Quote from: ChillyP on January 23, 2012, 07:06 pmGenerally speaking, it might not be a bad idea for high volume i.e. loaded vendors to use disposable machines. You can get tablets, small netbooks, and droid phones that run Tor and PGP for less than $100. Use the shit for a couple weeks, physically destroy it, and start fresh. How the fuck could they do anything about that?I think this method is the most practical in the long term. If your operation is taking hundreds of thousands of dollars a week then a few thousand dollars on mobiles/computers isn't going to matter. So long as there's no pattern to your acquiring the mobiles/computers.--Some thoughts:I think in reality however, this is a bit academic. LEO mostly uses snitches to break sophisticated operations down. We're mostly a black box for them and they can't spend all their time hacking through every piece of software/hardware at our disposal.But since we are Anonymous there is little connection between most of us, except for our internet connections. That's a bitch of a nut to crack. Snitches won't work if we ourselves don't know much solid information about each other. Otherwise they're just downing in hearsay and it'll never stand up in a courtroom. Similarly with Bitcoin, it is really the ace in the hole because knowing the transaction network is completely pointless if you don't know who is who. I hear threats of traffic analysis. Bullshit! Traffic analyze away, it'll get you nowhere if you don't know the source and destination entities.Nor will making Bitcoin illegal work. This is because Bitcoin can be exclusively used for SR transactions and still operate without a hitch. There is always going to be buyers wanting B$ for drugs and sellers wanting cash for B$ i.e. although having a legal Bitcoin economy is nice, it's unnecessary for the SR to continue to exist.To provide Identity in a network like this, you need postal addresses and names of the real people + times and IDs of every Bitcoin address they've ever had. And that's just to *begin* building a case. Still haven't shown anything illegal was done.Most importantly of all, the thing I just mentioned only works on Buyers. Sellers never need to supply their real world address ever. The only way to catch them, is to catch them with their hand putting the package into a postbox. Biometric data from packages is simply unlikely.So, back to square one. Having a snitch do in the seller through his regular offline network is the most likely way SR operatives will be caught.