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Messages - Nod with the bitchin tar

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Yep itslio,  there are things other than purity and cut which effect quality.

A big one for me is pH.  Coke HCL has a hydrochloric acid ion attached which makes it water soluble. If more hcl than necessary is used you have extra acid in the product which makes it acidic and causes nasal irritation for snorters and damaged veins for shooters   Fixing this is most of why people like washed coke.. On the other side if too little hcl were used the pH would be good  but not all cocaine base would convert to cocajne hcl so the pile of come would  be mix of coke base and coke hcl.  For the purposes of snorting and shooting this coke base will not contribute to intoxication.  The test  will however count it as pure since the test cant tell the difference so this is a case where a test of coke will return potency figures inappropriately high for its intoxication potential.   in realty this too little hcl wont happen, people aways err on the side of too mucb.

Another example is smell.  I have some horrid smelling but potent stuff that I wont sell here.  If it smells so bad you get a headache it is not good coke.  I'll get ya high but if it is not enjoyable it is not good coke even if it is pure.  (Speaking of if someone wants to rock some up and see if the smell goes away hit me up on SR, ill sell it cheaper).

Another example of how purity is not the end-all-be-sll is moisture content. Coke left out too long especially when humid will absorb a bit of water and be hard to chop.  Another example is if a cut were used that was too large to be sucked up by a needle.

There are other characteristics which also matter related to the manufacture process  my favorite is squishy bricks.  Dutchaanbod and Abzu are examples of vendors that carry elastic coke. I love elastic coke, it is sort of a novelty!  This is a matter of personal preference however as even though I love it others do not.  There are many personal preference issues: fishscale, elastic, high heat are some.  Similarly, mexican, columbian, bolivian, peru - all have characteristics which some like and some not.  If this is ignored people only care about purity the distinctness each of these bring to the table is lost and from there unfortunate conclusions like "peruvian coke is no good" would be drawn.

I applaud pineapple for his work and will probably send him some. His work is definitely an asset to the community.  But we are talking too much about purity as if it was all that matters, should consider all variables.  Making a decision on purity alone is like buying a car based on accelleration with no regard for anything else.


Rumor mill / Re: Meth vendors and product reviews
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:02 am »
I never would have guessed the meth forums would be dead at night.  You guys dont take your tweaking that seriously do you?!?

I'm 'gunna get all y'all bouncin off the walls:)

Rumor mill / Re: Meth vendors and product reviews
« on: February 20, 2013, 08:30 am »
Hey guys,

After some serious research and recon, I have decided to enter the meth market after testing out 5 varieties with my top customers (some H users, some coke users, some both) and comparing it with the top 5 meth vendors on SR. I purchases 1 gram from the top 5 vendors, purchased 5 different types of meth from my local suppliers, and sent a 100mg sample of all 10 varieties to my top customers who also use meth.

As i'm sure you can imagine, I now have a crystal clear understanding of which is the best, but more importantly, where it ranks among the top meth suppliers here.   I will only be only selling the best I can of course. I will not discuss where they rank amongst the current vendors in the top 5, but I will tell you that my new supply will without a doubt  rank in the top 3.

To give you an idea of how far I go to bring the best product here are some notes about my other product lines I scribbled up today:
  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=27925.7200                                --- today's coke product update
  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=2484.msg841057#msg841057   --- today's heroin product update

I'd love even more feedback from the community, please tell me what I need to do to be your ideal vendor, particularly with what characteristics you like in your product and what things meth users like.  Please tell me privately what I'm doing wrong so I can fix it and also what I'm doing right as well (publicly is okay :p).  Heroin users like their product to arrive fast and when they expect it.  Coke users love their product to be a single chunk.  Meth users.. Well you tell me!  Anybody who wants to talk meth and shoot me some thoughts or help educate please feel free to send me a message on SR.  I will gladly take any meth or meth user related advice you care to send!

I have product ready but I am still taking photos and have also setup brand new, special packaging for this new product. For anybody who wants to try the product I have set up a temporary listing: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/e1e14bb44f

This listing is priced below other top vendors in order to entice people to try and hopefully review.  Anybody is welcome to order this listing but because I'm not ready for prime time just yet- I will not be doing same day shipping with Meth at this time. 

