Fascinating article astor!My main concern is that I believe some intelligence organizations has "voice fingerprinted" everybody, or at least everybody with a contract. It is right in the NSA's backyard to be fingerprinting voice communications to identify individuals, I reckon it's a very old technology, just not well known in the public domain. Reason #35 way pine doesn't like phones. I don't know how well it scales up, but there is every motivation on their part to make it do so. Reminds me of how the Stazi used to fingerprint typewriters, every typewriter in the Soviet block had to send a 'sample' to a store, so any information later considered subversive could be traced to its source and the author instagulaged. P2P tech <3 I suppose, but not the Skype backdoored kind.You can easily defeat such methods by using the same technique as Anonymous are currently using, which is to type up something in a word processor and then convert to pdf so Adobe Reader text to audio reads out the message. But then that calls into question the validity of using VOIP in the first place.