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Messages - Nod with the bitchin tar

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Newbie discussion / Re: Outstanding Vendor - Nod
« on: July 27, 2013, 05:26 am »
However like a really great movie, his meth is worth a review post. I have tried most of the other main vendors, and while they are professional, their product cannot compete. I have been using meth off n on for 10 years, and this is by far the best on The Road.

Thanks jake!  I have a fantastic meth connection, the reason I don't push that product is the other vendors selling their meth product are coming in at a price point I can't compete with while keeping my quality standards where I insist they be.  In order to compete in that market I'd have to displace orders for other products which I've chosen to focus on.

I'm not totally closed to participating in the meth market it's just a matter of profitability. If word about the quality of this product spreads.enough that I can offer superior product at a price that makes it profitable I'm open to giving it a shot.

I'm trying to expand my infrastructure.  If I can increase my capacity to the point that I can can keep up with demand on my other product lines with room to spare maybe I can introduce this product to the community at a loss to get some exposure.

Food for thought...

- Nod

Hi guys just wanted to stop in and touch bases. I always have great feedback, but I've been getting even more glowing responses from customers about the product I've purchased recently, which I call type N, O, and P (O and P are probably the same brick, I can't tell a difference between them). 

As always I'm always the vendor of choice for reliable and fast shipping.  I ship every order placed by noon pacific (3pm eastern) same day so for the 80% of customers who are overnight service via USPS Express your order will be in your mailbox in less than 24 hours.

If anybody has any product requests feel free to shoot them my way in a PM or discuss them here.


- Nod

Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:01 am »
Hi guys, just wanted to touch bases and say hello I've been working on other areas of business and haven't been on the forums as much as I'd like.

I'm penning something up about the product naming I use and how it allows intelligent communication about products and is one of the things that allows me to deliver consistently better product to customers than the competition.  I'll post something here int he next day or two.

As always I'm always the vendor of choice for reliable and fast shipping and customer satisfaction..  Based on feedback from the community getting product in to customer's hand quickly and reliably has been one of my priorities since I opened shop a year ago, I ship every order placed by noon pacific (3pm eastern) same day so for the 80% of customers who are overnight service via USPS Express your order will be in your mailbox in less than 24 hours.

Rumor mill / Re: Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: July 24, 2013, 02:53 am »
I will say this my stats are at the bottom. that i have delt with this guy for about half a year and i can tell you i only had 1 issue with him and that was because the usps changed their policy on express packages.
Anyway this guy is always fast usually less or around 24hours depending where you live..I get mine arcross the nation in 24 hours almost every time! Thats good..That and NOD is always good to his customers...I cant tell you how
many times i have ordered and he threw in a little xtra for his regulars..Hes/her super cool like that and very trustworthy.If im not going to be home i finalize early he never ask,s for it but i do it anyway.  So as i said i am ordering tonight and i will review what he sends me and let you all know how it was.

Thanks for the feedback Kirkotoby!  The way express works is if you drop it off by their cutoff (which varies per post office) the postal system will get it to the destination by 3:00pm either overnight or second day, depending some details about destination post office's (mostly when they get their mail from the sort facility).

My cutoff is noon pacific which means I will get all orders placed by then to the post office in time for their cutoff.  If you place an order with me by noon pacific there is an 80% chance of the USPS promising it next day by 3:00pm with the remaining 20% chance of getting it the second day.  USPS performance is outside my control but they meet their promise 97% of the time.

Newbie discussion / Re: US Cola advice request
« on: July 17, 2013, 08:13 pm »
Before ordering, I read the profiles of quite a few vendors. Two things about Nod stood out among the others. 1) He was very forthright in declaring the highest quality of his product without conveying a sense of desperation, such as you'd find with a car salesman. He quietly, eloquently says he offers the best on SR, along with first rate shipping and shipping success. 2) He convincingly charges premium prices which are consistent with his claims.  In other words, he has the best, and if you want the best, along with outstanding customer service, you will have to pay for it.  Yet there's never a sense of arrogance to his tone, just matter-of-fact confidence.