For those that didn't know, I have tirelessly shipped all orders placed by noon pacific the same day without fail for the past 8 months.  Because I ship from the pacific time zone this lets you order 3 orders later than EST vendors, and delivery usually happens in one day - as little as 19 hours.  People want their drugs fast and when they expect them (especially heroin users) so this is part of how I do this.  The tweakers will get this perk too but since I'm not ready for prime time yet you may have to wait several day before I ship an order placed on this temporary page, so please order this with the understanding that it will not be shipped as fast as my coke or heroin.

Important - because the price is lower than others I may get flooded with more orders than I can safely mail.  If so will be canceling excess orders - please don't be offended if I cancel your order, I will honor my longest running customers first, then respected forum members in this thread, people who give reviews, and people who spend a lot of money (duh :), and pretty girls.  If you are a regular forum poster or reviewer please send me a link to a review and I will give your order priority.  If you are a high volume repeat buyer please mention this and if your buyer stats confirm it I will put you at the top of the list.  If you are a sexy girl you know what to do, I'm sure you already get anything you want from guys.

Anybody who is interested, I am looking for  the following:
 a) People to provide feedback and reviews
 b) Suggestions on how large meth shards should be (I have very large shards and will need to cut them down - how big do you all like them)
 c) Suggestions on how to package and ship
 d) Any thoughts on what information people will want to know about this product for the product listing.
 e) What size orders are convenient for you
 f) What things are important to you as a customer
 g) Anything else you want me to know (Feel free to send naughty photos if you're cute - Everybody follow 'blus lead!)
 h) If you are going to pick up on me, on a scale of 1-10 how you rate kissing, receiving oral, or giving oral when you are tweakin. 

I will be reading these threads but if you enjoy chatting my preference is a message on SR so I can ask questions back at you quietly.

I look forward to meeting you and redefining your expectations for quality, service and cunnilingus!

Also - I'm going to have photos up soon, if you'd like to see them fan me and they'll pop up on the main page when they are ready!


Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:32 am »
Can we please refrain from talking about or discussing the length of our imaginary dicks or the biggest imaginary dicks we have seen. I know we have all had or been in the presence of imaginary dicks before but saying something is or isn't the biggest imaginary dick gets us no where.

You have no way of proving the size or what I have seen of an imaginary dick

And I have no way of proving that you've had the purest imaginary dick before.

We know what we know. No one is better than anyone else in this imaginary dick knowing contest.

+1 this was hilarious and so true! 

It's not so obvious with heroin, but the idea of saying a product is "x percent pure" without backing it up is pretty silly. 

It's much more obvious with coke so I'll use it as an example.  People like to make up numbers and say their coke has been tested and is 85% pure.  The reality is almost nobody who claims this has actually had their product tested, they are just making things up.  There is one exception, a guy in holland is sending all the coke vendor's products to a lab for testing which is fantastic.

But even if those numbers were legit they are only a tiny piece of a much larger puzzle.  pH (specifically, extra acid) is hugely important and totally ignored by this measurement.  Smell is ignored, I have some coke here that is quite potent but smells like diesel fuel that I would not dare sell to anybody on SR.  Even if it's the most pure stuff here it would not lead to satisfied customers.  There is also the issue of water content, coke is extremely water soluble and absorbs water from the atmosphere so if it sits out too long it becomes hard to chop.  These issues are all critical but completely ignored by the measurement of purity.

The same is true for heroin, although people are rightfully more concerned with purity.  For heroin it's important to know the product is clean, the pH is not overly acidic for your vein's sake, that it's not cut with something harmful like sugar.. pretty much it has to be good shit.

Purity alone does not make good shit.  Purity is crucial, but many other thing are as well.


Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:21 am »
Hey guys -

I don't post here often but I thought I'd chime in today as it is a special day.  As many know a few months back I decided to start adding a free 1/2gm of coke, 1/2gm of meth, or 0.25gm of another great type of heroin with express shipping on my 1.0gm Extreme Heroin listing.

A reality of the drug world is every supplier claims they have the best dope anywhere so you have to figure out which is legit.  It takes connections, knowledge, money, and planning to make sure customers only get the best product.

I get it tested and analyzed, and then see if they can supply it in quantity- if this goes well, I can use them as I can be sure I am shipping theyou will not get cheated.  This leaves most dealers with non-premium product. If the product is inferior I sell it to some friends at a loss leaving me with only top quality product for sale on SR.  However, every now and then I find a new product in the same ballpark as my premium product.  This is rare these days because I have been working hard to find the best connections and on average when I test a new connection I get average average dope which I can't use, but once in a while I find a gem in the rough.

