Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: Tryptamine on September 17, 2011, 08:31 am

Title: 乂 Tryptamine's Herbal & Orthomolecular Supplements - Reviews 乂
Post by: Tryptamine on September 17, 2011, 08:31 am
If you've bought any of my products in the past, post a review here (be it complementary, critical, or both).
Title: Re: Tryptamine's (dank) supplements
Post by: towelie on September 18, 2011, 05:32 am
I just placed an order.  Looking forward to nicer dreams and being smarter ;D
Will let you know how it goes.

Title: Re: Tryptamine's (dank) supplements
Post by: Cgault on October 27, 2011, 04:49 am
I am pleased to offer my review of Trypt's custom compounded supplements. I have been a sucker for nutritional supplements for years, and I could never tell if they were doing me any good. Well, as an older person that partakes of certain fun substances, and not knowing what is good or bad for me, I noticed that I was getting a little run down from my experiments - that damn bitch Cousin Molly - yes yes, I know...

I saw Trypt's samples for Mind Food and Chill Pill and gave it a try. I was surprised that I started feeling much better after taking Mind Food for a week, and so I reordering. Best of all, by using Chill Pill, my sleep, which since childhood has been very uneven and fitful, has really been much better and my dreams, which tend towards cloudy and dark, both got much bettter - I started getting a good seven hours of sleep without the hangover of prescriptions (I have used Clonepin and Ativan, and they both are not good for you).

Without a doubt, the Chill Pills effect on me can in no way be caused by placebo action. I have had sleep issues for too many years, and have taken many pharama products to address this life long problem. The Mind Food is more subtle, but I noticed that when I ran out, sure enough, I started to experience my characteristic afternoon slump. So, I will be renewing my orders. I am still experimenting with the Think Deep caps - I am sure they are just as effective.

It seems that Tryptamine is a real, legitimate scientist with a practical specialty in compounding effective nutritional supplements for your brain. These are fairly pricey as supplements go, at around 1.70 per capsule, but at what price does one have access to custom designed nutritional enhancements that can effect a positive change in your life. Consider: the entire aisle at Wholefoods is filled with overpriced bottles of nothing, where the bottle costs more that the contents.       
Title: Re: Tryptamine's (dank) supplements
Post by: k4rts on December 31, 2011, 05:22 am
Bump so I can read more reviews 8)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's (dank) supplements
Post by: phatduck on January 28, 2012, 07:03 am
i bought a 24 pack of tryptamines mindfood capsules and i have been taking then after nights on crystal mdma and they seem to be helping. they wont alleviate the comedown alltogether but they certainly seemed to make it more manageable for me. thanks tryptamine!  :)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's (dank) supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on January 28, 2012, 06:34 pm
Try taking one a few hours before you take the MDxx, that should be more effective at attenuating adverse effects in the first place.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's (dank) supplements
Post by: Cgault on January 28, 2012, 08:11 pm
Now that's customer service! You are right, Trypt, excellent supplement for general mental and mood support.

The Chill Pills are really helping me sleep, without the terrible side effects of the Benzos, which even in small doses - I hate them -

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: phatduck on January 29, 2012, 12:19 am
i heard taking 5htp within 6-12 of taking mdxx could lesson the effects. someone said they took 5htp and then took some mdma not long after and it didnt work as well. that was just something i read on the internet though so i dont know if its true (and im no expert either). i think i read this on a bluelight  forum. what it also said was take 5htp the days before and after but not within about 12 hours. could this be right tryptamine?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on January 29, 2012, 08:22 am
I personally have not found that to be the case, although I don't take 5-HTP apart from in these supplements, which themselves don't even contain that much. I don't have much data on this apart from myself, if you try it let me know.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: phatduck on February 02, 2012, 04:44 am
yo tryptamine! where you at? i ordered some more mindfoods but no word from you.....
maybe your on holidays
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on February 02, 2012, 06:22 am
If I confirmed shipment I sent it. I almost always send within 2 days, sometimes international orders take a while.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: beetlejuice on February 12, 2012, 09:10 pm
what are the best supplements to take before and after use of cocaine?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Cgault on February 13, 2012, 04:20 am
I wanted to publicly thank Trypt for shipping the mindfood when I was just short the shipping. I settled up as soon as I could, but he shipped the order right away. Great supplements. Real supplements made by hand by a genuine scientist.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: element12 on February 13, 2012, 06:46 am
Hey Tryptamine, do you also go by NooTroph on
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: 72289 on February 13, 2012, 07:45 pm
Got the product. First off shipping and packaging is top notch.  Got to the mailbox I specificied within 3 business days and in the bottle Tryp said it would come in.  I won't lie the capsules are big, but not hard to swallow.  I took one and felt some relaxing effects, but I wanted to get some sleep.  After about an hour I took another and within 45 minutes was relaxed and asleep.  The dreams were fantastic!  Prior to falling asleep I'd compare how I felt to a light a benzo.  Definitely worth the price and I'll be back when these 24 run out.  When I do I'll PM you on here letting you know me SR user. :)

Thanks again!

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on March 09, 2012, 03:49 pm
Any more reviews?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on March 13, 2012, 11:32 pm
Hi, I'm SR username risky, I used one mind food pill last night to help comedown off a stimulant. I noticed a helpful effect after taking the pill for relaxing and calming down to get some sleep. I have to say honestly, it worked in a positive manner for 'me'. "Your" individual results may vary. But I am definitely interested in purchasing more in the future.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: werfelGB on March 14, 2012, 04:30 am
Okay, review time.

I bought a sample pack of Chill Pills a while back, and the other day I was getting pretty stressed out about some things going on, and decided I'd try one out (this was close to the time I went to sleep).  I didn't really know what to expect, but after a while I started feeling less tense, and the physical effects of my stress seemed less intense.  My mind was still whirring about some things, but physical I was feeling much better.  After a while I drifted off to sleep and I had some pretty vivid dreams that night.  I don't remember my dreams very often, it was pretty cool.  I'll try more in the future and follow-up this post.  Thanks for offering these, Tryptamine!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on March 19, 2012, 11:18 am
Also I wanted to add that I have had some incredible 'runner highs' recently after taking the mind food pills. So all you joggers out there should check trypt's pills out. Of course individuals results may vary, but god-damn I just may start to get addicted to running, heh.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: nastygirl on March 20, 2012, 09:41 pm
Hey I am new to SilkRoad and ordered Ritalin and Dexedrine from several sellers. I am waiting for their arrival so I can ration the few adderall pills my friend gave me to save my degree. I truly believe I am undiagnosed with ADHD and therefore I really needed this medication. I was wondering, however, whether these natural drugs you produce such as MindFood and ThinkDeep are actually good or better substitutes to Adderall and other cognitive stimulants. I don't want to be addicted to a stimulant, even though its really helping me at the moment, therefore I was hoping to get some deeper research on this alternative before ordering a batch. Thanks for the response in advance fellow SilkRoad users. I love you all.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Holly on March 21, 2012, 04:02 pm
I wanna hear what's up with the ThinkDeeps!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on March 21, 2012, 06:07 pm
I wrote a post about it a few months ago; since then I've reduced the amount of sulbutiamine and NALT and added CDP-choline, which is a nootropic source of choline and the nucleoside uridine, but the other ingredients are basically the same.


Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 11, 2012, 01:28 am
Any more reviews?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Horizons on April 11, 2012, 01:50 am
I've been flirting with the idea of buying some of Tryp's supplements for some time now. This thread is swaying me even closer to doing so. :)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on April 11, 2012, 02:40 am
Yo trypt, please put up some more mind food pills in your listings soon, I'll buy some, I swear. Scouts honor, hope to die and stick a needle in my eye, heh.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 11, 2012, 04:11 am
Out of MindFoods, low on everything else, I'm away for a few days but I'll have them up in time for the sale.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on April 11, 2012, 05:33 am
^ alright my mind will just have to diet til then ;D
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Caparino on April 16, 2012, 01:09 am
Can't wait to review these Think Deeps; since my first semester of college, I was hoping for a natural adderall... and now SR grants me that blessing too. TY Tryp  ;D
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: genghar on April 16, 2012, 01:27 am
Do you do bulk?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Caparino on April 16, 2012, 02:25 am
Do you do bulk?

Golden question

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: gimzolord on April 21, 2012, 06:44 am
hey i just baught some of the mind food and the think deep, with chill pill as the 420 sale freebie, i have read the info but im a bit lost on what they do individually with you. anybody mind clearing me up?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 22, 2012, 04:23 pm
MindFood is for protecting against neurotoxicity/hangovers and for general neurochemical support, ThinkDeep is for improving mental endurance, memory fomration and acquisition, and focus, and ChillPill is for relaxing, relieving headaches, falling asleep, and dreaming.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: gimzolord on April 23, 2012, 12:01 am
would mindfood be good to take before or after a spychadelic? because unless its mushrooms i always feel really outa it for ages after, does it help with that at all, sorry if im asking dumb question.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 23, 2012, 04:42 am
It may be better to take after the trip, since the mindfood may affect your experience. ThinkDeep is good to take with some psychedelics since it potentiates their while increasing your brain's capacity, but if you do you should start by taking half as large a dose of the psychedelic as you normally do.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: gimzolord on April 23, 2012, 05:06 am
arkay sweet thanks Tryptamine  :)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Caparino on April 23, 2012, 08:57 pm
Promptly received my ThinkDeep 24pack along with 5 FREE chillpills for processing delays! Thanks for your services Tryptamine; I'd always been looking for a natural adderall-like pill and hopefully this is it. No more permanent chemical imbalances for my brain :) Taking a thinkdeep now, will update with results!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Caparino on April 24, 2012, 03:27 am
Mixed ThinkDeep with LSD... Oh my word, Simply amazing. Now taking a ChillPill to nod off... I'll update on my how my sleep goes.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: gimzolord on April 24, 2012, 06:36 am
sweet i cant wait to try a low dose of shrooms with them :D
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 25, 2012, 04:23 am
It may be better to take after the trip, since the mindfood may affect your experience. ThinkDeep is good to take with some psychedelics since it potentiates their while increasing your brain's capacity, but if you do you should start by taking half as large a dose of the psychedelic as you normally do.

Oh heh, slight dilemma ... I'm taking mdma so I was planning to take some mindfood beforehand. Except about 3-4 hours into the trip I'm also planning to take 2c-i.

Should I just take the mindfood afterward?

I'm also getting some ThinkDeep capsules. Is it possible/safe to fit that in also?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 25, 2012, 05:02 am
It may be better to take after the trip, since the mindfood may affect your experience. ThinkDeep is good to take with some psychedelics since it potentiates their while increasing your brain's capacity, but if you do you should start by taking half as large a dose of the psychedelic as you normally do.