Thanks cling, I don't think I have ever been described with a meek flavor as you just wrote =)

I have been meaning to get back on the forums for a while and say hello.  Something has been on my mind due to some things I've read and this is a great place to discuss it.  The reason SR continues to exist is because people like that they can get drugs here with some confidence that they won't get screwed.   Drugs here cost more than drugs on the street because vendors are held to a higher standard.  If a vendor cheats a customer then customers talk about them and stop using that vendor.  In a nutshell that's a good portion of what SR offers over buying on the street.

This makes SR a value added marketplace which means you pay more but you get something extra in the form of confidence you won't be cheated.  That's why super markets exist too, people buy their clothes from target rather than on the street corner because buying from targets gives them some measure of assurance they won't get cheated and target will be there to take the clothes back if something is wrong.

Not all customers or vendors get this.    You can spot a vendor that doesn't get it by low price and lots of drama (bad product, shipping issues, late shipping, shipping light - all the things that you see street drug dealers do).  You can spot a customer who doesn't get it when they ask why SR prices are higher than street prices.

I get it though and I embrace it wholeheartedly.  The typical SR customer is a professional with a career and wants good service and quality and not to be fooled with and can affrod to spend more money to get it.   

I do everything I can to make sure these customers are happy.  That's what I do.  It costs me more and I pass that on to the customer because I know that they'd rather pay more than pay less to be cheated and disrespected.

I love the role I fill here.  Couldn't be happier to be the world's only honest drug dealer =)



Rumor mill / Re: Nod with the bitchin tar's review thread
« on: July 10, 2013, 09:20 pm »
Anybody have any idea when Nod will be back with listings? Any insight would be appreciated.



My listings are up, can you not see them?   Here's the url: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/38e50f44b6

There is absolutely no drug except heroin which perfectly cancels out the comedown of coke.  They are made for each other in that respect.  I never do coke unless I have some heroin on hand.

I agree with orpheus. Heroin isn't my drug of choice but it is fantastic for dealing with the edgyness that comes with coke.  When you hit the coke hard there's a wall to how much fun you can have, doing a small amount of H while you're still partying gets rid of a lot the aches and pains and the on edge feeling.

I also agree with what he says about comedown. I get wonderful vivid dreams on the stuff, sleep like a baby, and because of the antidepressant effect of one of the monoamines (6) the next day I am in a great mood, where normally the day after partying on coke I'd be a bit of a grump.


Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: June 23, 2013, 12:10 am »
Hey guys!

I have been away from the forums for a while, other areas of business have kept my head down but I'm up and breathing for air and wanted to say hi.  I hope everybody's well!

Fingers crossed that things stay calm, I miss contributing here on the forums and making acquaintances with everyone.

Rumor mill / Re: is SR cocaine really worth it?
« on: June 23, 2013, 12:07 am »
I have been considering purchasing a gram of coke from Silk Road for quite some time now. I have only done coke a few times in my life, and I was not impressed with the results either time. Just made me feel like hyper and jittery. I'm assuming this is because I got less than stellar product.

Hey fellas, it's been a while!  I've finally got things organized well enough that i have time to step in here and say hi. Hope everybody is doing well.  I think the best way to answer your question is with an argument for you to think on. 

You might notice that every time you buy coke on the street it is a powder.  Those of us who purchase from the top level don't receive coke as a powder, it comes in a solid 1,000 gram brick (or half brick).  Breaking this solid down to a powder takes a lot of work.  The natural question to ask then would be "why do I always receive it as a powder?".  The answer is they crush it to a powder so a cut can be added to increase the weight.

This can't be done while it's still in the rock form.   The new mix can be re-rocked but it wont fool anybody who's seen real coke - the concentration of fishscale is low, the smell is weak, there is no gloss when you break it. 

