While not what the original poster asked, I get asked questions about powder daily so I've been meaning to pen something up about it. I'll work on answering the whole range of questions but it will take a few posts. When people ask for powder it's not really a complete question, it can mean a few things. It can mean "Can I snort BTH", "Can I snort your BTH", "Can you get #4", or "All I know is there's this brown powder in these little baggies I snort and I like it". ====="Can i snort BTH?"===== Short answer: yes but it's not just a matter of dicing it up and sucking it in your nose like with #4 or coke. Long answer: BTH is one of very few drugs that can be used by the body by all routes of administration in the same form. Most drugs need to be in one form to be smoked and in another form to be IV'ed/snorted. BTH and Meth are notable exceptions, you can stick these two drugs anywhere and they work. So the answer is yes it absolutely can be snorted, it's just a matter of getting it in your nose. BTH is sticky so it's not something that can be diced up with a credit card or razor blade so it takes some some prep to get it in your nose. There are three ways to do this. The champaign of solutions is to create a "cheese". I hate the term because just like modern BTH is not "tar" like unless it's cut, there is nothing "cheese" like about preparing a cheese. The result is a powder that is easy to dice, humidity tolerant, and pleasant to snort. You'd never know it wasn't a powder to begin with if it's done right. In short the way to make a cheese is to take a plate and put some BTH on there and add a tiny amount of water - like 1 drop per 1/4gm. The heroin+water will form a syrup on the plate then spread it out and sprinkle a powder on it which will absorb the moisture until it's dry, then you chop it up like coke and snort. Baking powder (or is it baking soda? I get those confused. Someone tell me and i'll edit this post) is common. I have always wondered if cocaine could be used. Maybe I'll try and let everybody know. Has anybody tried this? Does it make a snortable speed ball like it sounds? It is common to add too much so I recommend starting with a small amount of product and water to test. If you use too much water and it's watery instead of syrupy I'd recommend against adding more heroin because just like any time you add too much liquid it takes far more powder than you'd think to dry it up. Instead skip forward to the "Monkey Water" section. If you google "heroin cheese" there's a lot of bad press about it. I'm not sure what this is about, I can't see why this is any more dangerous than any other form of heroin and reason would dictate less dangerous since you'd have a bunch more volume to snort than your original product. I have one customer that gave me a recipie for "cookies and cream" cheese - I'll need to ask him if I can re-post it. The most simple way is to stick it in an afrin bottle. Besides being simple it's also pretty sky. The thing is when most people say "can I snort this" it's because they like the ritual of snorting and afrin doesn't really fill this hunger for snorting shit. I'm the same way - as far as I'm concerned if I'm not using a rolled up dollar bill i'm not snorting. =) The third way is called monkey water. In essence it's the same as the afrin thing but it's more visceral like snorting and more concentrated. To make monkey water you put some water in a spoon and put the heroin in the water, dissolve, and snort the water. It sounds a little weird before you try it a few times but it's not really. Just like snorting powder sounded weird before you ever tried snorting water sounds weird but after you try snorting a small amount you'll find that it's not weird. ====="Can i snort your BTH?"===== Everything above applies but I've got a few comments about my product as I know it well. Uncut BTH is hard and brittle. Cut BTH is softer and gooey. The more soft and gooey it is for a given temperature the poorer it is. Uncut BTH also varies in hardness due to the quality if manufacture but it's still true that hard and brittle is generally more potent. I have am shipping two types of heroin, Type F and Type G. Both are hard and brittle (Type-G is more so). These high quality brittle forms of BTH can be crushed in to a powder. This powder can be snorted directly just like #4 except you get the multiplicity of rich effects which the that the other intoxicants intentionally left in BTH (mostly other varities of morphine) provide which #4 does not. The way you crush BTH is you stick it in the freezer (still in the drug baggie) for a couple minutes then put it on the counter and hit it with a sauce pan. Most of it will turn to a fine powder. This powder can be snorted directly. It's a lot easier than prepping a cheese, but if you touch it with your fingers the heat and moisture will make it a sticky pain in the ass. If you can avoid that it's easy to snort like this. Crushing to a powder is also the best way to prep for IV use, the powder dissolves quickly in water (don't use heat this will make it less potent). Lastly, all the forms of snorting all BTH described in the above section are more easily done by starting by crushing the product to a powder. Nod