Oh heh, slight dilemma ... I'm taking mdma so I was planning to take some mindfood beforehand. Except about 3-4 hours into the trip I'm also planning to take 2c-i.

Should I just take the mindfood afterward?

I'm also getting some ThinkDeep capsules. Is it possible/safe to fit that in also?

You can try taking the ThinkDeep beforehand, but if you do you should use a smaller dose of psychedelics than you would have used otherwise.
You could also take the MindFood beforehand; depending on the drugs and your physiology your experience may vary, but it won't interact adversely.

Whatever you do, make sure you wait at least 20 minutes between taking my product and taking the drugs; taking them simultaneously can interfere with absorption.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 25, 2012, 05:20 am
It may be better to take after the trip, since the mindfood may affect your experience. ThinkDeep is good to take with some psychedelics since it potentiates their while increasing your brain's capacity, but if you do you should start by taking half as large a dose of the psychedelic as you normally do.

So you take ThinkDeep how long before taking a psychedelic? 20-30 minutes?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 25, 2012, 01:44 pm
It may be better to take after the trip, since the mindfood may affect your experience. ThinkDeep is good to take with some psychedelics since it potentiates their while increasing your brain's capacity, but if you do you should start by taking half as large a dose of the psychedelic as you normally do.

So you take ThinkDeep how long before taking a psychedelic? 20-30 minutes?

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 25, 2012, 10:49 pm
Got my 420 order of MindFood and ThinkDeep samples today ... can't wait to try them this weekend!

I'll be taking a MindFood 1 hour before MDMA and a ThinkDeep 30 minutes before a half dose of 2c-i (about 4 hours after the MDMA). It should be an awesome evening.

I'm also preloading with MindFood, taking 1 in the morning since yesterday (per Holly's recommendation). I'll let you know how it goes once I recover, hehe.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 29, 2012, 02:33 am
I had a good night taking more molly than I needed (150mg instead of 100mg). After preloading with Mind Food for 3 mornings in a row, I took it again 30 minutes before the roll.

Result: I woke up this morning with no hangover, rather  energized and wanting to go out to do things. I normally feel groggy with mind fog, and want to sleep in or nap (and this is on only 100mg of 80% dutch rather than 150mg of 84% dutch).

So if taking 1 before your roll doesn't seem to improve your morning after, try preloading for a few days also. I'm still feeling really good ... I also took some this morning when I woke up and will be taking it again tomorrow morning for a little post load repairs :-).

The ThinkDeep didn't impress me with the 2c-i (ended up not being able to experience anything on a half dose) but I'll be testing it with 25i.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on April 29, 2012, 02:49 am
Here's a review for ThinkDeep. I love to take these pills in the morning to start my day. They help me feel more alert and focused. They are a good 'pick-me-up' on days I'm not using stims. I've ordered a 24 pill bottle recently, and can't wait to try out the Chill Pill sample I'm getting too. And of course I love the MindFood pills. I'm definitely ordering more of those when they come in. The Mind Food work great after taking drugs like MXE  or M1 which can have a "hangover -like comedown effect". Awesome stuff all around Trypt. ;D
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 29, 2012, 05:14 pm
Hey Tryp, would there be any ill-effects if one were to take mindfood every day? Or in terms of long term use, how often would you suggest break periods and for how long?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Horizons on April 29, 2012, 10:24 pm
Hey Tryp, would there be any ill-effects if one were to take mindfood every day? Or in terms of long term use, how often would you suggest break periods and for how long?

This would be good to know. Might I extend the same questions to ThinkDeep and ChillPills as well?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: jollymolly on April 30, 2012, 02:56 am
First time coming across this and I'm very interested in trying. Just ordered a sample pack and will update with the results when I get them.

Will the ChillPills also help me fall asleep easier/earlier? Some days I go to sleep at 3 or 4 AM and it just messes up my entire sleep schedule.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 30, 2012, 03:56 am
Hey Tryp, would there be any ill-effects if one were to take mindfood every day? Or in terms of long term use, how often would you suggest break periods and for how long?

This would be good to know. Might I extend the same questions to ThinkDeep and ChillPills as well?

No, if anything it would be beneficial. I take at least one of my products every day and have noticed no ill effec

First time coming across this and I'm very interested in trying. Just ordered a sample pack and will update with the results when I get them.

Will the ChillPills also help me fall asleep easier/earlier? Some days I go to sleep at 3 or 4 AM and it just messes up my entire sleep schedule.

You should usually be able to fall asleep within half an hour of taking one, although individuals may vary; I only need one, but I'm not very massive, and others have reported success with two.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 30, 2012, 04:30 am
When will MindFood be back in stock?  ;)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 30, 2012, 04:48 am
Right now.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 30, 2012, 05:02 pm
Sweet. Wish I could afford to take it every day. It's my first morning in a week that I stopped taking it and I feel tired. I still feel good, just tired, like the weekend is finally catching up on me.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on April 30, 2012, 06:27 pm
I may start selling larger quantities (60-bottles) within the next month.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on April 30, 2012, 06:52 pm
60 is a little much, 4 year's worth?

I was thinking 5's and 10's. Or maybe an extra bottle for every so many purchases like the deal you had for the 420 sale.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on April 30, 2012, 08:54 pm
I may start selling larger quantities (60-bottles) within the next month.

Awesome news!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on May 04, 2012, 04:40 am
Here's a review of chill pills. I got a 3 pill sample with my 24 bottle of think deeps. I have taken 1 chill pill each on 2 separate nights. I like the fact they have an effect of physical calmness and relaxation, but the weird thing is for me they kind of have a mental stimulating effect as I'm trying to sleep. Its like my mind was racing as I was trying to sleep. Which I guess is supposed to happen in a way, if you read their description.. The dreams were strange in that I was dreaming that I was sleeping.

For example, one dream I had I was on a family trip in a motel room with various family members in the room visiting me. In the dream I was sleeping on a long couch in the room, and various family members would come up to me and ask me how was I sleeping, and asking questions like, "Are you enjoying your sleep?", and How's the nap going?". So it was like a dream in a dream thing like the Inception movie, lol. In fact I remember this time I had to get up to pee, and I was woken up because in the dream the motel room was by a pool and some kids in the pool were splashing water on me thru a window while I was trying to sleep in my dream. And If you remember Inception, if someone has to pee, water effects like rain would be involved in their dream, lol.

So I guess this is a kind of 'sideways' review, In that I like the physical effects of the chill pills for sleep, but the mental racing is "Iffy" for me. Maybe that effect is more like a personal chemistry thing for me. And I must admit that the mornings after taking the chill pills, I felt fully rested and, felt I had full deep REM sleeps. So those aspects are good. To tell the truth,the mind food pills had physical and mental relaxing qualities for me to get a good sleep too. I think I might prefer to take those before bed time. If I buy another 24 or bigger bottle, I will give chill pills another chance perhaps as a sample. But think deeps and mind foods are good enough for the effects I want so far.

So overall, I have to give the chill pills so far a truthful sideways thumb and a 'meh'... but like I said I will try them again in the future, just for experiments sake to see if there are more positive results possible.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 04, 2012, 06:46 am
There is ultimately a trade-off between deep, refreshing sleep and the REM 'paradoxical sleep' in which dreams occur; ChillPill favors the former over the latter. When I first conceived of the ChillPills I knew less of dreaming than I do now; I no longer advertise it as a dreaming pill, and the next batch will have an updated formula that will attenuate the mind racing.

I'm also developing a new pill for lucid dreaming which I will have done within a couple weeks, I'll send you a sample as thanks for your review.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: risky2 on May 04, 2012, 05:08 pm
^ ok cool trypt, yeah a lucid dreaming pill sounds damn interesting :)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Pants on May 04, 2012, 07:11 pm
Tried some thinkdeep pills and they helped alleviate my exam-period adderall binge. I also had no hangover after doing acid, not even any post trip 'weirdness' the next day.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: l1llykins on May 04, 2012, 07:18 pm
I'd be up for some lucid dreaming, that sounds cool.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: jollymolly on May 05, 2012, 12:19 am
Got my sample pack really quick earlier this week. Tried the ThinkDeeps two days in a row right after breakfast but didn't seem to feel or notice anything different. Took a ChillPill last night at around 1AM and woke up at 8:45AM extremely refreshed. I don't think I have ever woken up that energized and ready to go to start my day! Definitely gonna buy some more and maybe get a few more ThinkDeeps to try for a longer time period.

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 05, 2012, 12:31 am
Got my sample pack really quick earlier this week. Tried the ThinkDeeps two days in a row right after breakfast but didn't seem to feel or notice anything different. Took a ChillPill last night at around 1AM and woke up at 8:45AM extremely refreshed. I don't think I have ever woken up that energized and ready to go to start my day! Definitely gonna buy some more and maybe get a few more ThinkDeeps to try for a longer time period.

I'd advise against taking them right after a large meal; doing so may interfere with absorption.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: pine on May 05, 2012, 02:33 am
I'm glad you're on SR Tryptamine, I think you're serving a very useful purpose. In a small way certainly, but an important way nonetheless. I hope to see a diverse cadre of similar vendors supplying you with competition ;-)

I am not referring to helping people potentially reduce headaches/lower energy levels/being dope sick etc, nor to the notion of validating SR's existence by virtue of being a vendor that sells legal products (legal, but that doesn't mean they're in malls). Those are worthy thoughts, but not the main thing.

I think nootropics are going to become very, very big in the 21st century, and on balance result in huge dividends to the world. For the same reason that tiny companies often dance circles around larger and more powerful ones, I think black/grey-market empirical work will lead the way. The mainstream pharma and regulatory authorities are too sluggish to envision the possibilities, in the same sense that NASA technically has all the possible firepower and know-how to push at the limits, and yet somehow in practice has failed to do so for a very long time. If anything it's amazing they've achieved this much with so little, I don't intend to bash them too hard, their intentions were good and they are very far from stupid. But you know what they say about intentions. They are worthless, sad but true.

Regulatory frameworks in particular, are frequently the death knell for scientific enterprise. Most major pharmaceutical companies today have one or two drugs that work, and a legion of copycat drugs and placebos. Whatever the reason, it is certain that progress has been retarded somehow for quite some time. People like Sasha Shulgin are rare, and it seems to me their incredible effectiveness at producing results has a hell of a lot to do with their unorthodox, often unique perspective. I mean, one Shulgin is worth ten or twenty thousand pharmacologists and I really mean that, it is literally that kind of disparity. Sometimes it's not about doing it right or wrong, or even thinking like Dr Shuglin (which would miss the point), but simply doing it differently.

