Quote from: kmfkewm on March 28, 2013, 06:11 amI don't understand what the fascination with voice communication is. I absolutely hate voice communication, text is superior in every single way, from a security stand point, from a practicality stand point, etc. Yeah let's use a communication medium that is extraordinarily difficult to secure or anonymize, that requires our dedicated attention to a single conversation at a time, that we cannot replay in our heads verbatim easily, and cannot take time to think of our responses without a lot of awkward pausing. Fuck voice communication entirely. And yeah let's also throw video in so we can communicate our emotions with complex facial gestures IN ADDITION to prosody, instead of using our brains to determine emotional state from situational inference !!! :D :) ( really :/ ) !!It's a personality type + a cultural thing. Geeks are far less emotionally driven than a majority of people. Or more accurately they are emotional about very different things, more intellectual things e.g. the open source religion. FWIW an unusually high number of Americans seem extremely emotional in comparison to other nationalities, they continually want to express, well, fuck all apparently, seems like they're either yelling or crying, constant drama. If this is actually not a personality type thing, and in fact a generational thing, then I have every sympathy for my grandparents who reckon we lost the war.Text is the perfect medium for expressing ideas, which is why books were invented. I know that I make far more sense to other people when I write than when I talk. Guru says the same thing, says he spends significant time preparing a message so it is articulate and useful. When you look at some people on this forum, they practice "stream of consciousness dumping", which is to say that their unfiltered, disconnected thoughts fill the screen. You've all seen it before. The problem with this is that other people are forced to decipher wtf they are saying. This is the biggest reason to not do anonymous VOIP, the signal to noise ratio would become so awful it would be unreal, let alone the problem of anonymity. IMO even the text medium that Anonymous chooses to express their communications, IRC chat, is quite revealing in of itself because it is so entirely unsuited to long range planning or careful consideration of anything. You can't use the equivalent of fucking Twitter to run an operation, or rather you can, and then get squashed like a bug flying at a combined speed into a windshield at 120 mph. "But we evolve faster" they say. Yeah, but evolution involves natural selection, that's why you evolved a fucking brain in the first place, to model situations that could harm you before they physically occurred in the real world.On the bright side, provided you can read as much as a book, any book at all, you can probably run circles around most people I met yesterday. It was like the Onion's parody of Ted Talks, only much worse. There was macbooks everywhere. Literally. Everywhere. They even had a docking station and played tweeny music from shitty little speakers. Left wingers appending the word 'social' to every noun, including the word excellence. Some people agreed that Cambodia was clearly an example of 'State Capitalism' at work. I nearly swallowed my monocle.It would be cool to hear the different accents across the world of SR members, but that is the only advantage I can think of.