This is what I have been using this "free 0.25gm of another great type of heroin" special for.  When something is really good and it passes my internal tests I then offer it to customers to test.  Customers love it (who doesn't like to get two kinds of dope to try), especially when it is a bonus and you are guaranteed to get what you paid for in the first place.  It's like buying a six pack of Sam Adams and getting a free glass of delicious IPA!

About four weeks ago I found a type which I was very impressed with so I tried some then ran it through my battery of tests:

Objective tests:
  -running through a 26ga needle
  -measuring density
  -hardness with a durameter at 74F
  -boiling point
  -reagent chem test for presence of adulterants

Subjective tests:
  -trace color
  -trace bubbles
  -smoke flavor
  -vinegar smell intensity
  -bitter taste intensity
  -smell for sugar

  - share with a smoker friend
  - share with a shooter friend
  - share with any 18-30 year old girls nearby in a tight mini skirt.

Disclaimer: In reality the use test comes first, depending on attire.

This is not only expensive and time consuming, but it requires a good deal of work. Regardless, it is the process I have used since the beginning in order to provide you with the best of breed and consistent top quality. I am overjoyed to report that my tests have proven this source to be superior to normal product!  I then sampled some out to customers for two weeks using the 0.25gm freebie eliciting their feedback.  I got overwhelming feedback that this is superior to my existing product, and therefore contacted my supplier and stocked up.

This is expensive and slow and takes a good deal of work but it is what has to happen to find the best of breed and consistently provide top quality.    I am happy to say that my tests showed this to be actually better than my normal product.  I then sampled some out to customers for tow weeks using the 0.25gm freebie eliciting their feedback.  I got overwhelming feedback that this is superior to my existing product, so then I contacted the supplier and picked up weight.

Today is a joyous day!  This product is better than my prior and I have the ability to get it in volume so as of today every customer gets the new higher quality product which I internally call "Type F".  Many heroin customers fall in love with what they usually get so I am going to keep "Type D" on hand for this purpose.  If you love the existing stuff and don't want to change that's no problem, just tell me you want Type D and I can send you what I have been.  Similarly I still have "Type A" for those customers who preferred that, though nobody is asking for that any more, even the most hard core have tried the new stuff and said are converts.

I will try to get updated photos up shortly. 

What else is great about when I switch to a new product, I can tell the old supplier "hey - someone else has done better" and get them pushing up the chain to get better sources.

Anynow the best BTH on SR just got better!  Come give it a shot.


I was coming to this thread to ask "hey guys, I've never tried tar before and I think I want to give it a shot."

Then I see this beautiful sales ad. I think my mind is made up.

SHILL!!!!  lol :)   

I just got caught up today, which is what allowed me to make this swap. I also made a swap on my standard cocaine product, documented here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=27925.7200

This cocaine I just described is what people will get when they specify the "0.5gm of free cocaine" bonus on express.

As always, as long as SR is up an order placed by noon pacific will ship same day so if you were to place an order for this new mind bending high quality Heroin and specify Coke as the bonus as long as the order is in by noon pacific tomorrow it will ship same day and there is an 80% chance of it arriving by 3PM Thursday (remaining 20% is in the case of a 2-day express route, which would have it in your mailbox 3PM Friday).

Unbelievable quality heroin and SR's highest quality coke in your mailbox Thursday.  Damn makes me want to buy some of my own shit :)

Hey guys,

I just wanted to let people know what's happening with my product line.  On my last re-up I ended up getting multiple types of great coke.  All are 9/10 or 10/10 products, I turned down everything except the great stuff.  Although they are all great, I like a few better than the rest and I didn't want my product quality to go down so I saved my favorites for the end.  As of today I am shipping a new type of coke that I am happier with than before.  The prior was great but this is equal in many aspects, better in a few.  It is not inferior in any aspect.

The old coke:
  Colgage white
  Firm, breaks in to large chunks
  Very potent
  Very euphoric, not speedy
  I've had nearly 20 people tell me they've tried 4-5 major vendors and that this is the best hands down
  Shipped generally as a solid chunk

The new coke:
  Identical in all those ways
  The amount of sparkles is significantly improved (double)
  There is a gloss sheen when held in a light under a magnifying glass, particularly immediately after fractured.
  When you run your finger along it more dust is created (this is good)
  When broke the fractured lines are much more elaborate (this is neither good or bad).