There's a host of intelligent young men and women in pharmacology and the medical sciences today, close to completely wasting their potential by too narrowly focusing on harm prevention and curatives. I see Nootropics, with respect to pharmacology, as being as fundamental as the invention of negative numbers or zero in mathematics. They are the other half of the picture, not a mere peripheral detail or curiosity for the more hypochondriac among us.

It's not necessarily about actually inventing some new chemical either, a change of perspective in the scientific community and among practitioners is the majority of the battle. So; keep the ball rolling. Needless to say the demand is infinite and supply of good answers negligible, so there's always the potential for uber success, wealth and fame! Let me know if you eventually float an IPO :D
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 05, 2012, 04:59 pm
I'm glad you're on SR Tryptamine, I think you're serving a very useful purpose. In a small way certainly, but an important way nonetheless. I hope to see a diverse cadre of similar vendors supplying you with competition ;-)

I wouldn't necessarily be opposed, but I don't see it happening. As a vendor it's exceedingly difficult to get the first few people to take the plunge and spend the money on something they don't know will work. Apart from that, designing the products is extremely intensive, from reading studies to selecting ingredients to determining proportions to compounding the capsules and designing the packaging. It's far easier and more profitable to sell illegal drugs, and most profitable to sell drugs like heroin and crack cocaine.
There's another vendor who's selling something similar to MindFood, which hasn't gotten any purchases (admittedly my MindFood is probably much better; I use ingredients that no nutraceutical company would ever dream of spending money on).

I am not referring to helping people potentially reduce headaches/lower energy levels/being dope sick etc, nor to the notion of validating SR's existence by virtue of being a vendor that sells legal products (legal, but that doesn't mean they're in malls). Those are worthy thoughts, but not the main thing.

I think nootropics are going to become very, very big in the 21st century, and on balance result in huge dividends to the world. For the same reason that tiny companies often dance circles around larger and more powerful ones, I think black/grey-market empirical work will lead the way. The mainstream pharma and regulatory authorities are too sluggish to envision the possibilities, in the same sense that NASA technically has all the possible firepower and know-how to push at the limits, and yet somehow in practice has failed to do so for a very long time. If anything it's amazing they've achieved this much with so little, I don't intend to bash them too hard, their intentions were good and they are very far from stupid. But you know what they say about intentions. They are worthless, sad but true.

Regulatory frameworks in particular, are frequently the death knell for scientific enterprise. Most major pharmaceutical companies today have one or two drugs that work, and a legion of copycat drugs and placebos. Whatever the reason, it is certain that progress has been retarded somehow for quite some time. People like Sasha Shulgin are rare, and it seems to me their incredible effectiveness at producing results has a hell of a lot to do with their unorthodox, often unique perspective. I mean, one Shulgin is worth ten or twenty thousand pharmacologists and I really mean that, it is literally that kind of disparity. Sometimes it's not about doing it right or wrong, or even thinking like Dr Shuglin (which would miss the point), but simply doing it differently.

I agree with all that;  I'd go further and say that the pharmaceutical industry's products actively promote chronic disease, and along with environmental toxins and terrible diets are the reason why everyone today is ill but nobody thinks anything of it. So long as pharma continues advertising to consumers and disparaging the use of orthomolecular and herbal substances (which are much less harmful and can be effective than pharmaceutical drugs, when used mindfully), people will continue to think in terms of something being 'wrong' with them, that pharma will 'fix', like a broken machine in need of repair. My ultimate goal is to overcome this prolific perversion of the truth, and to empower others to make supplements as well, or at least know enough to take them intelligently (since actually designing novel blends takes a lot of research and access to (scientific) information that is not available to most people).

There's a host of intelligent young men and women in pharmacology and the medical sciences today, close to completely wasting their potential by too narrowly focusing on harm prevention and curatives. I see Nootropics, with respect to pharmacology, as being as fundamental as the invention of negative numbers or zero in mathematics. They are the other half of the picture, not a mere peripheral detail or curiosity for the more hypochondriac among us.

That describes most 'scientists' I encountered at university. Everyone wants to be a heroic doctor like in the TV shows. They don't want to hear that malpractice laws, insurance policies, pharmaceutical benefits, and government mandate will dictate everything they do; they'd rather spend a quarter million and the best decade of their lives on the straight-and-narrow path which they think will at least guarantee them wealth and prestige.

It's not necessarily about actually inventing some new chemical either, a change of perspective in the scientific community and among practitioners is the majority of the battle. So; keep the ball rolling. Needless to say the demand is infinite and supply of good answers negligible, so there's always the potential for uber success, wealth and fame! Let me know if you eventually float an IPO :D

Probably no IPO for a while, if at all; I'd rather not draw attention to my 'real' self for as long as possible (or until I leave the US). As for a change in perspective, you might be reading a book of mine in the next couple of years.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: TFMP on May 08, 2012, 11:23 am
Just made a small order to try it out, sounds very interesting.

I'm a bit unclear of what the difference between the "Protect against MDMA" and the "Mind Food" is. Could you explain Tryptamine? Thanks!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 08, 2012, 01:55 pm
Just made a small order to try it out, sounds very interesting.

I'm a bit unclear of what the difference between the "Protect against MDMA" and the "Mind Food" is. Could you explain Tryptamine? Thanks!

They're the same thing, just two different listings.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Kappacino on May 08, 2012, 02:01 pm
The Mind-Food is great for the MDMA comedown. In fact, any sort of comedown. Either that, or its a brilliant placebo :)

But seriously, I put my faith in this product. There's still some comedown as there always will be with MDMA but this reduced it from "OH JESUS CHRIST LIFE IS SHIT" to "UGghggh..... I'll see what's on TV". Definitely worthy the money imo. Haven't had a chance to try the chillpill/thinkdeep.

Tryp, would these be worth taking on a comedown? Or is the mind food the only one that is designed to deal with neurotoxicity and replenishing vitamins?

I think you could do well by marketing pills SPECIFICALLY as MDMA comedown or Coke comedown etc. If you did the research as I'm sure you have into what is best for each individual comedown and then marketed them as such, it might appeal to more people. Because at the moment people see "nootropics" and they might just not be into that vibe. Whereas headshops sell the same products as "after C" cocaine comedown pills and their sales go through the roof
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 08, 2012, 03:30 pm
The Mind-Food is great for the MDMA comedown. In fact, any sort of comedown. Either that, or its a brilliant placebo :)

But seriously, I put my faith in this product. There's still some comedown as there always will be with MDMA but this reduced it from "OH JESUS CHRIST LIFE IS SHIT" to "UGghggh..... I'll see what's on TV". Definitely worthy the money imo. Haven't had a chance to try the chillpill/thinkdeep.

Tryp, would these be worth taking on a comedown? Or is the mind food the only one that is designed to deal with neurotoxicity and replenishing vitamins?

ChillPill may be good to take on the comedown, although it may sedate you somewhat. All of my capsules protect against neurotoxicity, although MindFood is probably the most effective for that purpose. Taking a ThinkDeep the day after may also help.

I think you could do well by marketing pills SPECIFICALLY as MDMA comedown or Coke comedown etc. If you did the research as I'm sure you have into what is best for each individual comedown and then marketed them as such, it might appeal to more people. Because at the moment people see "nootropics" and they might just not be into that vibe. Whereas headshops sell the same products as "after C" cocaine comedown pills and their sales go through the roof

My first listing, almost a year ago, was under 'MDMA' (it's still up), advertising the MindFoods. I don't take cocaine and don't personally know anyone who does where I am, and it'd be difficult for me to test a capsule designed to alleviate comedown from it without knowing how that feels (abstract scientific information can only go so far). MindFood would probably be effective at alleviating comedown from cocaine aswell, although if I thought about it I could probably deisgn a slightly more suitable blend for that. At the moment, however, demand constantly exceeds production (I rarely have all my listings up) and I'm not really trying to advertise. Thanks for the advice, though.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Horizons on May 09, 2012, 12:52 am
Hey Tryp, I have a question. Feel free to tell me to fuck off if you don't want to answer.

Who do you choose to sell your perfectly legal product on SR? Wouldn't you be able to reach out to a broader customer base (plus get rid of the hassle of money laundering) by selling on the white market?

Obviously I'm not complaining, but I'm curious as to your personal reasons.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 09, 2012, 02:17 am
Hey Tryp, I have a question. Feel free to tell me to fuck off if you don't want to answer.

Who do you choose to sell your perfectly legal product on SR? Wouldn't you be able to reach out to a broader customer base (plus get rid of the hassle of money laundering) by selling on the white market?

Obviously I'm not complaining, but I'm curious as to your personal reasons.

I joined SR and became a vendor before it cost money, and before I had anything to sell. I began selling my capsules here a couple months later, and ever since I've been selling more than I can make. SR provides me with an unlimited number of potential customers (people who already take drugs, and people who have money to spend), and I've done no online advertising except post on the forum. I get feedback from people who buy the products, and continuously modify them as a result.
Also, although my products don't contain any illegal ingredients, and to my knowledge no law prohibits me from recombining them and selling them, I imagine that there are people in power who would be hostile to what I'm doing, and I'd rather not attract attention if possible.
Finally, selling on SR I feel that I'm actually preventing/reversing brain damage (and probably other pathologies) and improving people's lives, as opposed to most neuroscientists, who end up doing the opposite (or nothing).
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: TFMP on May 09, 2012, 07:34 am
Just made a small order to try it out, sounds very interesting.

I'm a bit unclear of what the difference between the "Protect against MDMA" and the "Mind Food" is. Could you explain Tryptamine? Thanks!

They're the same thing, just two different listings.

Thanks for clarifying. I see you also list Melatonin powder, I usually use the 5mg TR from Natrol and they work pretty well. I also like that they contain a lot of B6. Is there an advantage from one over the other?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Horizons on May 09, 2012, 01:52 pm
Hey Tryp, I have a question. Feel free to tell me to fuck off if you don't want to answer.

Who do you choose to sell your perfectly legal product on SR? Wouldn't you be able to reach out to a broader customer base (plus get rid of the hassle of money laundering) by selling on the white market?

Obviously I'm not complaining, but I'm curious as to your personal reasons.

I joined SR and became a vendor before it cost money, and before I had anything to sell. I began selling my capsules here a couple months later, and ever since I've been selling more than I can make. SR provides me with an unlimited number of potential customers (people who already take drugs, and people who have money to spend), and I've done no online advertising except post on the forum. I get feedback from people who buy the products, and continuously modify them as a result.
Also, although my products don't contain any illegal ingredients, and to my knowledge no law prohibits me from recombining them and selling them, I imagine that there are people in power who would be hostile to what I'm doing, and I'd rather not attract attention if possible.
Finally, selling on SR I feel that I'm actually preventing/reversing brain damage (and probably other pathologies) and improving people's lives, as opposed to most neuroscientists, who end up doing the opposite (or nothing).

