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Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Horizons on February 28, 2012, 11:38 am

Title: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: Horizons on February 28, 2012, 11:38 am
I had the following conversation with a coworker yesterday:

CW: My neighbor's kid has been acting really sketchy lately. He's growing out his hair and plays weird music late at night. I think he's addicted to LSD.

ME: What? That's preposterous, you can't get addicted to LSD!

CW: Of course you can! All drugs are addicting, that's why they're called "drugs"! The word means "addictive"!

ME (holding back a smirk): Oh? And what about the drugs you buy at a drug store? Is aspirin addictive?

CW: Of course not! Those are medicine, and medicine can't be addictive!

At this point I had to pretend my cellphone had just vibrated and walk away to keep from laughing in her face.

LSD: addictive. Opiates and benzos: not addictive. You gotta love the innocence of some people.

If anyone has similar stories about drug-related ignorance and misinformation, this is the thread to share them!
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: johnwholesome on February 28, 2012, 11:53 am
Perfect example of how US pharma creates more junkies than any other illicit drugs combined...

A little friendly pill from the doctor, how can that be evil??? Weird psychedelic stuff those weirdos use and get all touchy-feely, that must be addicting.

(assuming that happened in the US, certainly sounds like it)
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: PriscillaMarie90 on February 28, 2012, 01:03 pm
I hate people.
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: Horizons on February 28, 2012, 01:48 pm
Perfect example of how US pharma creates more junkies than any other illicit drugs combined...

A little friendly pill from the doctor, how can that be evil??? Weird psychedelic stuff those weirdos use and get all touchy-feely, that must be addicting.

(assuming that happened in the US, certainly sounds like it)

No, I'm afraid some sorts of idiocy are international. This happened in Brazil.

I have another coworker who says that when he and his friends were younger, they went on holiday to Amsterdam and did all sorts of drugs (though really, by the look and way of him, I think he's never done anything besides alcohol and pot - probably never even smoked a cig). According to him, one of his mates ended up in the hospital after drinking several glasses of whiskey and beer, smoking two huge joints, snorting some coke and ketamine, dropping one pill of allegedly very good ecstasy and doing half a tab of acid. His veredict: "It must have been an acid overdose. He's lucky to be alive!".

If I ever go postal on these people, you'll know why.
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: culmint on February 28, 2012, 02:40 pm
Perfect example of how US pharma creates more junkies than any other illicit drugs combined...

A little friendly pill from the doctor, how can that be evil??? Weird psychedelic stuff those weirdos use and get all touchy-feely, that must be addicting.

(assuming that happened in the US, certainly sounds like it)

No, I'm afraid some sorts of idiocy are international. This happened in Brazil.

I have another coworker who says that when he and his friends were younger, they went on holiday to Amsterdam and did all sorts of drugs (though really, by the look and way of him, I think he's never done anything besides alcohol and pot - probably never even smoked a cig). According to him, one of his mates ended up in the hospital after drinking several glasses of whiskey and beer, smoking two huge joints, snorting some coke and ketamine, dropping one pill of allegedly very good ecstasy and doing half a tab of acid. His veredict: "It must have been an acid overdose. He's lucky to be alive!".

If I ever go postal on these people, you'll know why.

Words are gone from me.
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: cache on February 28, 2012, 02:47 pm
Given an unlimited supply, is it even possible to poison yourself with acid? I wonder how much you would have to take? Does anybody know what the LD50 is of LSD?
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: Horizons on February 28, 2012, 02:58 pm
Given an unlimited supply, is it even possible to poison yourself with acid? I wonder how much you would have to take? Does anybody know what the LD50 is of LSD?

Nobody knows for sure. Estimates vary wildly, and the fact is that nobody has ever had an overdose of LSD. Wikipedia has this to say:
Estimates for the median lethal dose (LD50) of LSD range from 200 µg/kg to more than 1 mg/kg of human body mass, though most sources report that there are no known human cases of such an overdose. Other sources note one report of a suspected fatal overdose of LSD occurring in November 1975 in Kentucky in which there were indications that ~1/3 of a gram (320 mg or 320,000 µg) had been injected intravenously.

and Erowid estimates the LD50 at 12,000µg. 200 mics per kilo is equivalent to an average adult male taking over 140 average-dose blotters at once, and that's the low guess.

I remember reading about an experiment where extremely large doses of LSD were given to an elephant. Eventually, the elephant developed a severe tachycardia and was given tranquilizers along with the increasing doses of acid. It OD'd from the tranquilizers. I don't have a link to it now, though.
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: cache on February 28, 2012, 03:10 pm
I think if you took that much you wouldn't know whether you were dead or alive!!
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: culmint on February 28, 2012, 04:03 pm
you wouldn't care either way would you.... fuck trying it!

horizons - your coworker has really made me laugh. i can't believe some peoples way of thinking

that cat from friends?
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: pine on February 28, 2012, 07:45 pm
I've always admired the conspiracy theory which goes that the Onion News Corporation secretly runs the TOR network.

Actually, maybe not so secretly, they have exactly the same logo  :D
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: Deleuze on February 28, 2012, 07:49 pm
What the fuck. How are people really this stupid.

They will go their whole lives without knowing the truth  :-\

Oh well, more drugs for me!!! 8)
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: lilith2u on February 29, 2012, 01:29 am
I've always admired the conspiracy theory which goes that the Onion News Corporation secretly runs the TOR network.