Anyhow this started shipping today and I will be on this batch for 5 weeks before the next re-up.  Since this is equal or better in every category I have no worries at all about customer satisfaction, except for a few people who thought the price was too high I have had overwhelmingly positive feedback so far and it's going to get better as of today.

In another thread I also posted about changes to my standard heroin product ( http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=2484.msg841057#msg841057 ).   It's no coincidence that both changes happened today, I have been overwhelmed and had a chance finally today to implement them. 


Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: February 19, 2013, 11:58 pm »
Hey guys -

I don't post here often but I thought I'd chime in today as it is a special day.  As many know a few months back I decided to start adding a free 1/2gm of coke, 1/2gm of meth, or 0.25gm of another great type of heroin with express shipping on my 1.0gm Extreme Heroin listing.

A reality of the drug world is every supplier claims they have the best dope anywhere so you have to figure out which is legit.  It takes connections, knowledge, money, and planning to make sure customers only get the best product.

I get it tested and analyzed, and then see if they can supply it in quantity- if this goes well, I can use them as I can be sure I am shipping theyou will not get cheated.  This leaves most dealers with non-premium product. If the product is inferior I sell it to some friends at a loss leaving me with only top quality product for sale on SR.  However, every now and then I find a new product in the same ballpark as my premium product.  This is rare these days because I have been working hard to find the best connections and on average when I test a new connection I get average average dope which I can't use, but once in a while I find a gem in the rough.

This is what I have been using this "free 0.25gm of another great type of heroin" special for.  When something is really good and it passes my internal tests I then offer it to customers to test.  Customers love it (who doesn't like to get two kinds of dope to try), especially when it is a bonus and you are guaranteed to get what you paid for in the first place.  It's like buying a six pack of Sam Adams and getting a free glass of delicious IPA!

About four weeks ago I found a type which I was very impressed with so I tried some then ran it through my battery of tests:

Objective tests:
  -running through a 26ga needle
  -measuring density
  -hardness with a durameter at 74F
  -boiling point
  -reagent chem test for presence of adulterants

Subjective tests:
  -trace color
  -trace bubbles
  -smoke flavor
  -vinegar smell intensity
  -bitter taste intensity
  -smell for sugar

  - share with a smoker friend
  - share with a shooter friend
  - share with any 18-30 year old girls nearby in a tight mini skirt.

Disclaimer: In reality the use test comes first, depending on attire.

This is not only expensive and time consuming, but it requires a good deal of work. Regardless, it is the process I have used since the beginning in order to provide you with the best of breed and consistent top quality. I am overjoyed to report that my tests have proven this source to be superior to normal product!  I then sampled some out to customers for two weeks using the 0.25gm freebie eliciting their feedback.  I got overwhelming feedback that this is superior to my existing product, and therefore contacted my supplier and stocked up.

This is expensive and slow and takes a good deal of work but it is what has to happen to find the best of breed and consistently provide top quality.    I am happy to say that my tests showed this to be actually better than my normal product.  I then sampled some out to customers for tow weeks using the 0.25gm freebie eliciting their feedback.  I got overwhelming feedback that this is superior to my existing product, so then I contacted the supplier and picked up weight.

Today is a joyous day!  This product is better than my prior and I have the ability to get it in volume so as of today every customer gets the new higher quality product which I internally call "Type F".  Many heroin customers fall in love with what they usually get so I am going to keep "Type D" on hand for this purpose.  If you love the existing stuff and don't want to change that's no problem, just tell me you want Type D and I can send you what I have been.  Similarly I still have "Type A" for those customers who preferred that, though nobody is asking for that any more, even the most hard core have tried the new stuff and said are converts.

I will try to get updated photos up shortly. 

What else is great about when I switch to a new product, I can tell the old supplier "hey - someone else has done better" and get them pushing up the chain to get better sources.

Anynow the best BTH on SR just got better!  Come give it a shot.


Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: February 19, 2013, 11:36 pm »
I find it funny the comparison or differences of the Heroin and Cocaine review threads.

Most on the H thread complain vendor being scum for not receiving gear, next week, love vendor for coming through.

Cocaine thread - general positiveness since most posters are either about to receive or are reviewing the gear while high as hell.

My favorite observation is the percentage of people who use PGP when ordering.  20% of heroin users, 60% of coke users.

