I think tordemon has an interesting idea. Wouldn't cost the earth to have each kiddo setup with a set of 5 colored pens.Application could be based on different algebraic operations to be carried out. e.g. if X is to be made the subject, it is purple etc.Colors could then provide contextual information, such as the sequence of algebraic operations required to simplify an expression.However I don't think it will happen. Math is the worst subject taught/understood in schools and universities by a country mile. I estimate 10% of the class understand university level mathematics, with at least 50% cheating and the other 40% memorizing patterns for exams without any true understanding of what the fuck is going on. In a sense of pretending to understand information, 90% of the class were cheating.This by the way, is from first hand experience at one of the best universities in the world. I can only imagine what is going on in the lower ranked universities. I grew disillusioned with all that bullshit and I refused to compromise. In the end, that meant I had to leave. We had modules which were taking up literally 10x more study-time than others, and it seemed everybody was memorizing and faking it to get ahead in those modules. I mean, I had one of the highest G.P.As in the country and I couldn't cover the material in the time allotted, so it seemed kind of strange that folks partying all night long were strolling ahead with percentages in the highest decile. It's like this. Mathematics was being used as a hazing tool to eliminate students who either wouldn't cheat, or didn't already have a first class understanding of the material before them. Ironically, for university level mathematics to be used in my particular field of expertise is noticeable by the rarity of the occurrence. So; I call that hazing.I'll sell heroin on the silk road before I lie to myself by pretending I understand something I don't, or cheating. Lying to other people is one thing, but lying to yourself is fucking stupidity. That is why I feel disenfranchised. Mathematics is sour for me. My ROI from university is $0.00 because of this bullshit. But by god I will have my revenge.