Silk Road forums
Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: nopuke on December 05, 2012, 06:40 pm
I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problem I am. I recently picked up 115 of nipplesuckcanuck's LSD blotters to enjoy with friends and family. They supposedly have been tested at 90mcg per hit, which sounds about right after trying them. Some of my friends are experienced and some aren't, but none of them will take even a whole hit. They all want to take it, but they all insist on quarters and halves and thirds, while I want to start working my way up toward 4 or 5. I have no one to really trip with, and frankly, I can't help but think of my friends as a bunch of pussies! I don't want to sound like an asshole but I don't understand what it is they're afraid of, and it kind of irks me to think of my precious acid being wasted on people kinda-sorta seeing visuals, and maybe-kinda-a little bit having interesting thoughts and experiences. And to think the acid these days is anywhere from half to one tenth the potency of the acid going around when it was a really popular drug. Anyone else noticing this lame trend among their friends?
P.S. Also motherfuckers I know are selling shit acid, probably around 20-30mcg per hit, for 15 fucking dollars!! WTF I feel like this wonderful drug is being ABUSED, and not in the right way!
i agree your friends are pussies what a waste 1/4 hit seriously i wouldn't even share it with them if thats the case
it really is pointless to do less than a single hit
I was a "pussy" when starting out for these reasons that you claim to understand, and regret none of it. Just get them to compensate you for what you consider a waste and be patient. I'm sure they'll find out the water actually feels pretty nice once they get used to it :)
yeah i wouldnt take less than a half of "good" acid for first time.let them buy there hit and do what they want.after my first trip i would usually do 1-2 for a good trip doses can vary by strength so be careful
I've taken up to 20 powerful Felix hits along with a powerful MDMA (ecstacy) pill ("candy flipping") and i had to be designated driver all night so it's not he amount you take really, but after being a human lab rat basically, back in the day... I can give you true advice: 1. 3 to 6 hits at approx 120 to 150 ug's of LSD on each is the perfect amount any less and you are just teasing yourself,too much more is useless and a waste...2. it's 50/50. If you are able to handle it and not the type that will inevitably flip out for good on it then you that is Huge (it's something you are born with, you can know which you are easy, have you EVER had a bad trip? if so you risk permanent psychosis every time.... see Syd Barret). But in the end, theres one answer with acid and it's capabilities. I you trip enough eventually you will insist on tripping alone every serious LSD enthusiast I know agrees. And drugs are only a window not a doorway. You can get a glimpse of he world in it's inherit beauty but you can further other ways through meditation etc... Read Autobioraphy of a Yogi. and the enire Carlos Casteneda "teachings of Don Juan" series. if you haven't you shouldn't do drugs. Lol! Take care.