None of this affects us. I think people have rather sophisticated notions of the powers of the postal system that aren't backed up by the facts. It is good at what it does, no disrespect there, but in terms of tracking packages it's completely pants. This is not what the postal system was designed for and any changes have to be painfully grafted on. This is for standard mail I'm talking now, not private expensive tracking services you *shouldn't* be using...For example, if you read congressional reports (search for the [intel] tag and "drugs in the mail" on this forum) you'll know that until relatively late in the game they didn't even know if an international package had come from any particular region. They knew it down to the 'country', but not 'county' level so to speak. So much for the omniscient postal system. And they knew this because the mail from e.g. India, came in a giant bag with "India" stamped on it.There is no all seeing all knowing database in other words.Now, they've tightened up in order to make package profiling more effective, but they would physically require the package to be examined to ascertain where exactly it came from, and that won't even always work because they're not always stamped or marked by P.O employees.Secondly, image recognition is totally pants. If you just wear dark glasses, it's all over for image recog. I shit you not. This must be the reason why Neo & the Matrix crew were wearing sunglasses 24/7. Seems like the cypherpunks were bang up to date on a number of aspects of the future...Anyway all image recognition algorithms work off certain basic principals. There are lots of things that won't work, like wearing glasses, wearing a hat, putting on face paint etc. But wearing sunglasses completely fucks it.Prove this to yourself by downloading some image recognition software for windows/mac/linux login screens. There's plenty of them out there. They all work great, you can play around as much as you like and they work, albeit slowly sometimes. The algorithm for finding a face in particular is startlingly efficient, a bang up comp sci job. Then put on your sunglasses. Now it thinks the window or your lamp has a fairly good chance of being you. Which is sort of reasonable, people don't generally look like giant over sized bugs.Wear sunglasses. "Look cool, be cool." -- This is a message from Pine Criminal R&D Services Ltd.