I'm thinking if their success rate has suddenly increased it could be that they have a electronic nose called The Hound.It's typically used in prison mailrooms, where 1/10 packages contain drugs. Hound can detect 1 billionth of a gram of drugs. Not as good as drug dogs, which are amazing creatures, but it does allow a mechanical 24/7 approach to drug interception.They can't pull all the mail through it, but maybe they decided to put suspect non-letter packages from the Netherlands through it.This is entirely hypothetical of course, but it's what I would do if I were a inspector with a lot of money to burn. That there is only 1 point of entrance to your country for packages is a excellent tactical move by LEO.The key to getting past the Hound will be not to fall into the 'suspect package' profile and prevent drugs residues on the exterior of the packages/vacuum wrapping. Ordering from countries that aren't red flagged like the Netherlands is a good step in that direction. Sellers which change gloves at each layer and use rubbing alcohol on the exterior of each layer is another one. Having smaller packages sent is another one. 1/3 of an ounce is probably a little high. I estimate the highest amount you should send is 7 grams per package. At the end of the day, it's a numbers game, a game of probability. I suspect there's a good chance you just got unlucky this time around.