I don't read the forums much, I just found out about this discussion a few hours ago when a customer pointed me at it. For the record I have never tried NoGen's stuff but I am sure it is fantastic. More than that though, I have massive respect for NoGen and any top vendor. I have only been shipping in weight for 16 days and I can now say from personal experience it's a very demanding job to keep up with customer questions, orders, and getting product, and getting money out safely. My hats off to all top vendors. As far as Danish's comments, he does appear a bit zealous but I do appreciate it and thank him for his loyalty. Yes, I'm going to send him a free piece. No, I didn't put him up to it. Anybody else who has had experiences with me either positive or negative feel free to speak up. I will gladly take any compliments or constructive criticism from those who have dealt with me. Nod