If fast shipping is a priority for you then you might want to give me a try. Except for one day where I decided not to ship because a friend needed emotional support from her withdrawals and excluding SR down time where nobody could ship, every order placed by noon every single day in the last six months has shipped in time for the USPS cutoff for that day. Every express order placed last Friday arrived Saturday, on the weekend before Christmas(!). There was a good amount of talk this week end on the forum about whether orders would arrive from various vendors, none of that was about me because all of mine made did (I have a special deal with Santa, he delivers my orders on the way) Reliability and consistency are vitally important to heroin users. It takes planning to be absolutely reliable and since that is important to customers I made it important to me. When I first opened this vendor I had to limit the amount each customer could order until I got the infrastructure in place. I have had a heavy influx of orders from coke sales, 15 order a day the last week and today I have 26 - doesn't matter, every single one will go out today. To be this reliable there is a lot of prep work: you must have excess product on hand, pre package, have a surplus of shipping supplies, spare vacuum sealers (they break often) and $300/day worth of stamps, not to mention plan your day around the USPS delivery schedule. That's what I do! In addition I am on the left side of the country so I have a three hour advantage over vendors on the right side - people on the east coast can order as late as 3PM their time and still get their order the next day. Similarly, ordering from an east coast vendor has a three hour disadvantage, if their cutoff is noon their time it's 9AM west coast time. I have zero dissatisfied customers when it comes to product quality or shipping. Every customer who has ever purchased from me has gotten a good gram, a replacement, or a refund. When I decided a few weeks ago to step up business again I found out there were 2 dissatisfied customers on SR, and I also asked openly on the forums for anybody who was dissatisfied to contact me, two contacted me. I have individually worked with each person to make sure they are happy. One of them is getting pregnant (you know who you are, congrats!) and I could not ship a replacement since she's gone clean so I sent her $300 worth of bitcoins. This style of putting the customer first has worked out for me, she's considering ordering some drugs for her husband now. Anyhow, as far as I know nobody - and i've asked openly - every person who has ever purchased from me is happy with their decision. That's what I offer, 100% customer satisfaction. The only issue anybody has with me is price. I'm still working on how I can provide top quality product, service, replacements, reliability, never requiring an FE and lightning fast shipping while being price competitive with others who do not hold customer service in such high regard. I'm still working on it, so far the best I've come up with is to offer 2gms@$224/gm (this is a listing). If this takes off I'll start offering 3gms@$199/gm in a few weeks. Nod