opiophilia, literally everyone knows everyone in small towns, doesn't that concern you? I come from a small town originally and I swear to God that those people have fucking G.P.S in their heads when it comes to the town's social network. It can be inconvenient on a number of levels. An interception virtually guarantees the possibility of being picked up if the police want you. Problem is, if you have used fake ID, that using a P.O box gives the impression of being a trafficker in addition to mail fraud. Think about that.A much better alternative, is to use the student dorm pigeon hole system on the campus. If you can do it, then it makes a controlled delivery next to impossible (search the forums for my thread with "pigeon holes"). Also, it is free...A. Dubois, I also had the impression of him being a middleman between SR and his corner of the woods. Not unreasonable business plan at all, there's a British teenager in his high school on here making thousands each month doing it, but you need a rock solid addressing system to achieve such a thing with a high volume of mail. You should assume 1 in a 100 packages get intercepted even if the packaging is lead shielded and coated in kryptonite (from some back of the envelope calculations it's nowhere near that high, but you should still assume it, esp. for weed).