kmfkewm/Nightcrawler, I think he/she is asking this:A PGP message is usually only a couple of kilobytes in size at the most. Therefore you can encrypt and decrypt PGP messages in main memory or RAM with ease. Once you switch the machine off, about five or ten minutes later the data is completely irrecoverable, which is a nice security feature.However you are talking about PGP encrypted *files* if I am not mistaken. Most people will have about 4 GB - 16 GB at the most worth of RAM, with about half of that being used by the OS and other associated process/services. So you'll have about 50% - 75% of your RAM to use in practice for other applications, including your desire to decrypt to RAM.So you are asking if you can decrypt a file (presumably quite a bit less than the size of your main memory or RAM), to this store, instead of to the hard disk.I think the answer is yes, you can, so long as the file is sufficiently small in size, but I don't know the correct terminal command, I'll check back later with some info.