Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: SonarDeath on July 11, 2012, 07:49 pm

Title: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: SonarDeath on July 11, 2012, 07:49 pm
Hey guys, ever wonder what to do with those small residual amounts of bitcoins you have left over? Well how about giving them to charity:

The only thing is, I'm not sure how legit this guy is.

I checked all of the charities listed and none of them mention any thing about accepting BC.

Is there any chance that anybody here who knows something about how to make sure BC go to the right people could design some kind of foolproof system that was guranteed to get the money to the causes in question?

Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: blackend646 on July 11, 2012, 11:04 pm
Bitcoins for "charity" seems like a shady business to me. I would just save up your coins for your next purchases and donate to reputable charity with regular money
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: Vinnyg007 on July 11, 2012, 11:10 pm
Ummmm... I've never heard of a charity that accepts bitcoins besides anonymous and wikileaks. Send your left over coin to my marijuana charity  ;D, loan it to a dude who's short on an order or put it in the moderator fund.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: jabbathegriffin on July 12, 2012, 12:14 am
Just send your coins to the admins or moderators to help keep this site running or save the money and donate to the Tor project :). If you really feel like donating to charity then just give them your cash like blackend said...
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: Imaginarytailus13 on July 12, 2012, 12:24 am
Though I can`t say if this site is a scam, its always good to give away something. I think it would be great to have a 'donate' option while paying/checking out on SR. In Japan when you buy items from the convenience store like Family mart, you have the options of donating it to a charity you want. I`d be great to have such a system implemented on here and help make a good name for SR and its users.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: SonarDeath on July 12, 2012, 01:42 pm
Well I would support the above. A donate to charity option with purchases would be great. But there is a problem, because BitCoins have rapidly become a 'black currency' - and are now almost exclusively used on the black market. (Which is a shame really, for what seems like such a good idea.) Consequently few charities accept them directly. So donations would probably have to be converted back into cash before being forwarded on. Even the Electronic Frontier Foundation turns them down.

I didn't expect I would have an easy time persuading cocaine, crack and heroin dealers to be charitable lol, but for ordinary guys who like myself are only really interested in the occasional bit of weed, it would be a good option to have. It might do something for the PR of this site too.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: peaceloveharmony on July 12, 2012, 01:45 pm
Better donate it directly to eg Erowid instead of using middle man. Here are some Charitys which accept BTC:
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: Imaginarytailus13 on July 12, 2012, 01:47 pm
Better donate it directly to eg Erowid instead of using middle man:

Oh wow! So they finally started taking bitcoins! They totally deserve every coin they get, I wish they could start working with a developer for a app on various platforms.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: peaceloveharmony on July 12, 2012, 01:49 pm
Oh wow! So they finally started taking bitcoins! They totally deserve every coin they get, I wish they could start working with a developer for a app on various platforms.

They take BTC since ~1 year and made a small fortune during the raise from <1$ to 32$ ;)
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: SonarDeath on July 13, 2012, 12:34 am
I don't think they really qualify as traditional charities lol. I had more in mind charities that help the environment, or that reduce suffering etc.

But really, now I've thought about it it probably is impractical. I mean there's a reason charities that wish to behave ethically probably shouldn't be taking money (or any description) from a bunch of dirty little cocaine, methamphetamine, crack and heroin dealers etc. I mean they're not exactly model citizens anyway lol.

But taking drug money from a black economy probably would be frowned on by a lot of powerful and important people. I don't think charities are likely to be particularly keen to get in on the money laundering game.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: Christy Nugs on July 18, 2012, 03:49 am
Mmmmm - NO!!

I give free medicine to cancer patients here where I live - I know exactly who it's helping that way!!!

90% of  all legit charities give almost 35% of their contributions to admins and telemarketers etc anyways.

I prefer to help actual people.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: Eatshitanddie69 on July 18, 2012, 08:15 am
Sounds like a scam, fur fag.
Title: Re: BitCoins For Charity
Post by: Imaginarytailus13 on July 18, 2012, 04:30 pm
Sounds like a scam, fur fag.

I noticed you`ve been posting a lot recently. It`be nice if you could add something productive/humorous to the discussion. Most people here don`t like nonsense spewing assholes.:-\