Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: ineedeuphoria on October 16, 2012, 10:51 pm

Title: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: ineedeuphoria on October 16, 2012, 10:51 pm
but I have read countless tutorials and tips and tricks on how to get started with SR, and it just doesnt click.
ANYONE have a tutorial in literal kindergarten terms?
I need this shit dumbed down, badly because im not an exact genius with computers.
I have a thumb drive, I installed tor, registered with these forums and SR, but thats as far as I have gotten.
I know that you guys have heard this a million times and im sure your tired of it, but if I can get this shit to work, I have shit to offer to SR.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: anex45 on October 16, 2012, 10:57 pm
but I have read countless tutorials and tips and tricks on how to get started with SR, and it just doesnt click.
ANYONE have a tutorial in literal kindergarten terms?
I need this shit dumbed down, badly because im not an exact genius with computers.
I have a thumb drive, I installed tor, registered with these forums and SR, but thats as far as I have gotten.
I know that you guys have heard this a million times and im sure your tired of it, but if I can get this shit to work, I have shit to offer to SR.

There's plenty of tutorials about using SR on Google and there's a tutorial/guide already on this site....not to mention the countless amount of threads on the forums here which explain everything pretty well.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: wackmanblu on October 16, 2012, 11:01 pm
Ineedeuphoria - What's your specific question? It's kind of broad to simply ask "how does this work"
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: wsg on October 16, 2012, 11:02 pm
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: anex45 on October 16, 2012, 11:05 pm
Ineedeuphoria - What's your specific question? It's kind of broad to simply ask "how does this work"

+1, it would be much easier to help you if you explain to us exactly what you're having an issue with or what part of using SR you need help on.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: boringflooring on October 16, 2012, 11:29 pm
try this one too

Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: Nightcrawler on October 16, 2012, 11:31 pm
but I have read countless tutorials and tips and tricks on how to get started with SR, and it just doesnt click.
ANYONE have a tutorial in literal kindergarten terms?
I need this shit dumbed down, badly because im not an exact genius with computers.
I have a thumb drive, I installed tor, registered with these forums and SR, but thats as far as I have gotten.
I know that you guys have heard this a million times and im sure your tired of it, but if I can get this shit to work, I have shit to offer to SR.

In a word, "No."  Based on what you've said above, it appears that you might be looking to become a vendor here.  Frankly, Silk Road is no place for people with weak computer skills, especially when it comes to security.  If you are going to survive as a vendor, you need BETTER than average computer and security skills. If you don't understand what you're doing, one mistake is all it takes to do you in. 

You need to develop a security oriented mindset -- and part of developing that mindset is not only understanding the tools that you're using, but also understanding their limitations.  Given that you're pleading to have stuff explained in 'kindergarten' terms, it doesn't sound to me like you're anywhere near close to that. It's not enough to even learn to use the tools by rote -- you've simply GOT to understand what you are doing. 

If you don't understand what you're doing, then you risk the same fate as the operators of The Farmers' Market.  They didn't understand the security pitfalls of what they were doing; they even thought Hushmail was hot shit!  If you don't understand what you're doing, then you are liable to make mistakes, like choosing broken PGP software (like Portable PGP) or services (like Hushmail.)

People with poor computer skills who don't understand what they're doing are the low-hanging fruit -- they are going to be the first ones picked-off by LEA.

Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: ineedeuphoria on October 17, 2012, 01:18 am
nightcrawler, you have a good point, but everyone has to start somewhere.
my main problem is the process of getting bitcoins on SR and making a purchase safely.
ive read all the instructions for mtgox, GPG, and all that shit, I just dont understand any of the tutorials' instructions.
also is booting my computer with liberte on my flash drive required? that shit is fucking giberish to me.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: malcontent344 on October 17, 2012, 06:35 am
Well I know it sounds a little harsh, but the idea of the silk road is that it remains safe and anonymous due to the userbase. If everybody who has ever wanted to sell drugs became a vendor then the whole site would break down in weeks and nobody would get the quality that is expected here. Everybody does have to start somewhere, but not everyone ends up in the same place.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: anex45 on October 17, 2012, 08:42 am
nightcrawler, you have a good point, but everyone has to start somewhere.
my main problem is the process of getting bitcoins on SR and making a purchase safely.
ive read all the instructions for mtgox, GPG, and all that shit, I just dont understand any of the tutorials' instructions.
also is booting my computer with liberte on my flash drive required? that shit is fucking giberish to me.

