Quote from: moksha on August 23, 2012, 12:41 pm:( Was really looking forward to trying out "cigarettes" in 6 years, can't win 'em all I guess.Oh boy I LOLed :DAlso: SR 4EVAR! Whooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!International ciggie smuggling to Taz, GO TAZ!Why the excitement? Well, it's not just that we <3 moral faggotry at SR, no sir.We'll be buying packs at 12 cents on the dollar from Russia and retailing them at least $35.00 for sure. I mean they retail at roughly $20 now (USD I'm using, but it's almost that in Taz now)! Prohibition will surely drive the price to $35.00 or double at the very least, even with wide availability elsewhere, I mean it's not as if the shops/bars will all refuse to cooperate since they have licenses to lose.My point being:That's a mark-up of nearly 30,000%.For anybody who doesn't know, that's twice as good as the mark-up on heroin, which is usually the most expensive drug (apart from LSD, but that's in a category of its own)with the highest mark-up all the way from Afghan farms to the street.I bet 'only' (SR vendor Cigs.eu) is doing cartwheels in the streets right now.30,000%! Empires are built on 30,000% my friends.