Quote from: H4L101 on July 15, 2012, 09:38 pmThis is such a great thing to do and using PGP is more important then people think +1 karma for helping people out :).Quote from: LouisCyphre on July 15, 2012, 09:40 pmAnd my axe! ;)Thanks comrades! :)Also: this is the motivation for pine's 'le grand diabolical plot':http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=30937.msg347530#msg347530Sooner or later we are going to have a war with LEO to test our respective mettle before anything else is decided. i.e. to establish our new domains in these newly minted territories. We are at a pivotal point in history similar to the first American civil war between George Washington and the British.Just as World War II was decisively decided by Alan Turing hacking the Enigma Machine's codes, so too the information war, in terms of advertising our market and cryptographic education for our network will ultimately decide the balance of power.The first causalities are almost certainly going to be non-PGP using consumers since local LE has never been overly fond of a challenge and goes whining to intelligence agencies at the least provocation ("dey r usin teh compooters, wat do compooter guise O_o"). So we have to cut them off at the foundation of the network by producing a robust, resilient consumer base to withstand any technological attacks that would have network wide effects. We have to be, in other words, 'whack-a-mole resistant', and using good encryption is going to be a big part of this Revolution.I do believe a senator called us 'the most brazen thing seen in ages' or similar. You know what's fucking brazen? Acting like a giant rent seeking organization manipulating markets like the DEA do and asking the public to pay for it. They are parasites and they need to die. The DEA used to be, once a upon a time, about doing the right thing, which you could respect even if you didn't agree with their values. Now they are a business. Cryptography is Freedom. It is kind of that simple.