Hey guys, thought I'd give an update. My other products lines have been pretty busy and I haven't had the time to focus here but this is what's happened in the last week: * I've talked to the GC/MS guy on the coke forums, he says he can't get any real data so I told him I wasn't interested. He has now mentioned he may be able to go to a neighboring country in the EU and get some proof that way, I'll keep you posted on how that goes. * My competitive nature got the better of me, although I'm convinced what I have here is a solid product all the talk about measuring, purifying, and recrystalizing in private messages gave me a bug to see if I could make the best even better. I did some research, picked up ACS grade >99.9% acetone, some ACS grade >99.9% ethanol, and some 91% isopropyl and have been hitting the books trying to figure out how to grow the prettiest shards. I was still in the planning stages when I got feedback from my first few customers that this product is so good it doesn't make sense to purify and regrow the most potent and beautiful shards here. BAH! That sounded like fun. I'll probably still do it when I get around to it. * I've received an 8-ball from Kushi and Hamma' for comparison. I'm not going to make any comment here about their product as that would be tacky and is obviously suspect. Let's just say that I am now aware of what the competition is and am still interested in playing. When I get my head above water on my other product lines and have some more time to focus here I may offer make a promotion to get the ball rolling, but so far I haven't even had the time to snap a photo. Soon!