Our modern day mandarins, are finished. We don't need to be violent to change the world, albeit I'm sure that will also happen between both sides. Ultimately the gravity of economics rules the world and it has tilted into our hands one free transaction at a time. The Old World is dying because it has forgotten the principals that made it powerful and strong. It has lost its purpose, its story, its continuity, its ideological soul. The Old World is not a geographical location, simply a broadly accepted way of thinking about the world in many developed countries, and that is definitely going to die. It is simply too apragmatic to live. People would rather die than change their minds. In fact, they do. They will.The 75% tax of France, the dead children in Norway, they are all merely symptoms of a greater disease, a horrific inertia in the West.Today, our supposedly capitalist nations are directly controlled by central governments. It is called "managed capitalism" or "the third way". In most parts of 'The West', the government owns at least 50% of the economic output per year and gives next to nothing in terms of value in return. Value is being entirely miscalculated, misdirected on a epic scale. What they are doing is not even Socialism, because it doesn't even come close to spitting distance of the goals of that ideology. What we are talking about, is that most parasitical and bastardized form of that ideology -> state communism.It is just, that as Hayek warned, it has crept up on us little by little, and most of us haven't noticed it, because it's hard to see what is unseen, what the other possibility to government interventionism that there is. DPR calls this being intellectually lazy, and that is precisely correct. People who think like libertarians are considered unusual today, as being far left wing or far right wing. The great irony is that the word liberal used to mean the same thing as libertarian. Adam Smith was a liberal. Today people like Regan and Thacher would be considered extremists and they would be put under surveillance.Let us abandon the classical idea of 'right wing' and 'left wing' being at war and band altogether. Because although we are rivals today we have a common enemy. This is a War. Our enemy is *this* Government. It does NOTHING for the business men and women of this country. It does NOTHING for the poor, the sick and the dispossessed. Good intentions are worthless. Soon huge mobs will pace the streets. The dual hydra of Fascism and Communist haunts us once more. If that is not obvious then I'm not sure what is. Place your ear to the ground, people are getting angry, everywhere.So what! Do you feel in your heart the urge to take action? What to do? Take up arms and join a popular revolt? Post newsletters and political blog? No... As much as you might empathize with the intentions of Anonymous and Occupy and other political minorities, their goals and their medium of expressing those is hopelessly naive. That is a very quick way to be grist for the mill of the media and government. And in fact most of the time they play directly into the narrative the government is building. Notice for example, how guessing somebody's PIN number (99% of the time 0000, 1234, 4321) is 'hacking'. A word, which itself meant an original, innovative approach to using or making a system, now is classified in the same category as "breaking and entering" or "grievous bodily harm".Instead, I want people to throw all their weight behind the system until it snaps. This involves not being naive or ignorant. This involves being smart. Standing up to 'The Man' is out of the question. You'd be crushed like a twig. What does work is clever forms of indirect asymmetric warfare to improve your financial situation. Soft power. It is perfectly possible to be the head of a government department, a policeman or the head of a major corporation and be manipulating the system, diluting its powers. The Resistance Movement in the Vichy government is an example.- Being a model citizen as much as possible so you are 'blameless' in the sight of the law. If you wear a hoodie or associate with known rabblerousers, don't, if you have a criminal record, volunteer in your local community. There is such a thing as social credit and it will stand to you. You are going to be a doubleagent for us.- Avoiding/evading taxes. Do it right. If Warren Buffet can pay 3% per year for his tax bill, it means he actually pays 0% real tax. It's not what you say that counts, it's what you do.- Offering certain kinds of free services to speed up our economy e.g. B$ laundering.- Using cash/traceless forms of credit.- Investing in the informal economy or in countries which have more of it.- Remaining anonymous on the clearnet. Social networks are really poison.- Setting up any anonymous communication networks (thanks wretched!).- Supporting anonymous networks like Tor by sponsoring relays.- Using technologies like PGP.- being an informant - by this, I mean people like police, lawyers, accountants, programmers, chemists, postal workers. - these people are very very useful to us, even if they don't realize it. They can give us - information, tutorials, on how to hack their systems. There are numerous examples on - this very forum. e.g. JanetReno, a Canadian LE agent and so on.- coming up with new ideas... Open source intelligence is perhaps 99% of the battle and usually it's not illegal to participate in it ("professional misconduct" is not a crime), it's not just LE that can use informants. They get an informant to snitch on one of us. Great. Big whoop. That person is just going to be replaced by a thousand others in their stead. Guess what. If we know how escape ion spectrometry and x-rays because some dude wrote a whitepaper, then we just got a major upgrade and your numbers suddenly became completely meaningless.--This is not just a war of economics, it is a war of morality too. We are pure and they are corrupt. It's a statement of fact and easily demonstrable even if you look at publicly available information in the mainstream press. The DEA cooperates with people who lop off hundreds of people's heads and knowingly sends them intelligence and tools to aid them. The top people in power of the DEA and the heads of the Cartels have cooperatively turned some parts of the globe into abattoirs in the name of the greater good. I find it amazing that many of these men are passionate Christians, because they act like Devils.They put spies into governments who naively trust in their mission statement all over the world and operate against the interests of those people their sponsors are supposed to protect by destabilizing them to make them weaker. I also know things which even a westerner would find difficult to believe, such as the fact they seed landmines by the ton and have used enormously dangerous plant killing sprays which poison water supplies and put entire district's cancer statistics off the charts. Almost by definition the children and women are the first to die or become maimed.They get away with this, because it works. Those people are illiterate, have no access to electricity let alone sophisticated communications, have weak governments and they are afraid of the DEA's death squads. I mean, if you were trying to define what the word terrorism really means, you ought to give these men a call. Operation Condor, that infamous clandestine war in which people were disappeared by the thousand and flung alive out of airplanes into the Atlantic to be violently pulverized so hard their limbs flew off when they smacked the water or they drowned, is a tiny drop in the bucket in comparison. The mainstream media *does* know this, but frankly many journalists are either worried for their career prospects or sick of repeatedly telling an audience which has deaf ears, which does not feel remotely culpable despite actually funding these missions with their tax dollars.I'm not claiming to be perfect here, because even if I were a notorious serial killer I'd rank well above the DEA on moral grounds. I don't particularly remember chopping off people's heads or giving improvised families cancer.If you fight back, then at the end of it all, you will be more wealthy, more powerful, more intelligent than ever before. You have become more of an individual at every level. To society you present the smiling face of the civic minded citizen. Behind your back you grip the blade to plunge into the heart of the enemy when the time is right. The best part is that you don't need to try to change other people's minds or use physical violence. You just need to be more rational, think more clearly than LE. This is the right thing to do. Not what pine tells you to do, but what you believe to be so. Individual responsibility. Take it.