I stated in another thread about C I got from Nod.  It was very, is very white, and that worries me.  Speed too is very white!!!

First time I've heard that complaint.  I should rename it "Nod's Colgate Coke"!

The reason I try to send as solid chunks is so people don't have to fear that this is cut after it leaves the point of manufacture.  If it comes as a solid as long as you can tell the difference between a re-rock and an original brick the whiter it is the better.   

If it comes as a powder the color means nothing because it could be cut with something white.   

That is why I started sending solid chunks.  Unfortunately that has not been working super well for me because when you break a solid piece of coke in to pieces dust is created.  I asked here publicly for ideas on what to do about this about two months ago.  There was a bit of feedback but no one idea had a lot of traction so I just started putting rocks and the dust that was created cutting them up in the same bag.  As I know this dust came from solid chunks directly off the brick in the first place I know for certain it is the same material.  Of course customers don't know that but since I have a reputation for admitting owning up to mistakes and fixing them it has been no trouble.


70're a boss man. Everyone knows it too. I'm sorry to hear about that loss...I'll PM you on SR as I haven't spoken to you lately and I'd like to help you out in any way (purchase, etc.)

BTW Nod has to have the best cola around...he works his ass off...non-stop in order to keep his customers satisfied. I don't think customer knows how much these vendors have to go through to keep us satisfied but from what I know...99% of us couldn't handle it.
Being a HQ cola vendor on SR is like being a Delta White (no pun intended) or Rangers in the army....the best of the best, tough, smart, and can take 4 bullets to the chest and live.

Thanks for the props!  BTW I did not mean to come off as complaining.  I am doing okay and wouldn't want any pity orders. Orders from people who want great service and top quality product are of course welcome:)

Re-reading my post I wish I had framed things differently.  My intent was to say for street dealers this kind of behavior is not surprising at all.  If we go back and look at MM's thread askjng what he could do to help better he did not take much of the advice given to him (he liked mine, but it was sugar coated and I know how to speak his language). My private messages with him were similar.  Given this it does not surprise me in the least that he did this AND bragged about it.  What is inexcusably uncouth to you and I is part of life for him,  as he is apparently a street dealer.   He probably thought people would admire him.  His misunderstanding of the demographic is both why he did not do well here and also why he and I could not benefit one another.

Bullshit. 9k is a drop in a bucket compared to what a coke vendor on SR can make.

The nature of the drug business is that dealers are all scumbags (No offense to anybody here - and I don't consider myself one of them).  Dealers cheat each other all the time on bad product, full on theft, etc.  I bought a couple ounces of meth a few weeks back and the dealer was talking about "it's okay, pitch in and you can take all the best shards, everybody else prepaid".  The same guy gave me 4oz of crap back in july that I had to sell at 30% of my cost to a friend.  I myself got ripped off for $5k recently - coke was in sight but they brought muscle and I didn't, as soon as they got the cash off they ran.

SR vendors are generally a step above street vendors, but the roots are still there.  This does not surprise me at all.  I spoke with MM many times when I was between connections trying to find a way we could make a win/win situation.  He never saw the big picture.  I tried contacting him again twice in recent times, no reply. 

The flip side:  People like to say SR vendors are making a killing.  Next time you think that keep in mind that we have to be honest to our customers but we are continually being cheated by suppliers.  Being stuck between dishonest suppliers and distrusting customers is a tight spot to be in.  I don't mind being in that spot but if people recognized the difficulty it would be a lot more fun.


Hey guys,

I've got some fantastic news!  I didn't know it was possible but I have found an even better source of coke than before.  I have been sending out stuff that as far as I know is the best SR has, but I am over 1,000 miles from home talking to many people here close to the border and some amazing stuff comes around.

Starting today (as in the orders I shipped this morning) I am now shipping the finest fishscale I have ever seen.  Same price, just... even better, as hard as it is to believe.

No international at this time, too much risk.

Hey guys,

Listings are back up.  Took me a while, I had to go through six different suppliers but I've found the exact same product from the same manufacturer as before.   Feel free to order, as always I am shipping placed before noon pacific same day.  Because of high demand there is potential that there will be so many orders not all of them go out tomorrow, in that case I'll be filling them based on when they were placed.  I've prepackaged a ton however to fortify against the onslaught.

It's nice to be back in the coke business!

I think I have got it handled, woot!  If all goes well I'll have listings up on Thursday.


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