My point up to this point is if vendors are shipping powder it is nearly always because they have cut their product (there are a couple legit reasons to ship powder but they're rare).   Back to the original point - have you ever seen coke on the street in rock form?  The answer is probably no for most people (rare at best).  With that argument behind us I hope it's clear that street coke is always cut.

How much?  The best street coke is somewhere in the 3:1 range, most is far worse (6:1).  Meth is often used as a cut because it glistens when it's crushed as a powder and it's far more potent per dollar than coke (don't get me wrong I'm not mentioning meth as a scare tactic, I think meth is a far safer drug if used responsibly and via the same RoA as coke but if you're paying for coke you should get coke).

I don't know any of the other coke vendors on SR, I cant attest which sell good product though I am sure there are at least a few.  I can say that I am picky about even the bricks I purchase, I ship only as a rock, and I have enough purchasing power that I withstand droughts that cause other vendors to ship you bad product.  I am also the only vendor who keeps batches separate, names them, records what goes to customers, and keeps track of customer feedback so problems can be identified.  I take this seriously and as a result consistently provide top quality and assurance to my customers. 

Anyhow - is SR coke so much better than street coke as to justify its price?   For those of us who make quality a top priority the answer is without a doubt yes.  Even at 4x the price there's no doubt at all.

Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:44 pm »
Hey guys,

Usually I figure out ahead of time which product I like better but this took me by surprise so Type H and Type I are coming in without having been tested by any customers.  I tested it with some friends and know it's good, and it went through some basic tests - I tested both the powder and the solid chunks on foil for steak color and bubbles, how well it flows, that the dust can be huffed in to a ball, and that after being dissolved it will flow through a 26ga needle without filtering (Always use a filter - this test is just to ensure there are no large particles).  Both products passed all tests and they are both top quality.

The thing I need to know is what customers prefer.  In my opinion they are pretty close to one another.  In order to ensure everybody knows what's what I am going to be labeling every baggie with an "H" or an "I" so customers will know which one they got.  On orders that I can mix types I will be including both types.

1.0gm orders will be Heroin Type-H
1.0gm + .25gm bonus orders will be filled with the 1.0gm as Type-H and the 0.25gm as Type-I
2.0gm orders will have 1gm of Type-H and 1gm of Type-I

Please feel free to give me any feedback on which product you prefer and in which ways so I can make the best buying decision.  I have about 5gms of Type-G left, if some people give me some good data on their opinion of Type-H vs Type-I I will probably send those people some of Type-G to compare to ("probably" means if I have some and if it looks like it will help me make buying decisions.  I'm pretty generous when it comes to these things because it helps a decision that improves the entire product line).

Hey fellas,

As one of the many value added things I do is provide transparency in to what I am shipping.  This is nothing any other Coke, Meth, or Heroin vendor does.  Most vendors brag when they come up with a new better product but they do not advertise when they switch products, they just put in the poorer product and feign ignorance or tell the customer they're mistaken.  About two months ago I decided I could to better than that and since then I have been naming my products with each change of the product line so that my customers can be absolutely confident that once they try a product if they ask for it again they can be certain they will get the exact same thing. 

In order to do this and mean something I have to advertise changes which are both good and bad.  All vendors advertise changes when they are good, I am the only one who advertises changes when they are bad (for an example see my post in the coke forums switching from Coke Type C to Coke Type B on March 16th).  I am the only vendor on silk road who puts customer satisfaction on a high enough pedestal to do this.

Since December I have used Type A, Type D, Type F, and Type G.  F and G have been available for the last 6 weeks.

I have some supply of F left.  F is great for smokers with a mild taste.
I have 4 grams of Type G left but it is entirely in fine powder form (great for shooters and snorters.  Usable for smokers but you have to huff on it and roll it in to a ball first).

