kmfkewm, your devil's advocate attack seems to target buyers more than sellers.Wouldn't it just be easier to attack by the barcode?Each package of size > envelope has a barcode. Barcodes are intended to be scanned by the millions. So, if you adopt a unique barcode per box of packages, then you have a lead on the majority of sellers.All you need to do is:Ensure the major suppliers of packaging pass on their barcode IDs to you. e.g. for each box, and then acquire packages from all the vendors on the Silk Road. Then you can make more specific requests of the suppliers for the shop where the box was purchased or the IP address of the buyer. Sooner or later, you'll have the financial details of each seller unless they used prepaid cards/cash for the boxes, and even then you have their geographical location + potential CCTV stills or an IP addresss if they bought them online.I mean, I don't think this is that likely, but it's possible.Also; Re the RV situation, I'd say wandering about in a densely populated city is far safer on many levels.