+1 this was hilarious and so true! It's not so obvious with heroin, but the idea of saying a product is "x percent pure" without backing it up is pretty silly. It's much more obvious with coke so I'll use it as an example. People like to make up numbers and say their coke has been tested and is 85% pure. The reality is almost nobody who claims this has actually had their product tested, they are just making things up. There is one exception, a guy in holland is sending all the coke vendor's products to a lab for testing which is fantastic. But even if those numbers were legit they are only a tiny piece of a much larger puzzle. pH (specifically, extra acid) is hugely important and totally ignored by this measurement. Smell is ignored, I have some coke here that is quite potent but smells like diesel fuel that I would not dare sell to anybody on SR. Even if it's the most pure stuff here it would not lead to satisfied customers. There is also the issue of water content, coke is extremely water soluble and absorbs water from the atmosphere so if it sits out too long it becomes hard to chop. These issues are all critical but completely ignored by the measurement of purity. The same is true for heroin, although people are rightfully more concerned with purity. For heroin it's important to know the product is clean, the pH is not overly acidic for your vein's sake, that it's not cut with something harmful like sugar.. pretty much it has to be good shit. Purity alone does not make good shit. Purity is crucial, but many other thing are as well. Nod