As of today I am bringing online two more types.  Their descriptions are almost identical:
Type H - A dry gunpowder that easily turns in to powder.  The powder is a lighter brown than others.  Starts as a solid rock.  Potency is in the ball park of Type G, somewhere from 90-110% as potent.
Type I - A dry gunpowder that easily turns in to powder.  Starts as a solid rock.  Potency is in the ball park of Type G, somewhere from 90-110% as potent.

Type H and I are distinctly different although their descriptions are the same.   I am going to be recording what gets sent to each customer, and for customers who order 1gm +_the 0.25gm bonus for express I will be sending one of one type and one of the other.  This will allow me to get comparative feedback telling which product is preferable. 

At this time I do not know which one is better.  The streaks tell one tale, the flavor of the smoke tells another.  I'm not sure which is best but I will know in a few weeks after some customer feedback.  I can say that they are each in the same range at Type-G, at worst 90% as potent and at best 110% as potent.

Type-G is not gone forever, the vendor is out.  If customer feedback is that this is one of these are superior I will probably carrying Type-G in the future.  If customer feedback is that these are equal I will carry all three.  If customer feedback is that one of these is inferior I will be dropping that one and keeping whichever the victor is, and Type-G.

Basically I'm trying tow new types that I know are quite good but can't decide exactly how good and want your feedback.  Out of the good known quantity and the two new types I am going to keep the best two around.

If you are a customer that specifies "Type G" or "Type F" in your order details I will be holding your order to get updated information.  If you are a shooter and you want some of the last Type-G I have that is in dust form put "Type G - dust okay" in your order details.



Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: April 01, 2013, 03:33 am »
Hey fellas,

As one of the many value added things I do is provide transparency in to what I am shipping.  This is nothing any other Coke, Meth, or Heroin vendor does.  Most vendors brag when they come up with a new better product but they do not advertise when they switch products, they just put in the poorer product and feign ignorance or tell the customer they're mistaken.  About two months ago I decided I could to better than that and since then I have been naming my products with each change of the product line so that my customers can be absolutely confident that once they try a product if they ask for it again they can be certain they will get the exact same thing. 

In order to do this and mean something I have to advertise changes which are both good and bad.  All vendors advertise changes when they are good, I am the only one who advertises changes when they are bad (for an example see my post in the coke forums switching from Coke Type C to Coke Type B on March 16th).  I am the only vendor on silk road who puts customer satisfaction on a high enough pedestal to do this.

Since December I have used Type A, Type D, Type F, and Type G.  F and G have been available for the last 6 weeks.

I have some supply of F left.  F is great for smokers with a mild taste.
I have 4 grams of Type G left but it is entirely in fine powder form (great for shooters and snorters.  Usable for smokers but you have to huff on it and roll it in to a ball first).

As of today I am bringing online two more types.  Their descriptions are almost identical:
Type H - A dry gunpowder that easily turns in to powder.  The powder is a lighter brown than others.  Starts as a solid rock.  Potency is in the ball park of Type G, somewhere from 90-110% as potent.
Type I - A dry gunpowder that easily turns in to powder.  Starts as a solid rock.  Potency is in the ball park of Type G, somewhere from 90-110% as potent.

Type H and I are distinctly different although their descriptions are the same.   I am going to be recording what gets sent to each customer, and for customers who order 1gm +_the 0.25gm bonus for express I will be sending one of one type and one of the other.  This will allow me to get comparative feedback telling which product is preferable. 

At this time I do not know which one is better.  The streaks tell one tale, the flavor of the smoke tells another.  I'm not sure which is best but I will know in a few weeks after some customer feedback.  I can say that they are each in the same range at Type-G, at worst 90% as potent and at best 110% as potent.

Type-G is not gone forever, the vendor is out.  If customer feedback is that this is one of these are superior I will probably carrying Type-G in the future.  If customer feedback is that these are equal I will carry all three.  If customer feedback is that one of these is inferior I will be dropping that one and keeping whichever the victor is, and Type-G.

