Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: myfriendhasamoped on August 06, 2013, 04:44 pm

Title: PGP for idiots
Post by: myfriendhasamoped on August 06, 2013, 04:44 pm
How about a simple, like im 5, mother fuckin COMPLETE walkthrough of PGP. Im sick of shit WHERE EVERYONE ONE ASSUMES I KNOW
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: myfriendhasamoped on August 06, 2013, 06:22 pm
Nothing...Really?.....More of my computer II+ dual disk drives when new '85-86? for fun vic-20 soon upgraded to com-64(woohoo) of course i had the tape drive. Used to record programs off fm radio at 3am. It was the good life. I swear i was the first p2p communication between a pc and apple back in 86. We were just trying to send bianry nude print outs to eachother. the wordprocessor i was running allowed us to ":chat" in real time. (first chat?)......anyways get it RIGHT? I can read instructions. I need instructions. AND IM SORRY IF I USE WINDOWS!   No command line please....
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: afflicted on August 06, 2013, 06:54 pm
the spectrum zx81 springs to mind, i hear ya , I admit im an idiot , I also need a guide for pgp , i am using tails im completely lost.............
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: NickNack on August 06, 2013, 07:51 pm
For Windows:

***1. Create your key***

*Sit at computer
*Turn on computer
*Open web browser
*Go here:
*Click the big "Download gpg" button
*Download it
*Unzip it (if you don't know how to do this use google)
*Open the folder and double click "start_windows.exe"
*Pick your language and click "next"
*Now click "Create A Key Pair"
*Click "Create New Key"
*Fill in whatever name and email you'd like the world to see, and create a strong password
*Click "finish"

***2. Import key of someone you wish to write encrypted to***

*Find their public key on their vendor page or wherever
*Copy everything from "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" through "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
*Paste all that into the box on the big blank left pane box inside gpg4usb
*In gpg4usb above that box, on the menu bar, you'll find a button in the middle that says "Import Key".  Click it and select "Editor"
*Click "OK"
*You should now see their name and key in the right hand box

***3. Write this person an encrypted message***

*Clear the editor box (the left hand side box) in gpg4usb... highlight and delete... or close it and open a new one from the top menu. "File" > "new"
*Type something in this blank box on the left hand side
*In the right hand pane, select this person's name that you wish to write to.
*This person doesn't yet have your key, so you need to give it to them.  Right click your name now in the right pane, select "Append selected keys to text".  Now your key should be copied into the left hand editor box.
*Click the "Encrypt" button on the top menu
*Click the "copy" button on the top menu... or do this manually whichever way you want
*Paste this... in an email to this person... or for an order on SR, in the blank box that asks you for your address.

***4. Receive an encrypted message***

*copy it all starting from "-------BEGIN PGP MESSAGE---"  through  "-------END PGP MESSAGE---"
*paste into your gpg4usb left hand pane
*click "decrypt" from the top menu
*enter your password
*read it

Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 07:54 pm
Nothing...Really?.....More of my computer II+ dual disk drives when new '85-86? for fun vic-20 soon upgraded to com-64(woohoo) of course i had the tape drive. Used to record programs off fm radio at 3am. It was the good life. I swear i was the first p2p communication between a pc and apple back in 86. We were just trying to send bianry nude print outs to eachother. the wordprocessor i was running allowed us to ":chat" in real time. (first chat?)......anyways get it RIGHT? I can read instructions. I need instructions. AND IM SORRY IF I USE WINDOWS!   No command line please....

Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: afflicted on August 07, 2013, 09:20 am
How does this work in tails?
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: Nightcrawler on August 07, 2013, 02:24 pm
How does this work in tails?

You don't need to use GPG4USB in Tails. Tails has its own copy of GPG.  To use GPG in Tails, you have to copy over your keyrings from external media (or have them saved in persisten storage). You can then use the gedit editor plugin which will will allow you to encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify directly from within gedit.

4096R/BBF7433B 2012-09-22 Nightcrawler <Nightcrawler@SR>
PGP Key:      (MIT clearnet keyserver)
PGP Key:    (IndyMedia https: clearnet keyserver)
PGP Key: http://qtt2yl5jocgrk7nu.onion/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB8F1D88EBBF7433B (IndyMedia .onion keyserver)
PGP Key: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=174.msg633090#msg633090     (Silk Road Forums PGP Key Link)
PGP Key Fingerprint = 83F8 CAF8 7B73 C3C7 8D07  B66B AFC8 CE71 D9AF D2F0
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: NoQuarter_merchant on August 07, 2013, 06:09 pm
OP, I understand your frustrations.

If you can't take the time to understand the technology, maybe you should reconsider doing illegal things on the internet.    If you can't figure it out, odds are you're also leaving behind a wicked cyber trail for someone to follow
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: Nightcrawler on August 08, 2013, 03:03 am
OP, I understand your frustrations.

I understand them as well. There isn't a single one of us who wasn't a newbie, at one time.

That said, the OP hasn't done himself or herself any favours by saying things like "Fuck you all" and posting a query about nobody helping them a few hours later. It would appear that they simply do not wish to invest the time required to master the technology, and compound that by wanting instant gratification, in the form of someone spoon-feeding them the information.

If you can't take the time to understand the technology, maybe you should reconsider doing illegal things on the internet.    If you can't figure it out, odds are you're also leaving behind a wicked cyber trail for someone to follow

Precisely.  I suspect that they are not the type of person who takes advice, however.

4096R/BBF7433B 2012-09-22 Nightcrawler <Nightcrawler@SR>
PGP Key:      (MIT clearnet keyserver)
PGP Key:    (IndyMedia https: clearnet keyserver)
PGP Key: http://qtt2yl5jocgrk7nu.onion/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB8F1D88EBBF7433B (IndyMedia .onion keyserver)
PGP Key: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=174.msg633090#msg633090     (Silk Road Forums PGP Key Link)
PGP Key Fingerprint = 83F8 CAF8 7B73 C3C7 8D07  B66B AFC8 CE71 D9AF D2F0
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: djtiesto on August 08, 2013, 05:34 am
lol gj
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: cactuschomper on August 08, 2013, 07:00 am

No need for PGP tools, you can do it all in your browser with hanewin!

Just trying to help, everyone needs to use this, when it comes to big security breaks like what happened with freedomhosting PGP could be the only thing saving many of you. Stay ahead of the pack so you don't get eaten, it's just not worth it otherwise.
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: NickNack on August 08, 2013, 08:58 am

No need for PGP tools, you can do it all in your browser with hanewin!

Just trying to help, everyone needs to use this, when it comes to big security breaks like what happened with freedomhosting PGP could be the only thing saving many of you. Stay ahead of the pack so you don't get eaten, it's just not worth it otherwise.

Are you being sarcastic?

I'd never use that.  I'd just enter my address info outright in the SR address order box before I used that.

No hidden transfer of plain text.
  Yeah, that's something I'd risk my life on...
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: afflicted on August 08, 2013, 12:35 pm
is it safer to use windows or tails ?
Title: Re: PGP for idiots
Post by: cactuschomper on August 08, 2013, 09:55 pm

No need for PGP tools, you can do it all in your browser with hanewin!

Just trying to help, everyone needs to use this, when it comes to big security breaks like what happened with freedomhosting PGP could be the only thing saving many of you. Stay ahead of the pack so you don't get eaten, it's just not worth it otherwise.

Are you being sarcastic?

I'd never use that.  I'd just enter my address info outright in the SR address order box before I used that.

No hidden transfer of plain text.
  Yeah, that's something I'd risk my life on...

I use it with internet exlporer for every order ;)