Silk Road forums
Discussion => Security => Topic started by: i push the kush on January 18, 2013, 07:44 pm
Okay, I'm new to this whole PGP thing, anyways I just placed an order with a vendor and I used their PGP key as a recipient. I beleive that is the correct way to do it. I am wondering where in the HELL is my public key? Like in the program? Where do I find it so I can send it to people so they can message me back?
By the way I have placed over 20 orders on here without ever using PGP! :-\ Scary... I know. Some of those orders where bulk 100G+ Schedule 1 drugs from NL and Germany... I consider myself extremely lucky.
from : http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb/
To copy your public key, so you can give it to other people, open the Key Management window and check the box next to your key, then select "Export to Clipboard". You can paste your public key into emails, forum posts, etc. Remember to include the beginning and ending lines with all five dashes. You can also choose "Export to File" and it will create an ASCII armored text file (*.asc). This is a regular text file that can be viewed with any text editor.
But you have to make a key first, if you haven't read the link!
Okay, I'm new to this whole PGP thing, anyways I just placed an order with a vendor and I used their PGP key as a recipient. I beleive that is the correct way to do it. I am wondering where in the HELL is my public key? Like in the program? Where do I find it so I can send it to people so they can message me back?
Read Astor's tutorial, which you can find at: http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb/
He covers generating a key, and exporting it.
By the way I have placed over 20 orders on here without ever using PGP! :-\ Scary... I know. Some of those orders where bulk 100G+ Schedule 1 drugs from NL and Germany... I consider myself extremely lucky.
That was not a particularly wise admission to make here.
Nightcrawler <Nightcrawler@SR>
PGP-Key: 4096R/BBF7433B 2012-09-22
Key fingerprint = D870 C6AC CC6E 46B0 E0C7 3955 B8F1 D88E BBF7 433B
PGP Key: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=174.msg633090#msg633090