Use Bitinstant and make a cash deposit at a bank...all you have to do is specify what bitcoin address you want the bitcoins sent to (your bitcoin wallet or straight to your SR account) and you're all set.

There's lots of tutorials on this already available...plenty of information on bitcointalk, Google, etc.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: Nightcrawler on October 17, 2012, 09:31 am
nightcrawler, you have a good point, but everyone has to start somewhere.
my main problem is the process of getting bitcoins on SR and making a purchase safely.
ive read all the instructions for mtgox, GPG, and all that shit, I just dont understand any of the tutorials' instructions.
also is booting my computer with liberte on my flash drive required? that shit is fucking giberish to me.

Yes, everyone has to start somewhere.  Not so long ago, it was not at all uncommon on here, to see posts made by people who had lurked for a month --  or even two -- learning all they could, before they decided to dive in. These people were thinking in terms of safety, first, last and always.  Unfortunately, what has been happening of late is that there are just a flood of  newbies who are only interested in getting high -- they are interested in little or nothing else. All they're interested in is learning the absolute minimum to make their first buy.

Frankly, you appear to fall in that latter category.  Just witness your username on here: "Ineedeuphoria" -- that pretty much sums it up.  Just look at the stats:
Date Registered:    October 16, 2012, 10:42 PM
Post time:                 October 16, 2012, 10:51 PM

So, you spent all of what, 10 minutes? 

If you read some of the law enforcement reports that have been leaked, and are published on here, you would have discovered that law enforcement is terrified of Silk Road; they simply don't understand it  The thing that terrifies them most are the prospect of well-informed, skilled, disciplined people making appropriate use of the security tools commonly available.

The average law enforcement officer is well behind the curve when it comes to technology -- it is precisely that gap in skills and knowledge that provides the bulk of the protection that Silk Road currently enjoys. As that gap continues to erode, so does the security of both the individuals themselves, and also the community as a whole. I realize that this may not be palatable, but these are the facts nonetheless.

Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: chemdog on October 17, 2012, 03:35 pm
Here, if you really have read all that you say you have, then you probably have a degree of unconscious competence.

One of the best ways I've found to learn a subject is to teach it after reading.

So, I want you to spoonfeed US, not the other way around.

Share with us what you have discovered, what you think is cool, what you think sucks, what you see it as being and where it is going.

Because if you are not willing to share your excitement and your frustration, why should anymore remotely care?

You don't see see people saying shit like "I could've became an astronaught, but I just didn't understand my instructor or the instructions. This shit is fucking gibberish to me".

If you want it: APPLY YOURSELF.

You are a human-fucking-being, a creature whose main trait is reflective and adaptive conscious learning. Leave specialization to incests and use the electro-collodial bio computer in your skull.

Teach us what you have learned. You may find you are way smarter on this than you think.

Where are you based?
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: bonaQua on October 17, 2012, 05:42 pm

If you read some of the law enforcement reports that have been leaked, and are published on here, you would have discovered that law enforcement is terrified of Silk Road; they simply don't understand it  The thing that terrifies them most are the prospect of well-informed, skilled, disciplined people making appropriate use of the security tools commonly available.

The average law enforcement officer is well behind the curve when it comes to technology -- it is precisely that gap in skills and knowledge that provides the bulk of the protection that Silk Road currently enjoys. As that gap continues to erode, so does the security of both the individuals themselves, and also the community as a whole. I realize that this may not be palatable, but these are the facts nonetheless.

This, well said. It took me some time before I understood how all this stuff works, and it could get pretty frustating. The thing that kept me from just walking away and forgetting about SR was the idea of being able to enjoy any drug imaginable, plus for better price and quality than I'd normally be able to (obviously). For LE, this is just a job, and I suppose most of them don't even like their job...thus lacking any real motivation.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: Shroomeister on October 17, 2012, 06:03 pm
Start by STOP calling yourself newfag.

This isn't SRchan.
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: Barbijuana on October 17, 2012, 06:27 pm
 ▲ ▲
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: Shroomeister on October 17, 2012, 07:31 pm
 ▲ ▲

...the only acceptable response.

trifag is fag.

newfags cant triforce.

....CP CP CP teen...

....CPCPCPCPC old is she?
Title: Re: I know SR most likely does not have time for a newfag
Post by: Red Flag on October 18, 2012, 12:47 am
If you cant figure it out I dont think it would be a good idea for you to actually use it either.