Thank you very much for the explanation. You have an interesting view on neuroscience.

I have to say, you seem like an all-around outstanding person. :) I'm going to order a sample, and hopefully this will be the beginning of a lasting commercial relationship.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 20, 2012, 07:29 am
Any more reviews?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: war on May 20, 2012, 07:39 am
Any more reviews?

Hey buddy, I think you have listed this before but what is your daily routine of supplements and how have they benefited you over time?  Like I have been saying I will be putting in an order with you soon and want to know which products I need to pick up and when I need to take them.  Festival season is also coming up for me so I will be taking a lot of LSD/MDMA etc..
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Mind-Enhancing Supplements
Post by: Tryptamine on May 21, 2012, 12:15 am
Any more reviews?

Hey buddy, I think you have listed this before but what is your daily routine of supplements and how have they benefited you over time?  Like I have been saying I will be putting in an order with you soon and want to know which products I need to pick up and when I need to take them.  Festival season is also coming up for me so I will be taking a lot of LSD/MDMA etc..

I take vitamin C with citrus flavonoids a few times a day, sublingual methylcobalamin (methyl-B12) in the morning, and vitamin D with cofactors and metals if I haven't gotten much sun. I also take one of my capsules almost every day.

I haven't been to many festivals, but C + flavanoids and MindFood have worked perfectly in the past for such purposes.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: poolsclosed on May 22, 2012, 04:50 am
Since you sent me the sample pack I've been taking the time to note the behavior of these pills as best as I can. I took ChillPill without taking my prescriptions (except my mood stabilizer, lamotrigine, for obvious reasons) as well as with them. ThinkDeep I didn't get to test 100% sober because of life circumstances. Although 2 ChillPill and 2 ThinkDeep aren't enough to get a huge range of experiences, I've made some decent notes.

I take two multivitamins a day, one generic and basic one in the morning and one complete and amino-acid supported one at night. I also take fish oil, 2000IU Vitamin D, and 50-100mg of 5-HTP every night. I take 10mg of Adderall XR every morning as needed, and 200mg lamotrigine every night. I am a type 1 diabetic.

ChillPill sober:
Alone it wasn't very sedating, nor did I find it affected my dreams or wakefulness the next day. I didn't experience any side effects, though.
On the other hand, when taken with 5mg of melatonin (about an hour after taking ChillPill) I found that it took some of the unpleasant side effects I experience on melatonin (primarily dry eyes and a "stoned" feeling) and kicked them right out of the door. Additionally the sedation from melatonin was boosted and it was quite glowy. Again, no extra restfulness or dream effects, but the combination was almost as sedating as 1mg of alprazolam or 75mg of diphenhydramine, and much less harmful to my body.

ChillPill on methylphenidate, 4-fluoroamphetamine, alprazolam, and cannabis:
I was the DD for my friend and he was staying up late at a party, much to my dismay. I kept bumping MPH (crushed concerta) until I ran out, even though I don't like the stuff, then I took a bunch of 4-FA since it was the only other stimulant I had at the time, even though 4-FA doesn't exactly leave the body quickly nor does it actually keep me up well enough. To make a long story short I was a little strung out, and when I got home I needed to relax. So I cleared out a bowl my roommates and I had left out, even though I'm not a habitual smoker whatsoever, and I took 1mg of alprazolam as well as ChillPill and 5mg of melatonin as usual.
Even though I normally get more strung out when smoking with stimulants in my body (strangely especially if I'm taking a benzo), the ChillPill and melatonin took all of that away, and I was quite properly calmed and sedated and able to sleep sufficiently that night.

ChillPill Summary:
I give ChillPill a 7/10, but taken with melatonin an 8/10. Would have liked to have seen more effects on my sleep itself but then again maybe I need to buy more and take it regularly? Either way, it's a much healthier alternative to benzos and a great addition to my nighttime vitamins! It also makes other sedatives go a long way... I didn't need the entire 1mg of alprazolam, that's for sure.

ThinkDeep on 2C-B, Adderall, cannabis, MXE, 4-FA, ketamine, and GHB:
I didn't notice any cognitive benefit from this one. I've never supplemented with piracetam or other nootropics before so I can't compare this to others' nootropic regimens. No extra concentration, no improved memory, no extra quickness or anything like that. I had my sober, unstimulated mind.
However I did notice that my energy levels were a bit higher, as was my endurance when biking. It was actually quite refreshing.
On the other hand, my blood glucose levels were high that day, despite no change in diet. The glucose uptake sales point is unsettlingly accurate for a diabetic. I'm not sure if I can fit ThinkDeep into my daily regimen because of this fact.
On a lighter note, ThinkDeep potentated 2C-B well. I took it 4 hours before I took 2 of foxymeow's 2C-B smarties (12mg 2C-B and 5mg noopept each) and 5mg of a crushed Adderall XR. The euphoria was much greater than my previous 2C-B experiences, and 2C-B is already a smile-inducing drug. I was absolutely giddy with laughter! I also had greater insight than before. I take 2C-B to learn about myself and to address flaws in my personality or my thinking, and I was able to find much more value in my trip. I also spent lots of time with friends on this trip and had an absolutely amazing time - my best 2C-B experience yet. I smoked a lot that night and the CEVs were even more cartoonish and incredible than usual. I also took GHB and ketamine at the end of my peak and the serene bliss was incredible. I'm pretty sure I can thank ThinkDeep for adding a sort of a +1 to everything I took that night. Needless to say the sunrise was great.
I didn't notice anything different about MXE, by the way. I also felt that 4-FA seemed to be a little less effective than it normally would be; however, I have never taken 4-FA during a trip before so it might be that the serotonin activity that 4-FA provides was either redundant or counterproductive. I simply took it for the body high and to stay awake on cannabis, but it wasn't much of a boon.

ThinkDeep on Adderall, methylphenidate (crushed concerta again), and modafinil:
I had a long shift, lots of studying and homework to do, and a final to take. I was also sleep-deprived, so I took no chances: I combined low doses of all of my narcolepsy meds as well as a ThinkDeep to get the most out of my inventory to get through the day.
Again my BG levels were high, and my energy and endurance were boosted. No cognitive boost over what I would have had, unfortunately.
However, another pleasant effect: normally methylphenidate has a terrible crash that I despise, and modafinil gives me general anxiety and very bad jitters. I was not happy with the idea of combining these drugs, but I couldn't afford to take a large dose of Adderall, and I also didn't want to be too hyper, and these two medications are less energetic than Adderall for me. So there we are, I was on a stimulant cocktail and not too happy about it. And yet ThinkDeep had the most profound effect of almost completely eliminating the methylphenidate comedown and the modafinil anxiety; it worked best on the methylphenidate but it was nice to have less jitters from the modafinil too.

ThinkDeep Summary:
I give ThinkDeep a 5/10 on its own (from what I can tell from the ~4 hours of it without being drugged), but a 9/10 when taken with practically any other psychoactive. Alone it's a nice addition to my vitamin regimen but nothing particularly special, and it has the unpleasant side effect of making my BG unstable, but it enhances practically any drug in a positive way. I think I heard that you are supposed to take half as much of your regular psychedelic dose when taking ThinkDeep, but I think that isn't necessarily true - my trip was not more intense than it normally would be, but it was certainly more pleasant and insightful. Tread carefully, but don't worry too much.

I plan on taking MindFood with MDA sometime in the near future and I'll report back. I will likely be taking it at the beginning of the roll, and taking fluoxetine and my regular post-load regiment after the roll. I only have the 1 pill so I'll do my best to be objective!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: Tryptamine on May 22, 2012, 06:28 am
Wow, thanks for the thorough reviews. I'll give you a nice discount if/when you order again.

I have heard of mixed (although overall positive) results with the ChillPill. It works better for people who have more severe problems falling asleep, or who have taken stimulants or the like. Part of the problem may be the 5-HTP; I've since reduced the amount I use in the capsule, and have added TriMethylGlycine, which when degraded into glycine has a generalized sedative, inhibitory, and adaptogenic effect similar to that of GABA. I will also include blue vervain extract in the next ChillPill, which should augment its sedative effects. The first version of the ChillPill included melatonin, but I have since removed it because it is too potent and general in its effects for me to use it in a supplement that people might take daily. Also, many (if not most) people here probably already have their own melatonin.

With ThinkDeep the effects are more subtle. It's not like amphetamine where you take it and your thinking changes; rather, it expands the capabilities of your mind without pushing you in any direction. If you're not doing something cognitively demanding you may not feel like anything's different; if you take a stimulant or a psychedelic the effects become apparent. I'm adding noopept to the next version, which might make it more noticeable on its own.
That's interesting about the blood glucose; P5P would facilitate cleavage of glycogen into glucose and NALT is slightly adrenergic, but sulbutiamine and Na-R-ALA would maximize oxidation of pyruvic acid, which would drive glycolysis, as would piracetam. Taking stimulants concurrently may have amplified the first set of effects.
As for the 4-FA, I've long suspected that is neurotoxic or at least toxic to the proteins to which it binds, due to the fluoride; if that is the case, the de-potentiation might reflect an attenuation of its toxicity. Of course, this is pure speculation. Either way, I wouldn't take it.

Don't take MindFood at the same time as the MDA, it may attenuate its effects. Take it either before or afterward.

On a personal note, I'd suggest you stop taking fish oil, and start taking coconut oil instead.

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: poolsclosed on May 22, 2012, 07:57 pm
Wow, thanks for the thorough reviews. I'll give you a nice discount if/when you order again.
I REALLY appreciate that. I was enjoying both supplements and the discount is a great incentive to order a larger amount so I can test them more thoroughly. Another 5 of each probably wouldn't cut it for long-term analysis.

I have heard of mixed (although overall positive) results with the ChillPill. It works better for people who have more severe problems falling asleep, or who have taken stimulants or the like. Part of the problem may be the 5-HTP; I've since reduced the amount I use in the capsule, and have added TriMethylGlycine, which when degraded into glycine has a generalized sedative, inhibitory, and adaptogenic effect similar to that of GABA. I will also include blue vervain extract in the next ChillPill, which should augment its sedative effects. The first version of the ChillPill included melatonin, but I have since removed it because it is too potent and general in its effects for me to use it in a supplement that people might take daily. Also, many (if not most) people here probably already have their own melatonin.
I noted that it contained 5-HTP and took less of my regular 5-HTP supplement as a result. In general 5-HTP is a bit stimulating so I used to take it in the morning, but after reading that body repair takes place at night and that I should take 5-HTP at night I started doing that. I don't think I noticed a difference, but if it's mildly stimulating then I can see why it might take away some of the sedation. Probably a wise idea.