Basically I'm trying tow new types that I know are quite good but can't decide exactly how good and want your feedback.  Out of the good known quantity and the two new types I am going to keep the best two around.

If you are a customer that specifies "Type G" or "Type F" in your order details I will be holding your order to get updated information.  If you are a shooter and you want some of the last Type-G I have that is in dust form put "Type G - dust okay" in your order details.



Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: March 22, 2013, 05:41 am »
The answer is - if Nod has it - I can get it.  So I guess that question is better directed toward Nod.  I'll ask him and see what he says.  (I think you're talking about 'gun powder' BTH - if not, please correct me.)

While not what the original poster asked, I get asked questions about powder daily so I've been meaning to pen something up about it.  I'll work on answering the whole range of questions but it will take a few posts.

When people ask for powder it's not really a complete question, it can mean a few things.  It can mean "Can I snort BTH", "Can I snort your BTH", "Can you get #4", or "All I know is there's this brown powder in these little baggies I snort and I like it". 

====="Can i snort BTH?"=====

Short answer: yes but it's not just a matter of dicing it up and sucking it in your nose like with #4 or coke.

Long answer:
BTH is one of very few drugs that can be used by the body by all routes of administration in the same form. Most drugs need to be in one form to be smoked and in another form to be IV'ed/snorted. BTH and Meth are notable exceptions, you can stick these two drugs anywhere and they work.  So the answer is yes it absolutely can be snorted, it's just a matter of getting it in your nose.

BTH is sticky so it's not something that can be diced up with a credit card or razor blade so it takes some some prep to get it in your nose.  There are three ways to do this.

The champaign of solutions is to create a "cheese".  I hate the term because just like modern BTH is not "tar" like unless it's cut, there is nothing "cheese" like about preparing a cheese.  The result is a powder that is easy to dice, humidity tolerant, and pleasant to snort.  You'd never know it wasn't a powder to begin with if it's done right.

In short the way to make a cheese is to take a plate and put some BTH on there and add a tiny amount of water - like 1 drop per 1/4gm. The heroin+water will form a syrup on the plate then spread it out and sprinkle a powder on it which will absorb the moisture until it's dry, then you chop it up like coke and snort.  Baking powder (or is it baking soda? I get those confused.  Someone tell me and i'll edit this post) is common.

I have always wondered if cocaine could be used. Maybe I'll try and let everybody know.  Has anybody tried this?  Does it make a snortable speed ball like it sounds?

It is common to add too much so I recommend starting with a small amount of product and water to test.  If you use too much water and it's watery instead of syrupy I'd recommend against adding more heroin because just like any time you add too much liquid it takes far more powder than you'd think to dry it up.  Instead skip forward to the "Monkey Water" section.

If you google "heroin cheese" there's a lot of bad press about it. I'm not sure what this is about, I can't see why this is any more dangerous than any other form of heroin and reason would dictate less dangerous since you'd have a bunch more volume to snort than your original product.

I have one customer that gave me a recipie for "cookies and cream" cheese - I'll need to ask him if I can re-post it.

The most simple way is to stick it in an afrin bottle.  Besides being simple it's also pretty sky.  The thing is when most people say "can I snort this" it's because they like the ritual of snorting and afrin doesn't really fill this hunger for snorting shit.  I'm the same way - as far as I'm concerned if I'm not using a rolled up dollar bill i'm not snorting. =)

The third way is called monkey water.  In essence it's the same as the afrin thing but it's more visceral like snorting and more concentrated.  To make monkey water you  put some water in a spoon and put the heroin in the water, dissolve, and snort the water.  It sounds a little weird before you try it a few times but it's not really.  Just like snorting powder sounded weird before you ever tried snorting water sounds weird but after you try snorting a small amount you'll find that it's not weird.

====="Can i snort your BTH?"=====

Everything above applies but I've got a few comments about my product as I know it well.

