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Messages - Nod with the bitchin tar

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Rumor mill / Re: Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: June 23, 2012, 02:34 am »
I'd imagine it is a benefit to only selling one size, the orders can be safely and securely prepackaged so that all that needs to be done is for the buyer's address to be put on.

That is exactly why I'm selling one size :)

There is quite a bit of work that goes into vending, much more than meets the eye.  My marketing plan is to be sure that every order goes out next day and that customers receive it when they expect.  Sure I'm doing everything else I can to be on the ball (great heroin, good service and stealthy packaging) but where I am really putting my focus is to making sure the customer gets their product when they need it.  This is heroin after all.

Thanks for the kind words anchorman!

Rumor mill / Re: Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:27 pm »
Hey guys!

Thanks for the awesome reviews!

Quick update.  I am getting FAR too many people complaining about trouble getting the tar out of the waxed plastic.  The purpose of the waxed plastic was to make life easier on customers not harder so I am going to stop using that method soon.

Just an FYI if you have any trouble with this then it will soon be a thing of the past.

That is the only complaint anybody has made so hopefully that will leave me with lots of happy customers :)


Rumor mill / Re: Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: June 21, 2012, 02:37 am »
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the wonderful reviews!

Looking at customer feedback everybody is ecstatic with pretty much every aspect of the operation except one.  About 20% of customers are complaining about having a hard time getting the tar out of the packaging.  I thought I'd chime in and let people know what's going on and what I'm doing to fix it.

I have been packaging the product in a wax lined plastic wrap made by glad (like wax paper but it's a wax "plastic").  I chose this because it was the least sticky surface I could find.  I put the tar in this instead of directly in the bag on purpose because it doesn't stick to the wax plastic as much as it does to a normal drug bag.  Truth be told the amount of product lost by either method is insignificant (5mg) but it's annoying to see your dope go to waste so I none made this packaging decision with customer perception and satisfaction in mind.

I live in the north west and the climate is cooler here than most of the country.  The wax plastic solution is working fantastic up here but when it reaches people in warmer climates (or I presume moves through a warmer climate on the way to you) the tar sticks to the wax plastic.  It is perfectly normal for tar to get malleable when it gets warm particualrly when it's rolled thin like this for packaging so the tar is not damaged at all but it's annoying for the customer to have to peel it off.  I only became aware of this the last two days and I am working on a fix (more on this below).

In the meanwhile if your order is afflicted by this problem the best way to handle this is to put the tar & wax paper in the freezer for a few minutes and then remove the wax paper with tweezers. 

Now that I know this is happening I am working on a solution.  Starting tomorrow I have prepped the wax plastic with a special coating which will help.  In addition I am looking at other solutions.

Thanks, and enjoy your Nod


Rumor mill / Re: Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:16 pm »
Thanks for the wonderful review!  I'm glad you loved it.


Rumor mill / Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:37 pm »
Hi guys,

I am a new heroin vendor that opened up shop this week.  I am offering premium quality BTH with top notch customer service.  This thread exists to provide one place for customers to provide feedback.  Thanks!

Nod w/ da bitchin tar

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