With ThinkDeep the effects are more subtle. It's not like amphetamine where you take it and your thinking changes; rather, it expands the capabilities of your mind without pushing you in any direction. If you're not doing something cognitively demanding you may not feel like anything's different; if you take a stimulant or a psychedelic the effects become apparent. I'm adding noopept to the next version, which might make it more noticeable on its own.
I was actually doing cognitively demanding things - when I'm not on SR I'm basically working or studying non-stop. I've maybe 2 hours of a free time, tops, a night, which I spend checking email and keeping up to date on these forums. I feel that if there is a cognitive boost to be had, it's something that takes more time and regularity. Even if there isn't, having some ThinkDeeps on hand would be great for trips or for those generally stressful days where I have no choice but to abuse my body with stimulant cocktails.

Also, I'm glad to hear you're adding noopept! I've enjoyed my experience with it so far in the form of those 2C-B smarties from foxymeow.

That's interesting about the blood glucose; P5P would facilitate cleavage of glycogen into glucose and NALT is slightly adrenergic, but sulbutiamine and Na-R-ALA would maximize oxidation of pyruvic acid, which would drive glycolysis, as would piracetam. Taking stimulants concurrently may have amplified the first set of effects.
Yes, stimulants have some sort of effect on my BG too. The doctors say "no no no, they don't, they're fine!" but I have become convinced that, at least when it comes to general practitioners, I know better. When I'm on a stimulant binge I find myself constantly pushing my BG down or scrambling to keep it up, fasting or not. However ThinkDeep exacerbated this without a doubt, at least, in the hyperglycemic direction.

Actually, thinking about it, perhaps the mental fog from hyperglycemia counteracted the potential boost ThinkDeep could have given me. If I can find a way to keep my BG more in check on ThinkDeep it might have more to offer me. Again, more testing is needed.

As for the 4-FA, I've long suspected that is neurotoxic or at least toxic to the proteins to which it binds, due to the fluoride; if that is the case, the de-potentiation might reflect an attenuation of its toxicity. Of course, this is pure speculation. Either way, I wouldn't take it.
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of 4-FA anymore either. It's useless as a study aid (scatterbain), as a narcolepsy remedy (too relaxing compared to other amphs), or an ecstasy replacement (nowhere near as magical as MDMA). It's cheap, but not worthwhile... neurotoxic or not, it doesn't do any one thing spectacularly, at least for me.

Don't take MindFood at the same time as the MDA, it may attenuate its effects. Take it either before or afterward.
Ah, noted. I thought it would need time to absorb. I just want to use it best for post-loading, so perhaps I should take it at the same time as fluoxetine and whatnot?

On a personal note, I'd suggest you stop taking fish oil, and start taking coconut oil instead.
Duly noted, although I'll look into it more before I throw out the rest of my fish oil capsules! :) Thank you.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: herbaman on May 24, 2012, 03:13 pm
My take Tryptamine's supplements

Chill pill : Tried after a hard MDMA trip before going to sleep, the  comedown rustiness was gone and instead felt a mellow cushion.
Nice sleep, woke up much refreshed than without. 8/10

As a stand alone I tied 3 pills within a interval of 4 hours, It wasn't a buzz like with benzo's which I missed, but i was chillaxxed so much the most critical shit in my life looked like shit.

Mind food : Used after countless LSD,MDMA,NBOME trip . Clarity seems to raise like a crystal ball till you can feel the fog cleared. Another factor I noticed was in many comedowns, I usually forget my cherished thought loops, with this I could clearly remember
them.  9 /10

Think Deep : I have just started researching nootropics, and I think this combo is god send. Used standalone I felt better connecting dots with it. Tried a "attack dose", ended with a head ache. Used in recommended dosage felt a significant difference. 9/10
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: poolsclosed on June 06, 2012, 04:07 pm
I'd like to take time to update my reviews of your products. The same preface applies, nothing much has changed in my lifestyle since last time. I've had a chance to try MindFood, although I think I misused it because I took it after my doses rather than before.

MindFood - after MDMA, cannabis, and alcohol (with ChillPill)
I was invited to an apartment party by a group of friends who were all going to roll. They were taking huge amounts (250mg to 400mg) of some weird street molly that was cut with cinnamon of all things. I decided to show them up by taking 100mg of SKYY's MDMA to show them how to roll.
I generally take a vitamin regimen that resembles preloading, in case that helps.
Anyway I took my point orally and smoked some and went to the party and had a few drinks. Basically I was riding a good buzz and having a great time. I stayed up until 3am rolling, and at the end I was pretty tired.
I went home and took a MindFood, a ChillPill, 5mg of melatonin, and my postloading regimen, then went to bed.
The next day I had absolutely no drain, no hangover, nothing. I had restful sleep and felt great! I definitely feel that the MindFood helped. I will try to take it before rolling next time.

ThinkDeep - an update with psychedelics
I tested ThinkDeep with various compounds that I intended to trip on. I generally took ThinkDeep an hour or two before taking my dose.
WITH 2C-P: I took 10mg of 2C-P and waited for the comeup to happen and I went out that night. Comeup took 3 full hours, peak occurred at about five hours in. I was at a steady ++ the entire night, and very few people I met had any indication that I was tripping. I felt no nausea or anxiety or generally body load at all. It was a mild and pleasant trip. 2C-P is already a long trip but I think that it lasted even longer, by a few hours, because of ThinkDeep. My mild trip lasted about 16 hours. In general I think that ThinkDeep made 2C-P smoother and longer, but not more trippy. This correlates with my 2C-B experience, which was also more pleasant but not more trippy.
WITH SHROOMS: I took 4.5g of some cubes on a relatively empty stomach and my comeup took about 45 minutes total. I was peaking at an hour in. Again I found that the unpleasant effects, such as nausea and anxiety, were almost completely absent. But strangely, I found that the trippiness was actually reduced from my earlier experiences with 3.5g. I was barely at a +++, and could have passed for sober to anyone I didn't talk to. After about half an hour of my peak, I smoked a bowl and sprinkled some salvia leaf on top to blast off to space. Now THIS was trippy. I experienced a new reality and was unable to move for parts of my trip. I tripped for a good 8 hours at least, and had a wonderful time. This deviates from my PEA experiences with ThinkDeep because of how trippy it got with weed and salvia (again, just the leaf, the "1x"). I think that if I had not smoked, I would have had a more mild than usual trip.
WITH KETAMINE: in limited experimentation, I feel that ThinkDeep made the ketamine headspace even more peaceful. My IM doses lasted longer. I wasn't noting my experience as much during my use of ketamine with ThinkDeep, so I apologize.

My hesitant conclusion is that ThinkDeep, at least for me, makes psychedelics last longer and takes away unpleasant side effects, but it may reduce "trippiness," particularly visuals. It makes smoking on psychedelics less intimidating and much more rewarding for me, though.

ThinkDeep - daily use
I decided that I would take ThinkDeep daily for a few days to note the effects of repeated use. I had basically normal days, where I took ThinkDeep in the morning with my light breakfast, morning vitamins, and prescription Adderall.
In regards to the effects on my blood glucose: I can confirm that ThinkDeep definitely makes my BG higher. However, it's quite manageable with more frequent checking and the use of my insulin pump, and by no means a great danger. I think the effect comes from that glucose uptake feature Trypt lists. I feel like, especially with grains, my glucose sensitivity was much higher (i.e. a gram of carbohydrates made my blood sugar rise by more than it normally would). Adjusting diet and other factors might make this a benefit rather than a detriment.
In general I found that my energy levels and endurance were increased. I was able to pedal harder and faster on my bike and I was more wakeful during the day. I got more done and felt great.
On the other hand, I noticed no cognitive improvement at all. No detriment, but no improvement. I would not use ThinkDeep as a study supplement, personally. It seems more suitable for fitness.
I can also confirm that ThinkDeep helps reduce the unpleasant side effects of stimulant use for me.

ThinkDeep summary
I feel that ThinkDeep is an excellent supplement, not a useful tool on its own. In other words, ThinkDeep makes everything I take better, but on its own it doesn't have much significant benefit. However, I am constantly taking vitamins and psychedelics and stimulants, and as a result I find that ThinkDeep has the greatest potential for regular use in my life; if not daily, then at least frequently.

ChillPill thoughts
I have no reports to give for ChillPill, besides the aforementioned one combined with MindFood. However I have some general info about my use of it.
It continues to potentate melatonin and other sedatives. I have found that it makes a great comedown tool for stimulants and that it reduces anxiety well when combined with DPH.
I also continue to notice that it does not change my dreams as far as I can tell.
Restfulness seems to be increased after using ChillPill, but not by leaps and bounds. It's more like a glow. I still need the same amount of sleep that I normally do.

However I want to raise a concern with ChillPill that I mean to share only in the hope of helping myself get the most out of it and to understand why this sort of thing is happening.

I think I have become dependent on ChillPill. I took it every night for a few nights in a row and since then I have had regular insomnia. I have only been getting a few hours of sleep a night since then. Strangely, I don't feel extremely tired during the day, just fatigued. However my mornings are quite unpleasant. Lying awake for hours on end is not pleasant either. Taking melatonin, DPH, or xanax does not help. Perhaps I am jumping to conclusions, though. Any thoughts, Trypt?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: Kappacino on June 06, 2012, 04:23 pm
I've bought mindfood. It definitely helps with MDMA comedowns. I'd recommend to anyone who abuses md as much as I do, which is a lot
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: risky2 on June 08, 2012, 08:02 am
trypt I tried to to get your lucid dreaming trial before the silroad database rollback, hope you offer that again. I want to try those.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills
Post by: Tryptamine on June 08, 2012, 06:49 pm
However I want to raise a concern with ChillPill that I mean to share only in the hope of helping myself get the most out of it and to understand why this sort of thing is happening.

I think I have become dependent on ChillPill. I took it every night for a few nights in a row and since then I have had regular insomnia. I have only been getting a few hours of sleep a night since then. Strangely, I don't feel extremely tired during the day, just fatigued. However my mornings are quite unpleasant. Lying awake for hours on end is not pleasant either. Taking melatonin, DPH, or xanax does not help. Perhaps I am jumping to conclusions, though. Any thoughts, Trypt?

Taking it every night can cause your body to adapt to it, making it more difficult to fall asleep normally. If you wait a few days, or don't take it every day, the effect should go away. You may also have been using ChillPill to fall asleep when you wouldn't normally have been tired, which obviously can't be done if you stop taking it.

Also, do you mind if I use parts of your reviews on my listings?

trypt I tried to to get your lucid dreaming trial before the silroad database rollback, hope you offer that again. I want to try those.

I have a couple left, you can buy them here


hey trptamine when will you be sending out your next orders?

