Moonbear, I suggest you do at least four things if you're not leaving.1. Kill moonbear and make a alt to post here instead. Get rid of your SR account and arrange to pay back later with a fixed amount of interest. Honor your debts to earn street credibility.2. Make a business plan. If you don't plan, you plan to fail. Take your time, it could take months of hard work to achieve a water tight business plan for drug dealing. You have to do *at least* as much work as a legitimate businessman if you're to be professional. Also, you have school work to be doing at the same time.3. Having a laptop with Liberte linux, an Ironkey, a bridge onto the TOR network, is a bare minimum to secure your setup as a seller. i.e. you got your work cut out for you with this alone.4. Get a part time job to get some start up capital for your business. Achieving 1,2 and 3 is likely going to take a couple of thousand dollars. It's easier to explain yourself to your parents when you've your own source of capital. Protip: learning how to work hard is good for the soul, it gives you confidence in your abilities. I'd trust somebody cleaning toilets over a typical highschooler who hasn't worked a day in their lives and had everything handed to them on a plate.