Sorry you feel that way.. but you might be smarter then the average bear. Most people don't put 2+2 together, and need things spelled out. But things have to go according to plan. However, there's a balance between keeping operating procedure/management decisions with transparency and keeping the community in the loop. You know? Lots of people had no idea what was going on.. so now that the dust has settled, my job was to paint the picture as best as it can be done with minimal security leakage. If you knew 90% of what went/goes on behinds the scenes, then you sir, are the true oracle! Regarding DPR coming backing.. I assume you mean DPR2. DPR1 is never coming back.. but you knew that. DPR2, he very well might or might not. That's something DPR2 and/or the administration would address if that were the case. I can't speculate on another man's life decisions. But the Christmas break shutdown was pre-planned.. nothing wicked about that. The site will be re-opened as normal (according to what the staff has informed me and I believe them to be correct), and as long as you practice good security such as PGP.. you won't have any problems. Remember, SR1 was glorious, but IMHO it was based around a personality cult of DPR1, and we can see in hindsight how that was probably not the best idea. Bitcoins are decentralized. I'm not saying SR will ever be decentralized or should be.. but I myself are more prone to being the master of my own destiny and enjoying a freemarket, as opposed to a dictatorship type situation where its a 1 man operation and there's never any transparency.