Probably tomorrow.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: poolsclosed on June 09, 2012, 06:30 pm
I don't mind if you use my reviews at all. Also, I have stopped taking them and the insomnia is only sort of tapering off. It may be another environmental factor. I'll try to come up with better answers on my own and report back if anything definitive arises. Thanks!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Horizons on June 09, 2012, 07:54 pm
Wow, Tryp. Amazing. Your Chill Pills are truly amazing. I'm in love with them.

I took one last night, and I had taken another two nights before. I definitely slept better, felt better rested, and had much more vivid dreams. It's true what you said about the pills not forcing you to sleep as well: though I fell asleep very easily, the pills didn't make me any more drowsy or tired like Ambien does. Also, unlike Ambien, they don't give me an early-morning hangover.

They are the best sleep aid I have ever used, and I've tried several over the years. Every single one so far (even the ones that didn't even work) has had annoying side-effects, but your Chill Pills don't seem to have any at all.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Tryptamine on June 14, 2012, 03:53 am
Wow, Tryp. Amazing. Your Chill Pills are truly amazing. I'm in love with them.

I took one last night, and I had taken another two nights before. I definitely slept better, felt better rested, and had much more vivid dreams. It's true what you said about the pills not forcing you to sleep as well: though I fell asleep very easily, the pills didn't make me any more drowsy or tired like Ambien does. Also, unlike Ambien, they don't give me an early-morning hangover.

They are the best sleep aid I have ever used, and I've tried several over the years. Every single one so far (even the ones that didn't even work) has had annoying side-effects, but your Chill Pills don't seem to have any at all.

Thanks for the review. ChillPill is intended to improve your ability to sleep by restoring your brain's nutritional state, and to facilitate sleep by calming excess brain activity. Sleep drugs typically work by destroying your ability to remain awake, forcing you into an unconsciousness similar to sleep but not equivalent to real sleep. I always feel well rested the morning after I take a ChillPill.

Also, I'm vacating on friday morning, so any orders placed after ~4pm tomorrow will ship on monday or tuesday.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Tryptamine on June 20, 2012, 07:33 pm
Any reviews of the new versions?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Horizons on June 21, 2012, 12:22 am
Having loved the old version of the ChillPills, I have a question: why did you remove 5-HTP from the blend?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Tryptamine on June 21, 2012, 01:03 am
Having loved the old version of the ChillPills, I have a question: why did you remove 5-HTP from the blend?

If there's one amino acid that people already have too much of (from eating dairy and muscle meat), it's tryptophan. 5-HTP is a stress-producing substance, which causes sedation and tropor by suppressing oxidative metabolism. It is not a healthy substance to consume, so I no longer include it in my products.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Horizons on June 21, 2012, 01:37 am
I see. I didn't know that, I thought 5-HTP was one of those things you can't get too much of, like Vitamin C (excess gets washed out in urine). Thanks for enlightening me.

Touching on Ether's reply, though, would you recommend any of your pills for an MDMA comedown, or (more importantly) for the 1-3 day period after a roll? I usually take a Ritalin to help come down, but lately I think it's only been helping by placebo effect.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Tryptamine on June 21, 2012, 04:10 am
Vitamin C can be taken in large amounts because we are all severely deficient in it; being one of very few animals that cannot synthesize it endogenously we must compensate by eating a diet consisting almost entirely of raw, wild, tropical fruit, which none of us do.
Tryptophan (and 5-HTP, and serotonin) are the opposite; we already consume too much of it, and it exacerbates many (if not most) chronic diseases.
For comedowns/aftereffects, I'd recommend MindFood. I was at a festival this week, and despite not sleeping at all, eating very little, and frequently consuming psychedelic drugs, I felt great and lucid the entire time from taking two MindFoods a day and a gram or two of vitamin C (plus flavonoids). Everyone there to whom I gave a capsule reported similar results.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: poolsclosed on June 21, 2012, 09:31 pm
Having loved the old version of the ChillPills, I have a question: why did you remove 5-HTP from the blend?

horizons, I think 5-htp was removed because im sure a lot of people (including myself) asked him about taking a chill pill after a night of mdma. You cannot take 5-htp within 24hours of rolling off mdma or else the chance of serotonin syndrome is very high which can be fatal. I am taking a guess but this might be a possibility
That's a half-truth. It's not 24 hours, it's more like 4.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Tryptamine on June 23, 2012, 07:42 pm
New ThinkDeep 3.1 out, adjusted the amounts of piracetam, aniracetam, Rhodiola, Bacopa, TMG, and Na-R-ALA.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: r0yal3d on July 02, 2012, 05:48 pm
I've got nothing but praise for your nootropic mix; best I've tried.  But what happened to your listings?  Are you planning to return to SR?  How many BTC for just the list of ingredients for the latest version of mindfood/thinkdeep/chillpill?  I am willing to formulate them myself by buying the ingredients separately but do wish that you'd return and make this much easier.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Awesome Healthy Brain Pills!
Post by: Tryptamine on July 04, 2012, 06:29 am
I've been on vacation, I'll have the listings back up when I return, near the end of this week.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: poolsclosed on July 12, 2012, 05:34 am

Would it be safe to take the ThinkDeep with Adderall?
I understand the whole point of ThinkDeep is to provide a healthy, natural alternative to most of the dangerous products Big Pharma is pushing.
With that being said, I am only taking Adderall for the next two weeks as they will be very demanding mentally.
I only ingest Adderall periodically when work is overwhelming and have not taken adderall for a year.
I would love a natural alternative but foresee me taking both at once. At least for the first couple days.
What do you suggest?
I personally tested the combo and found it to be a very effective combo. ThinkDeep took the edge off of the Adderall and gave me a little more energy so I felt less fried after the end of it all.

People have reported extremely positive effects from combining the two. I prefer methylone for such purposes, but to each his own.
Really! That's interesting. I found methylone to be extremely anxiety-inducing on its own, but when taken 3-4 hours after MDMA it was very strangely much more wonderful than MDMA. It's a weird drug to me. I don't think I could see potential in it as a study drug or as a general CNS (for much the same reasons as 4-FA), but then again, I'm only going by how I feel on it. Cathinones and I have yet to see eye-to-eye.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on July 12, 2012, 06:23 am
Tryp, is it safe to take GABA every day? I started taking capsules with 500mg GABA and 2mg B6. It's been really helping with sleep though I'm wondering if it's helping too well, hehe.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on July 12, 2012, 09:11 pm
Tryp, is it safe to take GABA every day? I started taking capsules with 500mg GABA and 2mg B6. It's been really helping with sleep though I'm wondering if it's helping too well, hehe.

GABA normally doesn't cross the 'blood-brain barrier' (although it may do so to some extent if the barrier is compromised by exhaustion or stress). It does, however, act on peripheral tissues, such as the adrenal gland, where it inhibits release of cortisol. 500mg may be an excessive amount, but overall it's a good thing to take, along with glycine. If you want it to reach your brain, however, it needs to be bound to another molecule; I include Picamilon in all of my supplements, which is a little-known (outside of russia) dimer of GABA and Nicotinamide, or vitamin B3, which allows both to enter the brain more readily than they would otherwise.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on July 13, 2012, 01:53 am
Thanks tryp, they're capsules so I can't cut them in half or anything. I'll see about finding a lower dose when I run out though :).
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on July 14, 2012, 11:08 pm
Any more reviews?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on July 15, 2012, 12:14 am
I've been using Mind Food before my NBOMe trips; they prevent me from feeling tired and drained the next day.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Caparino on July 15, 2012, 01:42 am
When will your next batch of mindfoods be ready? I've been waiting for so long  :'(
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on July 15, 2012, 02:23 am
I've been using Mind Food before my NBOMe trips; they prevent me from feeling tired and drained the next day.

Nice. From now on, anyone who has written a review here will get extra capsules on their next order; just remind me that you've written one when you send your address.

When will your next batch of mindfoods be ready? I've been waiting for so long  :'(

New and improved version coming out tomorrow, I've had a bunch of delays in pressing them but tomorrow's the day. They will no longer contain N-ALT, but now have double the Picamilon!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Caparino on July 15, 2012, 02:36 am
New and improved version coming out tomorrow, I've had a bunch of delays in pressing them but tomorrow's the day. They will no longer contain N-ALT, but now have double the Picamilon!

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on July 15, 2012, 03:08 am
Nice. There have been a few changes to the Mind Food since I last bought (stocked up with a few bottles last round). So I'll be looking forward to trying the newer stuff!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on July 15, 2012, 03:24 am
I'm still dealing with shortages but I'll be able to press a few batches of each tomorrow.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: gimzolord on July 26, 2012, 02:18 pm
alrighty so i had 1 thinkdeep pill before i ate 2 grams of golden teacher (supposed mushrooms) that should give mild buzz and i got a very strong strong buzz with a strong inner trip with mild very mild visuals with music sounding amazing :D
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: flyinghigh1660 on July 29, 2012, 01:27 pm
So , after taking Thinkdeep for a week now, a little review below.

Setting your baseline and intent

I think it is important to set your base line before starting to take these pills. The effects are real but subtle and could be easily masked or overlooked. If you are young, then taking these pills for normal every day cognitive improvement may be a waste of time. You will probably need larger doses of piracetam. If this is the case then you would probably be better off taking them with a psychedelic to enhance the trip.

You will need to be aware of your normal functioning before taking the pills. Either take a baseline dose of your chosen  psychedelic and take notes or make a note of your everyday performance. In the second example you could note when you feel tired during the day. Or gauge how your focus is while carrying out mental work. You may want to even take some online cognitive memory tests.

I took these to improve mental performance in my everyday  work. I have a very computer based, sometimes academic like work. Writing detailed documents about advanced technology, and managing complex projects. I am also middle aged, so plenty of time for the rot to set in. I took one Thinkdeep in the morning with breakfast.

Positive benefits

Stable emotional state.

I found that I was less annoyed with interruptions or questions. I was also happy to engage with people with small talk. Something I usually struggle with coming across as uninterested or grumpy.

More focus

I was able to focus on completing tasks fully before moving onto the next task. I normally get easily bored and look for distractions from my work.  I had less" noise", no random thoughts just popping into my head to distract me. Meditation and focus during yoga seemed greatly improved.

Verbal dexterity

My written and verbal recall was improved. I gave a presentation with very little need to correct spoken words or use err and umm as filler words. I wrote easier without having to stop and think about the next word or phrase.

Memory recall

Memory recall felt easier, especially when recalling words in another language. I have to speak 1 or 2 other languages to basic/ intermediate level everyday words seemed to come easier.

Mental alertness

I felt I had more mental energy and less tiredness. The after lunch dip never appeared to come and I kept alert well into the evening.  I want to engage my mind and keep it occupied with work or reading rather than doing nothing.

