia to manic depression.
3: Retarded. Plain and simple, slaps his chest, has his tongue hanging out of his mouth drooling everywhere.

All three of the above scenarios would explain his stupidity.
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: GaltRR on April 20, 2012, 05:23 pm
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: Tampy on April 20, 2012, 07:11 pm
Sent him Drion's pills, did you?
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: blackend646 on April 20, 2012, 07:31 pm
Going to post this as a warning to anyone who will listen in any thread this dickhead creates. Perky is not to be trusted. Perky scammed me on a moneypak the day I joined SR. At the time he was using the names "Betadvisor" and "FREELIFE1" on the main site.

I don't know anything about RXking or whether he is legit or not, but I can 100% say that nothing Perky says is to be taken seriously.
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: lola1 on April 26, 2012, 01:41 pm
perky cashed a 500 dollar mp for was expensive like 6.64 a coin the math came out too///im glad i didnt get ripped off
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: lola1 on April 26, 2012, 01:43 pm
Sent him Drion's pills, did you?
perky cashed a 500 dollar mp for was expensive like 6.64 a coin the math came out too///im glad i didnt get ripped off
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: perky on April 26, 2012, 01:54 pm
i casshed out 100s of dollars last night ill get people to vouch for is this

Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: CX on April 26, 2012, 02:08 pm
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: BigBill6778 on April 26, 2012, 02:19 pm
well this is what I got from perky yesterday


    Sr. Member
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the big dirty and ur name will never be mentioned
« Sent to: BigBill6778 on: April 25, 2012, 10:35 PM »






send the 2 0r 3 coin to freelife1 and if the front fails i will return ur coin!!!  are you in?
Ron Paul for President.

YOUTUBE this...Ron Paul on Morton Downey Jr. - 1988

Heres the description and yes Ron Paul is pro legalize drugs and he does pretty damn good for a racy wild threatening audience, host, and opponent.
THE BEST. From the chain smoking host to Ron Pauls quick witty comments.

hope you enjoyed
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: lilith2u on April 26, 2012, 02:19 pm
Resurrection? this forum should get fun:)
I also received that from him yesterday.....don't know what to think of the whole thing? ignored it though
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: TorGod on April 26, 2012, 04:08 pm
Perk Lurks once again
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: chiefrogan on April 26, 2012, 05:39 pm
Yea perky IS a fuck stick and I'll vouch he took $150 when I first joined the road.. his name was FreeLife1 and he's a scamming no good ball sniffing insignificunt.

Good on the KING for killing off the scammers. Long live the... road. Sorry king can't praise you allmighty just yet!
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: RxKing on April 26, 2012, 05:52 pm
Yea perky IS a fuck stick and I'll vouch he took $150 when I first joined the road.. his name was FreeLife1 and he's a scamming no good ball sniffing insignificunt.

Good on the KING for killing off the scammers. Long live the... road. Sorry king can't praise you allmighty just yet!

LOL your never praising me....just my service :)

And I agree 100% with you. And I like that....someone that is honest. He can't vouch for me. He has never purchased from me. This is how it should be.

And I am sorry this fucking loser piece of shit scammed you. He tried me on day1. (as did many others I just didnt say there name because they went away)

It is a known fact he is a total loser and a lying thief. Thats why I killed him!

Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: themessenger2 on April 26, 2012, 07:41 pm
holy fuck..

First I've heard of Perky and first I've heard of the scamming ways. We need to let this stuff be known a lot sooner everyone! Thanks RXKing for speaking the truth.
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: ksquizzle on April 26, 2012, 08:17 pm
Hey RxKing do I get any discount or free wares with purchase for staying abreast off this ever evolving and interesting topic off PERKY and can someone please just off his ass.
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: Planetist on April 26, 2012, 08:40 pm
I have no idea what's going on here but I do love the enthusiasm.
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: pine on April 26, 2012, 08:52 pm
I have no idea what's going on here but I do love the enthusiasm.


I don't usually do plus ones, but that sums it up for me.

Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: Serenity on April 26, 2012, 11:43 pm
Fuck this. I can't believe how long they got thrown in the can. I never used TFM, but it was nice to know it existed.
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: mybodymychoice on April 27, 2012, 01:19 am
haha. nice virtual murder there RxKing! i like it! Perky looks less appealing then a piece of shit on a shit!

as the great rap KING, eminem, once said:

I ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep
Ain't gonna breathe, til I see, what I wanna see
And what I wanna see, is you go to sleep, in the dirt
Permanently, you just being hurt, this ain't gonna work
For me, it just wouldn't be, sufficient enough
Cuz we, are just gonna be, enemies
As long as we breathe, I don't ever see, either of us
Coming to terms, where we can agree
There ain't gonna be, no reason, speakin wit me .......

Now go to sleep bitch!
***Die, motherfucker, die! **** Ugh, time's up, bitch, close ya eyes
Go to sleep, bitch! (what?)
Why are you still alive? How many times I gotta tell ya, close ya eyes?
And go to sleep bitch! (what?)
Die motherfucker die, bye, bye, motherfucker, bye, bye!
Go to sleep bitch! (what?)
Why are you still alive? Why, die motherfucker, ah, ah, ah...
...Go to sleep bitch!
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: mybodymychoice on April 27, 2012, 01:22 am
Fuck this. I can't believe how long they got thrown in the can. I never used TFM, but it was nice to know it existed.

what does TFM have to do with perky being a scamming piece of shart? lol.

Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: RxKing on April 27, 2012, 01:38 am
@mybodymychoice  LOL LOL LOL
Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: thedman62 on April 27, 2012, 01:53 am
Hey RxKing do I get any discount or free wares with purchase for staying abreast off this ever evolving and interesting topic off PERKY and can someone please just off his ass.

Title: Re: It is not a rumor: PERKY/pesky is DEAD. He died last night. (read)
Post by: RxKing on April 27, 2012, 05:00 am
Hey RxKing do I get any discount or free wares with purchase for staying abreast off this ever evolving and interesting topic off PERKY and can someone please just off his ass.

Yes since you asked....

Free shipping and extra whatever you order...

Thanks for watching out.. ;D
