Just for those newbs who aren't aware of the background to all this terminology and what it is all about.--The cypherpunks (Cypherpunk Mailing List, Tor Project, Wikileaks, even humble PGP Club) and cryptoanarchists (Silk Road, Defense Distributed) are closely related. Common economic protocols on the network like BitTorrent, Bitcoin, the new BitMessage and so forth are also connected.The objective of the cypherpunks is to achieve political objectives by the use of computer code involving cryptography. Wikipedia says: Acypherpunk is an activist advocating widespread use of strong cryptography as a route to social and political change.The objective of the cryptoanarchists is, as Wikipedia describes, employing cryptography to enable individuals to make consensual economic arrangements and to transcend national boundaries.Both concepts are strongly associated with an older ideology called Agorism, which is DPR's philosophy.And of course Wikipedia itself is a creation which is strongly linked to cryptoanarchist ideas. Incidentally, one of the key principals is that you don't have to "sign up" on the concepts of cryptoanarchy or cipherpunk at all. It's enough that your behavior is modified by use of various protocols. Although for some cipherpunks democracy is important, a cryptoanarchist would be highly unlikely to believe in it, so there is some differences between the groups.The Silk Road is the latest incarnation of an Internet based political movement, not merely another ecommerce solution. That is why I would recommend staff or anybody on this forum who sees fit, to request the status of political prisoners if they are captured. If BTC is banned, then the Bitcoin community ought to do the same.If you allow the judicial system to castigate you as merely "some drug dealer" or "another vigilante hacker", then you're allowing a particular political viewpoint dominate you, you're accepting their label for you. There is power in names on the internet in a way that doesn't exist offline, it is important to refuse to accept the State nyms. We have our own society, our own culture, our own way of thinking about the world, and it smacks of incredible arrogance for a political system to claim us as their own merely because we were born in a specific geographical location. I feel no alliance with my country or any other whatsoever. It is STRONGLY in the interests of young people to join the ranks of the cypherpunks and cryptoanarchists. I cannot emphasize that enough. The sooner they fully comprehend there is nothing but a black hole waiting for them where jobs used to exist, the better. Cooperating with the government is hazardous to their wealth and health. It is not like what it was for their parents and grandparents and there is no way for them to influence the political sphere via traditional routes. Honestly I think that unless this generation realizes this, they're fucked.