Hey guys, Usually I figure out ahead of time which product I like better but this took me by surprise so Type H and Type I are coming in without having been tested by any customers. I tested it with some friends and know it's good, and it went through some basic tests - I tested both the powder and the solid chunks on foil for steak color and bubbles, how well it flows, that the dust can be huffed in to a ball, and that after being dissolved it will flow through a 26ga needle without filtering (Always use a filter - this test is just to ensure there are no large particles). Both products passed all tests and they are both top quality. The thing I need to know is what customers prefer. In my opinion they are pretty close to one another. In order to ensure everybody knows what's what I am going to be labeling every baggie with an "H" or an "I" so customers will know which one they got. On orders that I can mix types I will be including both types. 1.0gm orders will be Heroin Type-H 1.0gm + .25gm bonus orders will be filled with the 1.0gm as Type-H and the 0.25gm as Type-I 2.0gm orders will have 1gm of Type-H and 1gm of Type-I Please feel free to give me any feedback on which product you prefer and in which ways so I can make the best buying decision. I have about 5gms of Type-G left, if some people give me some good data on their opinion of Type-H vs Type-I I will probably send those people some of Type-G to compare to ("probably" means if I have some and if it looks like it will help me make buying decisions. I'm pretty generous when it comes to these things because it helps a decision that improves the entire product line).