Silk Road forums

Support => Technical support => Topic started by: timmysan on December 25, 2012, 01:21 am

Title: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: timmysan on December 25, 2012, 01:21 am

I have an SR account under "timmysan", and am unable to login using my username and password (a combo of letters and numbers). This first occurred the night of the 23rd, coincidentally during this image hack problem issue. I am especially worried because I have just made an order (using PGP) and will not be able to finalize if I cannot login, not to mention making a new account and having to FE etc etc.

It is possible I was victim of a phishing attacking (I was getting the SR url from wikipedia, which is easily edited). I realize this was a bad idea and am no longer doing so. Is anyone else having login issues? If not, will I be able to retain access to this account? I know my PIN which could be used to verify who I am.

Does the SR site and the SR forums use different credentials? If not, I know I haven't be compromised because I can login into the forums. I would really hate to lose my SR account, what can I do?
Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: Nightcrawler on December 25, 2012, 02:52 am

I have an SR account under "timmysan", and am unable to login using my username and password (a combo of letters and numbers). This first occurred the night of the 23rd, coincidentally during this image hack problem issue. I am especially worried because I have just made an order (using PGP) and will not be able to finalize if I cannot login, not to mention making a new account and having to FE etc etc.

It is possible I was victim of a phishing attacking (I was getting the SR url from wikipedia, which is easily edited). I realize this was a bad idea and am no longer doing so. Is anyone else having login issues? If not, will I be able to retain access to this account? I know my PIN which could be used to verify who I am.

Does the SR site and the SR forums use different credentials? If not, I know I haven't be compromised because I can login into the forums. I would really hate to lose my SR account, what can I do?

It's entirely possible that you may have been phished. Getting the URL from sitesl like Wikipedia was what led several people, including some vendors, to have their account details phished. Here's what I would do if I were in your shoes...
setup another SR account, and use that new account to message SR support.  Encrypt your message with the support staff's key (shown below).  If you have a pre-existing PGP key linked to your old SR account, you might wish to consider signing your message with that.

pub   2048R/67B7FA25 2011-04-01
uid                  Silk Road <>



Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: timmysan on December 25, 2012, 03:16 am
Thank you very much for your response. I created a new account and messaged the seller(the one whom I just placed a order from a few nights ago) informing him in hopes of....something. I do indeed still have my PGP key, and it is linked to my "timmysan" account. I will login using the new account and send a message to the mods like you suggested.

Thank you for providing their public key, I will start writing up that message now. Assuming my account was phished, is it possible for him to withdrawal BTC from my wallet without using the PIN? If not, THANK YOU SR for setting up the PIN even though at first I hated setting it up.

Again, thank you for your quick response/suggestion and kind demeanor.

Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: Barbie on December 25, 2012, 03:30 am
I'm having problems with my account too on SR. I can't figure if it is Tor or SR.
Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: timmysan on December 25, 2012, 03:51 am

Were you using the link from wikipedia everytime you logged onto SR? If so, you might have have been phished. I know very little at this point in time, but I'd suggest exactly what was suggested above.

Make a new account, send a message to support (encrypted via the PGP key above), and hope for the best. I dont know how many people are having this problem but if its only a couple, I doubt it had anything to do with the Image Hack issue.

I will try to update this thread if anything new comes of this. For now, I will simply have to wait.

Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: Nightcrawler on December 25, 2012, 04:00 am
Thank you very much for your response. I created a new account and messaged the seller(the one whom I just placed a order from a few nights ago) informing him in hopes of....something. I do indeed still have my PGP key, and it is linked to my "timmysan" account. I will login using the new account and send a message to the mods like you suggested.

Thank you for providing their public key, I will start writing up that message now. Assuming my account was phished, is it possible for him to withdrawal BTC from my wallet without using the PIN? If not, THANK YOU SR for setting up the PIN even though at first I hated setting it up.

No withdrawals are possible without the PIN. Therefore, phishing sites that I have seen look just like the SR site, except that a third field is also listed, i.e. your PIN.  That should be a dead giveaway, if one is paying attention, however a number of people have fallen for it, and given up not only their user-ids, but the passwords and PINs to boot.

If someone does manage to get ahold of your userid and password, but NOT your PIN, they can make only so many withdrawal attempts before the pin is locked and has to be reset by the staff. This is to protect against precisely this type of scenario.

Again, thank you for your quick response/suggestion and kind demeanor.

You're welcome. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: Nightcrawler on December 25, 2012, 04:02 am
I'm having problems with my account too on SR. I can't figure if it is Tor or SR.

If you're having trouble accessing the site, or logging-in, my advice is to keep trying. Only rarely do I manage to login to the main site on the first try.  Sometimes it takes several attempts.

Title: Re: Can't Login After Image Hack (Coincidence?)
Post by: Barbie on December 25, 2012, 04:22 am
I gave up, something happen to it. Maybe SR will notice it, I did contact them about 7 hours ago, lol. Merry Christmas and thanks! :-)