Uncut BTH is hard and brittle.  Cut BTH is softer and gooey. The more soft and gooey it is for a given temperature the poorer it is.  Uncut BTH also varies in hardness due to the quality if manufacture but it's still true that hard and brittle is generally more potent.  I have am shipping two types of heroin, Type F and Type G.  Both are hard and brittle (Type-G is more so).

These high quality brittle forms of BTH can be crushed in to a powder.  This powder can be snorted directly just like #4 except you get the multiplicity of rich effects which the that the other intoxicants intentionally left in BTH (mostly other varities of morphine) provide which #4 does not.

The way you crush BTH is you stick it in the freezer (still in the drug baggie) for a couple minutes then put it on the counter and hit it with a sauce pan.  Most of it will turn to a fine powder. 

This powder can be snorted directly.  It's a lot easier than prepping a cheese, but if you touch it with your fingers the heat and moisture will make it a sticky pain in the ass.  If you can avoid that it's easy to snort like this. 

Crushing to a powder is also the best way to prep for IV use, the powder dissolves quickly in water (don't use heat this will make it less potent).

Lastly, all the forms of snorting all BTH described in the above section are more easily done by starting by crushing the product to a powder.


Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: March 15, 2013, 03:18 pm »
is nods shit REALLY that much better than purist's? ive just never tried nod because well....fuck its so expesive. but seriously side by side comparisons anybody?

I don't brag much but I'm pretty stoned so my lips are a bit loose today =)

As always, I wonder if i'll regret it.  I always wonder.  Usually don't.  This time.. I probably am =).  Oh well!  If so maybe I'll learn not to write forum posts stoned going forward.

I make a point not to talk about other vendors but I'm going to slip a bit this once because of a recent episode.   I'll try to keep the other vendor talk short and speak mostly about my product.

A trusted customer recently forwarded to me a message from Purest where he claimed he was using my connection. This is NOT true - nobody knows who my connection is, and besides that I have multiple high level connections and they are over 1,000 miles apart so it's not simply extraordinarily unlikely that purest is using my connection, it's flat impossible since he wouldn't even know which one.  I was able to determine by explaining to him what to look for that the product purest sent him contained a sugar cut (which is really poor - no offense to purest, perhaps it was the guy above him, but sugar is the worst thing to cut BTH with, it's hard on the lungs and there are better options).  Purest also gave this customer bad advice on cutting the product more, and then bad instructions on how to make a cheese - on top of claiming to use my source(!).  This pretty much pissed me off. 

That's all I want to say about, the rest of this message will be focused on my product.  Hopefully I didn't cross the line. If a mod thinks I did please message me and I'll edit that and be sure to stay within bounds in the future.

But back to talking about MY products, here's the scoop:

I've been doing this for 9 months now which is an eternity here, and as a result of time and effort my sources are improving, with two very significant improvements in the last few months. I don't want to get in to details but let's just say I have two direct connections in to major players an the result is substantially improved product.

Generally when vendors come in this market they start with a good product and then when that connection does their quality goes down.  This happens to all of us as we all jump in with one source and then something goes wrong.  It did me as well early on but I was able to buy another players's connection to isolate custoemrs from me.  As a business man I saw the importance of good connections and I kept working on this and now I've got a few connections that are remarkably better than the others.  This has really paid off because now I can choose from these top connections whichever supplier is offering the highest quality product.

There is another HUGE  benefit to having been established a while.  When an operation gets big enough as mine did recently it's possible to maintain enough inventory that if the suppliers have quality issues you can survive the drought by waiting it out.  They come up with poor quality product, all the small time or disorganized dealers have no choice but to take what they can get but I get to turn it down and wait it out until the premium product rolls around again.  This advantage dramatically improve product quality. 