Negative effects

I had insomnia for the first few days and very vivid confusing dreams. The insomnia has lessened, but I still sleep light. A toke of weed before bed seems to help with better sleep. A couple of small headaches, but these soon went and never returned.

Overall some definite improvements. I will try a psychedelic dose soon, probably 2C-B or LSD.



Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on August 02, 2012, 04:32 am
Thanks for the reviews, +1s all around.

To anyone who's bought and used at least a 24-bottle: Do you think you've experienced any long-term beneficial or adverse effects from repeated use of my products? Do the effects persist after you've stopped taking them?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on August 02, 2012, 04:04 pm
I have gone through a few bottles of it, just not from consecutive use. I've been wanting to take the mindfood every day but that's a habit I can't afford so I just save it for trip days.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: divinechemicals on August 04, 2012, 03:24 am
Has anyone used his ThinkDeep capsules prior to taking MDMA as a roll booster? I'm considering buying the ThinkDeep for the next time I roll, plus the MindFood to help the hangover the next day.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on August 04, 2012, 03:36 am
Has anyone used his ThinkDeep capsules prior to taking MDMA as a roll booster? I'm considering buying the ThinkDeep for the next time I roll, plus the MindFood to help the hangover the next day.

I didn't feel much taking ThinkDeep before MDMA ... but take the MindFood an hour before your roll, it's great at preventing hangovers.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on August 06, 2012, 07:12 am
Has anyone used his ThinkDeep capsules prior to taking MDMA as a roll booster? I'm considering buying the ThinkDeep for the next time I roll, plus the MindFood to help the hangover the next day.

Many people have reported positive results, including myself. It doesn't really potentiate it so much as extend the duration of the beneficial effects, while increasing your brain's capacity to keep up with the heightened energy demands created by stimulants.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: poolsclosed on August 08, 2012, 02:07 pm
Saved up and decided I wanted to buy some of your supplements but I don't see any ThinkDeeps listed. I assume you're out? When will you have new ones? I wanted a supplement that had racetams/noopept in them but I don't see any racetams in MindFood or ChillPill (were they ever in there? can't remember).

Actually, scratch that, I noticed noopept in ChillPill. Still, I'm interested in a daytime supplement too, so I'm still interested in knowing when ThinkDeep will be back in stock. Particularly because I want to order the pills together to save on shipping.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on August 08, 2012, 04:03 pm
More ThinkDeeps will be made today, I'll relist them now.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: l1llykins on August 09, 2012, 03:17 am
It doesn't happen all the time when I trip on MXE but sometimes thoughts would start racing through my head into the night after a hole. It happened last night and a chill pill helped shut it long enough to fall asleep and stay asleep until morning.  :)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: poolsclosed on August 10, 2012, 11:23 pm
More ThinkDeeps will be made today, I'll relist them now.
Thanks! Just placed my order for a bottle of them and a bottle of MindFood. Can't wait to try the new versions... do you reckon I should take them together or separately? I think together they would be synergistic, right? (Racetams in ThinkDeep, choline in MindFood...)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Holly on August 10, 2012, 11:59 pm
The ChillPills are good for my anxiety but it is ineffective at putting me to sleep at any time.  They do calm you though.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: spinbox1 on August 16, 2012, 10:35 pm
I've purchased bottles of all 3 pills and been using them for months now.  I agree with others the effects of one pill are subtle. 

However, when my body is under stress is when I notice them more.  I've followed Trypt's directions of taking mind food before a trip and chill pill after.  I can say for certain that my hangovers are significantly reduced.  I feel like I'm recovering much quicker and keeping my brain sharp.

When it comes to my health I can't put a price on that, so although these pills are expensive, they are very much worth it.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: SleepingMind on August 20, 2012, 12:26 am
I used ThinkDeep twice and both of the times I got slight headache on the right hemisphere specially near the front side. It also made me sleepy. I was not sleep deprived anyway as I slept almost 11 hours before trying the ThinkDeep and I slept another 3 hours after taking it.

ChillPill had no impact on me as I normally sleep very deep and well. But I gave one to my SO and she could sleep only 3 hours on it.

I am not sure about the effectiveness of these pills yet. Will update once I use few more and see what they do.

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on August 20, 2012, 03:51 am
I used ThinkDeep twice and both of the times I got slight headache on the right hemisphere specially near the front side. It also made me sleepy. I was not sleep deprived anyway as I slept almost 11 hours before trying the ThinkDeep and I slept another 3 hours after taking it.

ChillPill had no impact on me as I normally sleep very deep and well. But I gave one to my SO and she could sleep only 3 hours on it.

I am not sure about the effectiveness of these pills yet. Will update once I use few more and see what they do.

Interesting. Do you (or him/her) take any other drugs or supplements?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: blowdrobro on August 20, 2012, 04:16 am
Hey Tryp, I had a few questions: For a college student and cannabis only user which of your products do you recommend for improving cognition and memory and on what type of regimen?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on August 20, 2012, 04:48 am
Hey Tryp, I had a few questions: For a college student and cannabis only user which of your products do you recommend for improving cognition and memory and on what type of regimen?

ThinkDeep, 1 or 2 capsules as needed.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: SleepingMind on August 20, 2012, 04:51 am

Interesting. Do you (or him/her) take any other drugs or supplements?

I took my regular multivitamins on both of the days I tried the ThinkDeep. On the first day I took it an hour and half after lunch and followed your method of ingestion; kept it in the mouth until the capsule gel softened. On the second day I took it half an hour before the breakfast and additionally I took 2 virgin coconut oil caps after lunch.

She tried only the ChillPill and she took her Thyroid medicine in the morning.

No other drugs/supplements were consumed.

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: poolsclosed on August 22, 2012, 01:50 am
I find the new ChillPills to not be sedating as well, although they aren't interfering with my sleep. If anything, my dreams are clearer, which was not an effect I was getting before... at any rate they seem to be making me feel more refreshed which they didn't do as much before as well. So I definitely think the new version is an improvement :)

The new MindFood is also nice. I hadn't taken the older versions for an extended period like I had with ThinkDeep and ChillPill previously, but I find that taking 1 in the morning makes my "mental stamina" stay higher. I just don't feel as beat by the end of the day. I can't wait to get some ThinkDeeps to take with these; I feel that I will definitely feel the combination. I am hoping to see the extra physical energy from ThinkDeep and the extra mental energy from MindFood work synergistically... hopefully I'll stop needing so much adderall to combat my narcolepsy!

One last thing, Trypt: I asked previously about MindFood reversing or at least helping NMDA antagonist tolerance... I have found so far that it has no such effects. However it does seem to make MXE less confusing when used in high amounts - my hole is a bit more clear-headed and lower doses don't make me spacey at all, just pleasantly buzzed and very personable. It's good to have your supplements help negate the negative effects of yet another drug! (Before I found ThinkDeep to help get rid of adderall jitters and to make shroom/2c-x trips more chipper, and now this.)
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: accura234 on August 25, 2012, 08:28 pm
Today I checked for your products on SR and they're nowhere to be found  :\\ are you taking a temporary hiatus as you did last month or are up to something else (like compounding an even more effective formulation)?   In either case I really would like to order another 24 mindfood caps asap. Hit me back.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Holly on September 21, 2012, 04:59 am
Sup dude could use another 300 chillpills... bad time to run away from my money ):< I'ma find you trypt, you gonna take this money and youre gonna like it.  No serioisuly the chillpills are good for tapering off benzos I could use some.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: TFMP on October 11, 2012, 02:46 pm
Just a quick review, on my last lsd trip (approx 350ug)  I took 2 mind food pills during the comedown (T+9) and believe they had an impact and took away the edge a little. Close to baseline I took 2 chill pills and fell asleep withing an hour and slept through for 8 hours.

So yeah, I wouldn't mind to order some more as well. He's active on the forums, so I hope his offerings will be back at some point.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: herbaman on December 15, 2012, 03:45 am
KNOCK, KNOCK! When will you be back?
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on January 27, 2013, 05:37 pm
Figured I'd bump this, since I've been away for a while.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: nothingmattress on January 29, 2013, 07:31 am
Hey Trypt! Nice to see you back :)

First of all, if you're wondering why the forums are so silent these days - there's a new 50-post-minumum rule that prevents most from posting in all but the Newbie section. This was done to prevent spam. So, I had to go post a lot of garbage to be able to post here.

Next, I want to ask your opinion and maybe entertain you. I've purchased your Mind Food and Chill Pills in mid-2012 and liked it, but soon thereafter you went absent. My curiosity for nutritional supplements was sparked, though, and I went on a learning and buying spree.

I've been working out for a few years, so I've been taking multivitamins and fish/flax oil on and off. I started to take these regularly, and added Noopept. However, the effects weren't as noticeable compared to Mind Food. After a month of doing this, I decided to research further. Since you've included a list of substances present in your products (thank you for that), I decided to just follow your recipe, so I ordered them all, trying to get the same form of each chemical.

So, my next big shopping spree resulted in me being the owner of the following:

***** Neuro enhancers

Acetyl L-Carnitine    
Acetyl L-Carnitine Arginate      
Choline CDP   
DOPA Mucuna           
Folic Acid

***** Extracts/Plants

Ginko biloba
Pine bark
Rhodiola rosea
Grape seed

***** Vitamins


***** Minerals/Oil

Flax oil

***** Sleep aid

Valerian Root

The only things absent from that list are Piracetam and Aniracetam (you have these in your Mind Food). Also, I'll be adding Alpha-GPC to the mix to increase my Choline intake.

Now, my problem is that it's a shit load of capsules to take (~25!), though since I've already purchased them, I'm sure as hell going to consume these. More importantly, while I see _some_ improvement in brain function, I have a hard time quantifying it and convincing myself that there is improvement. Evaluating the sleep aid is easy - if I feel restful in the morning and my Sleep Cycle app shows a solid number of sleep hours, I'm golden. Evaluating cognition, problem solving, and overall brain health is a lot harder.

I can probably say that I "think faster" now - meaning I can read, write, and jump from idea to idea (and get to conclusions) faster. But I'm not sure if it's necessarily a good thing. I've always had trouble focusing/committing on a task, and this speed of thought isn't really helping me with concentration. I could probably go to a doctor and get some ADHD meds right now, but I don't think I'd want to be hooked on that.

I'd like to hear what do you think about my supplement adventures - whether I've committed any serious mistakes, overlooked something obvious, or whether I should add/remove anything from this stack.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on February 04, 2013, 05:01 am
First of all, Fish/Flax oil are metabolic poisons that no one should consume. They are pro-inflammatory, pro-oxidant, carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and anti-thyroid. You should throw out all of your fish/flax oil, as well as all other liquid oil (or perhaps use them as varnish or oil paints, since they cross-link and harden when exposed to oxygen). In my view, coconut oil is the only oil that people should be consuming in significant amounts.

