There's a huge number of perfectly legal drugs which are impossible to obtain on the white market thanks to regulations limiting supply. Thus there are factories that produce nothing but an illegal supply of legal drugs. And even factories that produce legal supply of legal drugs don't always get them to market.In fact if SR didn't sell a single illegal drug, this would still be a huge market. This is the primary reason why the IOPs exist.If you're thinking that maybe there's some safety related reason to limit supply of legal drugs, you're incorrect. There may even be a good rationale, but that's has nothing to do with the real situation, which is that there is a conspiracy against the consumer aided and abetted by the government. This is main reason our pals at the Customs and USPS postal inspectors offices exist. Catching contraband is merely a pretext, because 99.9% of the drugs they are intercepting and destroying are completely legal. I have had legal drugs, for which I had a prescription and all the appropriate paperwork filled out correctly, destroyed by Customs as "counterfeits" and a stern letter of commendation sent out. So they stole my stuff and then threatened me with a fine. Priceless. They believe their own propaganda about protecting the consumer and preventing "counterfeit drugs" being passed on, but the true picture is their real world function is to drive up prices for western pharmaceutical companies while driving out their competitors in developed markets under the pretext of protecting intellectual property (I'm not against IP, but I am against copy cat patents (just about the only thing the FDA is liberal on giving out due to lobbying *cough* bribes) and ridiculous and arbitrary patent extensions which prevent generics existing and stifle innovation).Evidence: The cost of manufacturing Xanax is $0.24 per 100 tabs. It sells for $136.79 or more.This is a markup of 56895%.Tell me there's competition in that market. Go on. Tell me.Here's yet another example.The cost of manufacturing a Prozac is $0.11 per 100 tabs. It sells for $247.47 or more.This is a markup of 224872%This is not a market, that is not capitalism. That is a rigged match.