Lastly, when you start spending enough money with a supplier your business starts to matter to them.  I am very important to my suppliers due to the volume of business I send their way (and more importantly that I always bring cash, am very low risk to them, and can help them out in a pinch to make deals happen that they otherwise could not).    Because of how much I help them on the very rare occasion that I end up with bad product somehow they are happy to take it back. This is unheard of in the drug world, but I get this benefit because my business is important to them so they just buy the product back and give it to a less important customer. 

As a result of the above my product line is now absolutely stable (the heroin and meth are - coke is not quite there yet but I'm homing in).  Since I have this rock solid stability I have even taken to naming the source and product type within it so that I can communicate effectively with customers about which product they received and what they think of it.  I send samples out to customers and ask for their feedback.

Since supply has become so consistently recently I've gone to keeping track of the suppliers and which style from each supplier in order to effectively communicate to customers what they will be receiving (in contrast to nearly all other vendors who change it up secretly).  At this time I have I have 3 adequate types of heroin (Heroin Type D, F, and G) and three adequate types of Coke (Coke type B, C, and D).  I get customer feedback on products and when I am certain one is best I switch it it, leaving a post on the forums indicating such.

Due to all of these things the product I have is not only rock solid consistent, but the quality is FAR superior to the competition.  We're not talking feet and inches here, it's miles.

So the obvious question: How do we know that Nod isn't full of shit?    Here's why:

   * There are zero dissatisfied customers on this forum (Open call - has anybody here had a bad gram from me that I did not repair?) 

   * Next we can look at the reviews.  If we ere to ignore the wonderful people with 50 posts and look for the well respected forum members there are 10 reviews from people with many hundreds of posts minimum.  Every one says what I sell is the absolute best (One review from sbmafia is neutral  - he was coming off suboxone so there is some confusion with him.  I'm working with him to see if we can get him a second chance to evaluate with a clean palette). 

   * But here's the doozie:  Yesterday I had to switch from Coke Type C to Coke Type B, a minor downgrade.  I did the unthinkable:  I TOLD the community I would be switching to an inferior product the night before.  This cost me business but it was required to maintain integrity.  Because I admit this it gives validity to my positive clais too.  Has any vendor here ever done that?  If not then no other vendor can be trusted to say when their product is good since they hide when it is bad.  I can, as demonstrated by the aforementioned post disclosing this even though it hurt sales.

That last line is huge because it makes it clear that I am the only (or at the least, rare) vendor who has enough integrity to tell the truth about their product.  You can't believe a vendor who always says "it's better!" without also admitting when it's worse.  I do however do that so you CAN trust me.

This means I'm the vendor who has never left a customer dissatisfied, who is repeatedly reviewed by respected members as the top of the pile, and who's product line is now stable enough that I am able to effectively communicate to customers exactly what they are getting rather than swapping things in slyly.

And now that I've established through verifyable claims that I am truthful about my product, here comes the real bragging:

At this time I have absolute confidence that no other BTH vendor here has a product which is even in the same ball, the runner up is 35% less potent (there are many other important characteristics to top quality heroin but I don't want to go in to that here).

But there's more than that.  Here's the one that will have people squinting and looking sideways. I am not quite ready to make this statement as a few more stones remain unturned but I have been researching the #4 market in hopes to enter it and my research is nearly done (not quite, but close).  If the final few results are what I expect I will soon be be able to make this bold claim:  My Type-G product is THE most potent heroin on SR, outperforming by weight every #4 and CW product currently shipping on SR

That's really an embarassment.  #4 and CW are by definition about twice as potent as my product so this is not technically possible.  The discrepancy here is that nobody here actually sells a #4 or CW product.  These refer to purity standards and every vendor here is selling a cut product (whether cut by them or their distributor) and is not properly classified as #4/CW despite being listed there.   Early on SupremeSmoke had legit product but discussed on this forum his quality dropped a while back.   For a very long time deadhead777 sold genuine #4 but he recently lowered his product quality to fit the mainstream.   

