Quote from: psychedelicmind on April 25, 2013, 03:23 pmSR is built on Libertarian principles (if I am not mistaken; correct me if I am)QuoteUse PGP or Die!If SR was a state, it would be New Hampshire. Or possibly Texas. Yee Haw! I usually wear my cowboy hat on SRF. Just FYI :)Quote from: goblin on April 25, 2013, 09:37 pmI don't know, a pass or flunk test? No druggie left behind?Sounds elitist.It is elitist. Meritocracy!--If there were two changes I would make to SR, these are them:1. Vendors becoming PGP fluent should be mandatory. There could be a basic course on opSec and infoSec which they have to pass before they join. No restrictions on newbies, because they are cute newbies. Everybody is a fluffy newbie sometime. But vendors have to be held to higher standards. Alternatively you could not make it mandatory, but reduce the start-up fees for vendors who pass their opSec/infoSec exams. I'm in favor of a relatively laissez faire system, allowing new vendors flexibility to learn the ropes with their first hundred orders, but at some point they need their 'driving license' or they'll screw up at some point. The key problem with this is that it would also bias a vendor to keep one account instead of several smaller accounts, which I consider unfortunate, but am open to suggestions.2. Get rid of FE completely. I think it's advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.That's it! Everything else is just a detail. Other infrastructure can be built around SR independently e.g. option derivatives to decrease volatility and so on. Better to keep such things independent.