You didn’t indicate what forms of vitamins you bought, nor which ‘b vitamins’ you are referring to (there are many). Chances are the Vitamin E you bought is synthetic (dl-alpha tocopherol); the Vitamin A is probably also synthetic (ascorbyl palmitate). Only one enantiomer is active as a vitamin, the other is essentially an ‘anti-vitamin’ that inhibits the effects of the active enantiomer. For vitamin A, carotenoids such as beta carotene are probably best, and for vitamin E you want d-tocopherol; ‘mixed’ tocopherols are superior to pure alpha tocopherol, and ‘d’ is superior to ‘dl’. As for B vitamins, most supplements use synthetic analogues which are active to varying extents but can also be toxic (notably synthetic vitamin B6, which is neurotoxic at doses of 50mg, and synthetic B12, cyanocobalamin, which is less bioavailable and releases cyanide). If you bought a ‘b-complex’ chances are you’ve got the bad shit. You want P5P for B6, Methylcobalamin for B12, and niacinamide or picamilon for B3. B1 you want thiamine HCL or sulbutiamine (not thiamine mononitrate).

Calcium is not necessarily beneficial to supplement with; typically the problem is that the calcium accumulates in soft tissue instead of bone, and taking more calcium will not solve that problem. Calcium Carbonate, which is the most common (and cheapest) calcium supplement, consists of ground up sea shells. If you wouldn’t eat sea shells, there’s no need to take them in a pill.
Magnesium is beneficial to take (although ideally it should be obtained from fruit), but the cheapest and most common form, Magnesium Oxide, is a pro-oxidant and has poor bioavailability. Magnesium Glycinate (also called ‘amino acid chelate’) is probalby best to take, although the cheaper Magnesium Citrate may also work.
I’d also recommend taking copper, especially since most adults consume far too much iron (which is sparsely needed after puberty) and copper is the counterpart to iron (as magnesium is to calcium, and potassium to sodium). It’s also a cofactor of the important antioxidant enzyme Superoxide Dismutse.
Melatonin is fine to take occasionally, but it should not be thought of as a nutritional supplement; although it, for example, stimulates the immune system, these effects cannot be sustained indefinitely and represent a kind of stress.
GABA does not cross the blood brain barrier, and does not directly affect brain function when taken, although it does interact with the adrenal glands, reducing cortisol secretion. Picamilon is the only safe, nootropic form of GABA as far as I know; it is hydrolyzed into niacin and GABA in the brain. I’d advise against taking very large amounts of GABA.
Mucuna (L-DOPA) is a bad idea, especially with B6; it is easily decarboxylated into dopamine (by B6), which can be toxic, especially in the PNS. Onnit used to put a good amount of L-DOPA in their AlphaBrain capsules (along with 100mg of pyridoxine - a recipie for neurotoxicity), they switched to L-Tyrosine and halved their B6 shortly after I pointed that out that in the SR forums. Probably a coincidence, point is there’s no need to mess with things like that.

Of all these things, the most important is to stop taking fish/flax oil, and switch to coconut oil. That also goes for anyone else who reads this. Do this simple experiment: Open a capsule of fish oil, leave it out for a couple of days, and see what happens.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: nothingmattress on February 05, 2013, 03:31 am
Thanks so much for taking the time to review my list. Sorry, I should've posted the forms of my vitamins. I've actually re-read and saved the information from your profile regarding some of the forms you recommend; however, many vitamins have been purchased by me before I've had a chance to read your advice.

Looking back now, I think the best thing I should've done would be stacking up on your Mind Food and Chill Pill bottles while they last :) It's definitely cheaper than the trial-and-error I'm going through by buying so many ingredients myself and mixing/matching them. It is fun and a good learning experience, though, if there's spare cash.

I did read somewhere on the forum your advice against fish oil, which is why I switched to flax oil (as I've read elsewhere that flax is a safer alternative). It seems like many nutritionists (such as my bodybuilding instructor, a well-known guy actually) highly recommend Omega-3 intake for cardio health and as a cholesterol lowerer; flax oil is usually recommended. Would coconut oil have a similar benefit (sorry, couldn't easily find the answer online)?

Here's an updated list of vitamins and their forms, based on what's on the back of the bottle. I try to stay with NOW FOODS brand as they seem to be pretty good on price/quality ratio.

***** Vitamins

A   (from Fish Liver Oil), 25000 IU, 500%
B   B-1 (Thiamine HCl), B-2 (Riboflavin), Niacin, B-6 (Pyridoxine HCl), Folic Acid, B-12 (Cyanocobalamin), Biotin, Panththenic Acid (Calcium Panthothenate), Choline, Inositol, PABA
C   (Ascorbic Acid), + Rose Hips, 65 mg
D   D-3 (as Cholecalciferol, from Lanolin), 1000 IU, 250%
E   (as Natural d-alpha Tocopherol, 400 IU, 1330%) + Natural Mixed Cotopherols, 400 mg, Tocomin (r) Mixed Palm Tocotrienol Complex, 10mg
MK-7   (as Menaquinone), 100 mcg, 125%

***** Minerals/Oil

Calcium      Calcium Carbonate
Magnesium   Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Stearate
Zinc      Zinc Sulfate

You're spot-on with the predictions about most of the vitamins I'm taking (especially B-complex). Vitamin E seems to be the right form. Vitamin A is listed as "from fish liver oil", not sure what to take away from that.

I'll be throwing away the cheap forms as well as Flax Oil and investing into forms you're recommending. I'm definitely taking up your advice to stop taking DOPA Mucuna (especially since I'm taking L-Phenylalanine). I actually can't figure out the difference between taking L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine - they both seem to end up accomplishing the same thing (help with synthesis of dopamine and noripinephrine, according to the bottle).

The sleep stack (melatonin, Valerian, GABA, Relora) have definitely been helping me with getting enough rest at night, but I guess it's mostly Valerian that's doing the work.

***** Change:

B1      as Thiamide HCl or Sulbutiamine
B-3      as Niacinamide or Picamilon
B-6      as P5P
B-12      as Metholcobalamin
Magnesium   as Magnesium Glycinate (aka Amino Acid Chelate) or Magnesium Citrate
GABA      as Picamilon

***** Add:

Coconut Oil

***** Remove:

DOPA Mucuna   (neurotoxic especially with B-6)
Melatonin   (fine to take occasionally)

Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: Tryptamine on February 06, 2013, 08:05 pm
Flax oil is in some respects even worse than fish oil, I don’t recommend taking either. Both are highly unsaturated fats. Fish and flax oils inhibit the enzymes in your cells that produce omega-9 unsaturated fats; in their absence your cells would be able to make their own fats. They should be thought of as drugs, and not taken indiscriminately.
As for cholesterol, fish and flax oil inhibit its biosynthesis, while coconut oil promotes its conversion to pregnenolone. Cholesterol is important; when it is oxidized it becomes harmful, and fish/flax oil promote its oxidation. I only recommend coconut oil (and other fruit oils). The optimal human diet is fruit, not flax or fish.

As for the vitamins:
Vitamin A should ideally be from plant sources, not fish oil.
Calcium carbonate is seashells. Not bioavailable.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: nothingmattress on February 07, 2013, 06:39 am
Thanks again :) I'll report back the progress in a few months.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: nothingmattress on February 10, 2013, 01:41 am

What would be a good source of nootropics? I've tried my best researching the various makers/suppliers, but I really can't tell good from bad without a degree in neuroscience. I'm currently looking to stock on noopept, piracetam, aniracetam, etc.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: jackxblack on February 18, 2013, 06:00 am
Hey Tryptamine, I don't want to high-jack your thread, so I won't post it here. But I am going to be posting my nootropic/supplement regimen in the off-topic board and would love some feeback. Cheers!
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: nothingmattress on February 19, 2013, 12:54 am
Received my order of Mind Food and Chill Pills this weekend, couldn't be happier.

Took a Chill Pill last night and as expected, had a very restful night and woke up refreshed unusually early. Night was full of vivid dreams.

I'll supplement 1 capsule of Mind Food daily with the following:

* CoQ10
* Acetyl L-Cartinine Arginate
* Acetyl L-Cartinine
* Bacopa Gold
* Alpha GPC (bioavailable Choline)
* Gamma E complex
* K-2
* D-3

Let's see how that goes for a couple of weeks.

Since I'm working out, I'll be also taking L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, and Taurine post-workout to help with muscle recovery.
Title: Re: Tryptamine's Nootropic Supplements - The Healthiest Products on the Road!
Post by: atlas on March 15, 2013, 10:17 am
I received my order to EU in a week, faster than an ebay purchase that I made on the same day :o

The packaging is pretty discreet (even though his products are legal),
and I really like how this vendor labels their products (different colors for different pills) and includes a description of their components.

I took a chillpill the other night, and had a very nice relaxed sleep.
I'm gonna try his mindfood in the next couple weeks after a nice roll or a trip and I'll update accordingly.

On top of all that, tryptamine has helped me out a couple times with health related questions.
Always replied to my pms within a day, and took the time to explain stuff to me.

All in all, he's a VERY good vendor and I recommend him to everyone who's been hesitant to place an order.
Thanks again tryptamine  :)
Title: Re: 乂 Tryptamine's Herbal & Orthomolecular Supplements - Reviews 乂
Post by: Tryptamine on September 07, 2013, 04:16 am
Reviews left on the site get deleted after a couple months. I've lost a bunch of good ones that way, so I'll post some recent ones here for posterity. These are all of the reviews that people have left in the last few months, except for those that were only a couple of words long (all of which were also positive).


One dose of MindFood eradicates a hangover much faster than paracetamol and/or ibuprofen.

-Rolling Stone Magazine, Australia

I feel much more alert and my ability to concentrate increase. Thanks!

I will re re-ordering when I run out. I feel great.

These caps work quite well, I could definitely notice a better mental awareness and capacity the day after using draining or intense drugs. Definitely recommend if you ever feel 'foggy headed' or can't concentrate on something the day after.


Successful order, took one and was feeling relaxed shortly after. Thanks Trypta.

Have found these helpful in the past when my sleep cycle gets off phase; they don't mess with SWS like benzodiazepines, they don't have the rebound and other issues that GHB does. And in my attempt at a blinded trial on 1 person (me), they were effective as far as reduced time to sleep onset. Thanks again.

Great pills. Relaxes your body without causing drowsiness so it helps you sleep but doesn't force you. Should be very good for stress too.

Took one last night. It helped quite a bit with my sleep. I feel much more refreshed!

I'm disapointed at this product as it doesn't get me to sleep, it relaxed me a little bit, I normally smoke weed to sleep- thought I could use these instead but apparently weed is the only thing that does the trick :/ not the vendor fault though as I'm probably an anomaly