Actually, maybe not so secretly, they have exactly the same logo  :D
In a world where everything you know is wrong! I wouldn't mind that one bit....I<3 Pine
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: divinechemicals on February 29, 2012, 01:38 am
Man, posts like these really get me angry. I can't believe the stupidity of people in the world. I can't even tell you how many people I know that get drunk every weekend, but when I tell them I even smoke weed, they're like, "Ew, don't you know how bad that is for you?" It really amazes me that people I know talk constantly about their alcohol adventures, but I can't even mention in a conversation that I occasionally roll on molly, because that's just considered wrong in this country (USA).

For example, I was in a conversation with someone last week, and I told them I would be going to a rave on Saturday. I was planning on taking molly, but I didn't tell them that because I didn't know what they would think. And suddenly they say: "Just be careful man, a bunch of people there will probably be on ecstasy. I don't understand why people take ecstasy, like that stuff can kill you. Why not just get drunk instead?" I really wanted to rip into him and explain how wrong that statement was, but I refrained. Honestly, if there's someone I really trust and I want to trip or roll with them sometimes, I just show them a bunch of links that give the real science behind drugs. The good drugs guide is a really good site, I use that a lot to show people that MDMA, LSD, shrooms, and marijuana (the 4 drugs I do) are way, way less dangerous than alcohol.

I wish this country would smarten up. Every drug I just listed should be 100% legal. I actually have a sort of conspiracy theory, and I'm just usually a conspiracy type of guy. But if you think about it, drugs that are legal like nicotine and alcohol don't make you think more, they actually make you think less. And alcohol can actually make you depressed, not happy and curious. But on MDMA and LSD especially, I notice that everything in the world makes sense, and I really love my fellow man. So of course the government wants those drugs to be legal. Can you imagine if everyone did MDMA? All the fear that everyone has would evaporate, and the government needs us to fear each other to keep us in line so that the old white men at the top can keep making their millions. It's sick, but I really see no other reason for these drugs to be illegal. I think it's all part of their control system.
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: ianfleming on February 29, 2012, 01:57 am
you know MDMA actually CAN hurt you with extended and repeated use.

That being said, I firmly believe that the pharmaceutical and alcohol companies are the reason many substances are still illegal and I belive that they also may be behind some of the stupid things people believe about some drugs.

I've often heard the ole' "if you take LSD 7 times in your life you can be declared mentally insane" or the classic "There was this one kid who took LSD and though whe was a glass of orange juice for life, they had to took him up to machines because he was catatonic and eventually he DIED"
Ugh  ::)

That being said, my mother when i was younger told me how when she was maybe 20 she had taken LSD before (though from what she's saying it sounds like some REALLY crappy stuff) she's also admitted to trying Coke. I know throughout my whole childhood she smoked pot, she would never do it in front of me, but we discussed it.

In fact the first time I ever tripped (a few months back, on 2c-i) I actually went over to my old place and (moved out just recently) with a friend and all 3 of us took some (that includes my mother).

I was raised around pot and while it's never been my thing i see no issue with it. My family is pretty cool about that. My uncle buys moonshine and my aunt and mother smoke all the time.

Hell I can remember my grandfather saying that he'd like to try LSD just once in his life. (Maybe I'll make that come true for him someday)
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: divinechemicals on February 29, 2012, 02:02 am
you know MDMA actually CAN hurt you with extended and repeated use.

The stupid thing about that argument though is that if you're RESPONSIBLE, you won't be hurt at all. Same goes for alcohol, repeated use will kill your liver and possibly depress you, but just doing it occasionally with friends is no big deal. That's the same argument the people against MDMA use, and it kills me every time that they don't see the obvious analogy with alcohol.
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: lilith2u on February 29, 2012, 03:48 am
Better living with chemistry! everything in moderation! Legalize Drugs and crime rates drop? everything you know is wrong? as Mr T says Stay on Drugs! Don't go to school....yoink!
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: blockrockinbeats on February 29, 2012, 04:33 am
I developed clinical depression a few years ago, which I believe was partly due to genetics (there's a history of it in my family) and due to overusing Ecstasy. Whilst going through this E phase, I used other drugs including LSD and meth, but this was only a handful of times and very rarely compared to rolling every other weekend.

When I was diagnosed, one of my drug-taking buddies said to me "You what it was that did this, it was the ACID - that shit is the worst."

I don't know for sure, but I really disagree with this! Why does LSD have such a bad rep, even amongst some people who are drug users? Is LSD even known to cause depression?

I'm sure that it was the Ecstasy/MDMA that caused a chemical imbalance, because I would always get the worst comedowns - crying and suicidal type shit related to the serotonin levels in my brain after rolling.

Poor LSD is so misunderstood. :(
Title: Re: Misinformation, urban legends and sillyness.
Post by: curiositymatrix on February 29, 2012, 05:47 am
I think LSD gets such a bad rep because it seems so much more "powerful" - it lasts 8+ hours, while E / pot wear off after 3 hours on the long end, (longer for good stuff, but not 8+)

As well as how much you can be "impaired" on it. I think in many ways, its a 'stronger' drug, but it isn't 'harder' - BECAUSE of how little lasting effect it has on your mind (as can be measured in damage, I do think it can have an amazing lasting effect)