^^So many strawman arguments.In one sentence: DPR is not arguing that we should completely get rid of every last scrap of government, DPR is arguing that we should all take more individual responsibility for our actions instead of making them into some other person's problem. --Because in fact SR isn't even opposed to the government itself per se (if you drill down into the literature on various strands of free market thought you'll find most capitalists agree that some public/private 'governing mechanisms' should exist e.g. to protect private property rights, arbitrate judicial decisions etc, albeit certainly not in the form of a single extremely large centralized entity we see today), but all those ignoble civilians who constantly whine and transfer their problems to it, thus turning it into the conflicted inefficient hydra it is in today's world.Take property rights for example. That's a big part of the State's reason for existence. In practical terms this boils down to two things:1. The Land Registry2. The Police.With the aid of some cryptography, it is possible to create a new world in which the Land Registry is no longer run by the governments of the world, but is instead a distributed system to store/edit/create such contracts with much more resilience, redundancy and longevity than ever before possible (let's just say the State doesn't have the happiest record of storing/not fucking with records in many countries...).The idea that the State needs to run the police force sounds compelling to citizens long used to the concept, but again, there are other clever solutions that the public has not considered. Why dismiss ideas before you've even heard of them?The defeatism, lack of imagination and apathy in these responses is astounding. It is intellectual cowardice to imply us of all people are to blame for the millions imprisoned and then go campaign to supply funding to that same organization that did the jailing, because that's in effect what (some) of the pro-legalization campaigners are doing. But no, the person taking the risks to bring you the product you wanted is the bad guy! Of course! That makes sense doesn't it! It's also funny how so many 'liberal minded' people can actually be very conservative about the future.Help me says the farmer! Foreign competitors are running me out of business! No problem says the State, here's corn subsidies for you to help you and yours in these difficult times.10 years later.Help me says the consumer! My children and I are becoming fat thanks to this damanable cheap corn syrup in soft drinks! No problem says the State, we will put tariffs and higher taxes on soft drinks to prevent our health system being plagued by hordes of fat people! It makes sense! It's so cost effective...And so it goes... They create the problem, and then you go to them looking for the solution.Things are going to be very different this century. Things do not continue being the same just because they were up to this point.