The intelligence of the drug community ranges from incredible genius to fucking stupid. On average, I'd say the I.Q of the drug community is exactly the same as the population, that is: 100.You get this all the time with surveys, they study coffee, tobacco, you name it, and then extrapolate that X makes you smarter/more stupid.The majority of those surveys have serious sampling problems. Take the idea that Omega-3 fish oils make you smarter for example. Do you seriously think any of those investigations examined people outside a certain socioeconomic class? I'm not talking about simplistic upper/middle/working class distinctions here. The differences between those classes in the United States is completely trivial in comparison to the difference between the poorest member of the American working class with a working class man or woman in Liberia, Africa. It's a well known fact that in successful economies, people are on average smarter, as measured by the IQ test. The average Swede or Norwegian has a higher IQ than somebody from the Congo or Burma. As a result the IQ standard '100' isn't the same '100' across the world.This is not because of race or ethnicity. 2nd and 3rd generation Congolese and Burmese in America have the same IQ as the average American.IQ really measures your 'adaption to your environment'. The kinds of questions that Congolese and Burmese face are very unlikely to be found inside an IQ test. It's entirely the wrong metric to measure their smarts. So this is *really* about the level of economic advancement your country is at. This is why the IQ test isn't static, it changes over time. The IQ '100' in 1900 isn't the same IQ '100' in 2000. Check it out, I'm not fibbing here, it actually increases from year to year.I think the real measure of intelligence is your actions. I see a whole lot of 'smart' people earning fuck all money. I also see street smart savvy business people who generally have dozens of people who are supposedly smarter working for them. Smarts = Results.