Maybe we'll get lucky and somebody will come up with a genuine #4/CW product.  That would be PRETTY cool!  It'd probably have to be a vendor who was seriously about product quality.. who might do that..

So as to your question about whether my product is that much more potent than purest's current product:  Yes, it's not even close.  Not only is the potency tremendoulsly higher, I have no cut in my Type G and more importantly I can supply this consistenly rather than underhandedly swap this out to pass on bad product to a customer (since I just turn down bad product and have the clout to return if I do take some on accident).

I am not a drug dealer, I am a businessman and have handled all the things that need to be handled to guarantee every customer the best heroin on SR every single time without fail, and the proof is right here in the forums - overwhelming positive feedback with no complaints in the 9 months I've been in operation - something nobody else can claim

I am worried that once I throw down the gauntlet I am going to have to undo a bunch of misinformation on #3/#4 and BTH.  I have myself to blame a bit for this to some extent, I wrote the definitive reference for the difference in these forums a few months back but I was in a hurry and left some details out which allowed people to draw poor conclusions.  I may have to make a post on that to settle things, but that's for another day.  Hopefully when I am sober =)

Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: March 14, 2013, 09:32 pm »
He has provided a large amounts of info, advice, & general good will to the forum for a long time. I don't know or work for him & have never even purchased his product. I have corresponded with him & he has never been anything but helpful & willing to do whatever it takes to please his customers.


If you'd like, contact me on SR and I will send you something in an attempt to add you to my army of shill minions.

Is he sorta bombastic ? Sure

Sorta?  Damn I'm telling stories about trying to take home strippers!  You've got to give me more credit than "sorta"!

The part that really makes me smile though is in any other place it would be unacceptably unprofessional to talk about trying to bed strippers, much less drugs.  But here in this magical place I can talk about such things as much as my security and privacy permit and people grin and smile.  It's like being in the Land of Oz.

Rumor mill / Re: h3ЯØ|n Vendors
« on: March 14, 2013, 03:35 am »
I smoked about .4g and I was FUCKED UP - like NEVER BEFORE.  Now, I'm no regular daily user anymore (because grams used to cost me about $70 and now on SR they're $250+) but I still have some tolerance (I used to throw grams on the foil within the last 2 months) but I've never experienced ANYTHING like I experienced with his gear.

HOLY JESUS!  No wonder you got sick man.  I'm glad you're better now.

My buddy is a pill guy with a massive tolerance, I asked him if he wanted to try some H.  He said "I don't feel I can get high off heroin".  I was perplexed.  Can't get high on heroin?  HUH? Giggle.  Pill people make me smile.

So I asked him how much he does.  He says he takes an Opana ER to get straight or two to get high.  I don't know much about Opana so I asked him what else, he said it takes seven 30s to get him high.  Jesus, he's buying 7 30s to get high?  Yowsa.

I honestly had no clue what it would take to get this guy all nice & tatered but I assured him that heroin does actually work so we went and got a BHO bong and after some trial and error a metal bolt for a nail.  He smoked 150mg via this route and was flat drooling. 

Public service announcement:  No matter who you are don't do 400mg of my product.  Not unless one of your parents was a horse.  People without a tolerance start with 20mg.  Heavy tolerance 100. Heroic tolerance maybe 150.  400mg is overdose territory for anybody.

I haven't heard anybody mention a BHO bong here so I'd better explain.  BHO (Butane Honey Oil) is marajuana concentrate.They make bongs for it, they are similar to marajuana bongs but they have a "nail" which holds the gooey BHO up so it doesn't clog the chamber.  If you want to get more loaded than smoking normally allows but you don't want to stick a needle in your vein this is how you do it.  Because heroin is so thick you need a significant heat source, an auto-off propane torch is good (auto off so you don't burn yourself or catch fire to your house if you nod off).  For the same reason the nail (where the drug goes) will need to be replaced with a metal one.  Stainless steel hex head bolts are good.  Do not use a zinc coated bolt (toxic).


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