Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: noblesavage on January 11, 2013, 10:22 pm

Title: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: noblesavage on January 11, 2013, 10:22 pm
Hi folks just got everything figured out with silk road apart from this PGP deal, from what I gather it is for encrypting your address when sending it to the seller. 

I'm about to make my first order tomorrow and I'm wondering if I can send the seller my address through SR without using  pgp encryption?

I will get reading up on it now as I understand it is probable the sensible thing to do but for the time being I'm wondering if it is possible to order without using it.

Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: Thizzed410 on January 11, 2013, 10:39 pm
Your name and address is the MOST sensitive peice of information in this site.  I do whatever it takes to protect that.  Even if you used a fake name and drop, you still dont want to make that place hot. 
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: Nightcrawler on January 12, 2013, 12:07 am
Hi folks just got everything figured out with silk road apart from this PGP deal, from what I gather it is for encrypting your address when sending it to the seller. 

I'm about to make my first order tomorrow and I'm wondering if I can send the seller my address through SR without using  pgp encryption?

I will get reading up on it now as I understand it is probable the sensible thing to do but for the time being I'm wondering if it is possible to order without using it.


Only a fool posts their name and address information unencrypted.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of fools to be found here.

Check out GPG4USB:

Also check out Astor's excellent tutorial on how to use it -- you'll be up and running in 10 minutes:  http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb/

Nightcrawler <Nightcrawler@SR>
PGP-Key: 4096R/BBF7433B 2012-09-22
Key fingerprint = D870 C6AC CC6E 46B0 E0C7 3955 B8F1 D88E BBF7 433B
PGP Key: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=174.msg633090#msg633090
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: noblesavage on January 12, 2013, 05:42 pm
Only a fool posts their name and address information unencrypted.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of fools to be found here.

Check out GPG4USB:

Also check out Astor's excellent tutorial on how to use it -- you'll be up and running in 10 minutes:  http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb/

Nightcrawler <Nightcrawler@SR>
PGP-Key: 4096R/BBF7433B 2012-09-22
Key fingerprint = D870 C6AC CC6E 46B0 E0C7 3955 B8F1 D88E BBF7 433B
PGP Key: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=174.msg633090#msg633090

Thanks for that mate thats me up and running now  ;) last question - When I'm sending my address does the vendor need my public key first to receive the encrypted message from me? Or can I just use his to send the message to him?

Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: Cathode on January 12, 2013, 06:22 pm
Vendor_Joe has public and private keys. He sends you his public key. You encode with Vendor-Joe public key and Vendor_Joe decodes the message using Vendor_Joe private key and Vendor_Joe private key password.

If you want vendor-Joe to send you an encoded message then you must provide him with noblesavage_public key.

You have secret noblesavage private key and password to decode this message.

Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: noblesavage on January 12, 2013, 06:48 pm
Vendor_Joe has public and private keys. He sends you his public key. You encode with Vendor-Joe public key and Vendor_Joe decodes the message using Vendor_Joe private key and Vendor_Joe private key password.

If you want vendor-Joe to send you an encoded message then you must provide him with noblesavage_public key.

You have secret noblesavage private key and password to decode this message.

Thanks man I've got gpg4usb and I've imported the vendors public key,  so I just make an encrypted message with my address then select the vendors key then press encrypt? Then when I make an order where it asks for my address I just send the encrypted message there?

Thanks for your help just want to make sure I don't mess anything up its my first order  :)
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: Nunya on January 12, 2013, 07:35 pm
Thanks man I've got gpg4usb and I've imported the vendors public key,  so I just make an encrypted message with my address then select the vendors key then press encrypt? Then when I make an order where it asks for my address I just send the encrypted message there?

Thanks for your help just want to make sure I don't mess anything up its my first order  :)
Put your public key in the text part of the message going to the vendor.  Then encrypt it all with the vendor's key *AND* your public key - you can encrypt to more than one key.  That way you can always go back and see what you sent.

PGP may be intimidating to noobs but it really isn't very hard.  Consider it a mandatory lessong.
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: noblesavage on January 12, 2013, 07:47 pm
Got it, much appreciated  :) thanks for the help everyone this isn't as hard as it first seems
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: savlon4 on January 12, 2013, 08:04 pm
Iv got it now guys. I encrypted it saved the encryption and opened it as a notepad file. I assume that when it odes come to making an order I just paste that into the name and address box and wait for the seller to decrypt it.
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: SorryMario on January 12, 2013, 08:43 pm
If you want vendor-Joe to send you an encoded message then you must provide him with noblesavage_public key.

Thanks man I've got gpg4usb and I've imported the vendors public key,  so I just make an encrypted message with my address then select the vendors key then press encrypt? Then when I make an order where it asks for my address I just send the encrypted message there?
Just make sure the encrypted ship-to name/address is the only thing you're putting in the address box. Use the PM feature to send the vendor your public key.
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: Thizzed410 on January 12, 2013, 08:45 pm
Iv got it now guys. I encrypted it saved the encryption and opened it as a notepad file. I assume that when it odes come to making an order I just paste that into the name and address box and wait for the seller to decrypt it.

Correct.  SR should make encryption of shipping info mandatory, or at least all vendors should for security purposes.
Title: Re: Is PGP compulsory for making an order?
Post by: happyroller1234 on January 12, 2013, 08:45 pm
Why the fuck not, is my question?
It's easy to install and learn.
Unless you're an incompetent twat, in which case you shouldn't be on SR...