Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: grizzleblunt on October 14, 2012, 04:50 am

Title: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: grizzleblunt on October 14, 2012, 04:50 am
Hey Silk Road! Just wanted to introduce myself. I first heard of Silk Road through a "wired" magazine article earlier this year while I was doing time at Victorville FCI II for bank robbery. I was automatically intrigued.
I found out about the "deep web" just yesterday. I can't wait to do some more exploring. My interests are ez money making, and I would also like to learn the art of hacking. If anyone has any pointers for a complete newb, plz feel free to PM me or leave a comment below. Any tips would be appreciated, as I am completely new to all of this. Along with any .onion sites you think would interest me.
I'm so glad to be here and apart of this thriving community.

Peace   ;)
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: TerrorByte on October 14, 2012, 06:16 am
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: BlarghRawr on October 14, 2012, 06:28 am
So the question is, cop or idiot? Either way, shouldn't be revealing details like this.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: gestaltassault2 on October 14, 2012, 10:27 am
Hey Silk Road! Just wanted to introduce myself. I first heard of Silk Road through a "wired" magazine article earlier this year while I was doing time at Victorville FCI II for bank robbery. I was automatically intrigued.
I found out about the "deep web" just yesterday. I can't wait to do some more exploring. My interests are ez money making, and I would also like to learn the art of hacking. If anyone has any pointers for a complete newb, plz feel free to PM me or leave a comment below. Any tips would be appreciated, as I am completely new to all of this. Along with any .onion sites you think would interest me.
I'm so glad to be here and apart of this thriving community.

Peace   ;)
admitting to bank robbery in your first post ever just screams LE...
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: Nightcrawler on October 14, 2012, 10:54 am
Hey Silk Road! Just wanted to introduce myself. I first heard of Silk Road through a "wired" magazine article earlier this year while I was doing time at Victorville FCI II for bank robbery. I was automatically intrigued.
I found out about the "deep web" just yesterday. I can't wait to do some more exploring. My interests are ez money making, and I would also like to learn the art of hacking. If anyone has any pointers for a complete newb, plz feel free to PM me or leave a comment below. Any tips would be appreciated, as I am completely new to all of this. Along with any .onion sites you think would interest me.
I'm so glad to be here and apart of this thriving community.

Peace   ;)
admitting to bank robbery in your first post ever just screams LE...

Cops are gonna be more subtle than this. My vote is for congenital idiot.

Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: BlarghRawr on October 14, 2012, 11:00 am
Hey Silk Road! Just wanted to introduce myself. I first heard of Silk Road through a "wired" magazine article earlier this year while I was doing time at {BLARGH REMOVES THE DETAILS EVEN WHEN QUOTING PEOPLES QUOTES}. I was automatically intrigued.
I found out about the "deep web" just yesterday. I can't wait to do some more exploring. My interests are ez money making, and I would also like to learn the art of hacking. If anyone has any pointers for a complete newb, plz feel free to PM me or leave a comment below. Any tips would be appreciated, as I am completely new to all of this. Along with any .onion sites you think would interest me.
I'm so glad to be here and apart of this thriving community.

Peace   ;)
admitting to bank robbery in your first post ever just screams LE...

Cops are gonna be more subtle than this. My vote is for congenital idiot.
Fuck knows, the LE that browse this place are already looking that place up to try and find this idiot in it... He's probably going to get ten offers in PM from LE trying to "sell to him", now. If he's not a cop himself, at least.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: gestaltassault2 on October 14, 2012, 06:46 pm
He reminds me of how Tim Roth's character in Reservoir Dogs gets in on the heist...
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: grizzleblunt on October 14, 2012, 06:49 pm
Alright, guess that was dumb... slightly. Anyways, thanks to nike7799 for the info. Managed to find the hidden wiki here http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/. Tons of useful info n links there. Everyone else... Fuck you.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: gestaltassault2 on October 14, 2012, 06:56 pm
Alright, guess that was dumb... slightly. Anyways, thanks to nike7799 for the info. Managed to find the hidden wiki here http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/. Tons of useful info n links there. Everyone else... Fuck you.
LOL! Welcome to SR!!
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: grizzleblunt on October 14, 2012, 06:57 pm
By the way BlarghRawr 1) how the fuck is anyone suppose to find me with the very vague info I gave? There are countless bank robbers that have been released this year from Victorville. 2) I'm not buying or selling on here so why would anyone even be interested in me? Thought you guys would be more welcoming then this. Guess not.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: gestaltassault2 on October 14, 2012, 07:28 pm
every clue you give is another step towards revealing your identity....what seems like vague info to you is clear as crystal to a federal investigation...
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: Nightcrawler on October 14, 2012, 08:48 pm
By the way BlarghRawr 1) how the fuck is anyone suppose to find me with the very vague info I gave?  There are countless bank robbers that have been released this year from Victorville. 

The point is not necessarily to find you personally; rather the point is that the set of potential candidates of which you are a part has been reduced courtesy of your remarks from perhaps a hundred million to (at most) a few thousand.  _That_ is the point.

2) I'm not buying or selling on here so why would anyone even be interested in me? Thought you guys would be more welcoming then this. Guess not.

The authorities want to take Silk Road down, badly. Right now, they're just not sure how to accomplish it. 

It almost goes without saying that Silk Road is being discussed at the very highest levels of every major law enforcement agency, both in the U.S. as well as abroad. See the following thread for more information:  Australian LE Report on BC/SR - http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=38319.0
Everyone who posts on here is a potential target. LEA scours this board looking for information -- everything goes into a database. You have to consider that everything that you say on here goes into a record, which, even if not immediately useful,  may well provide the missing piece of the puzzle at some future time. That's why discretion is the watchword here.

Learning the proper tools and techniques (e.g. TrueCrypt and PGP) are a large part of keeping you safe, however, in and of themselves they are not sufficient. The one thing that is indispensable on here is a proper, security-oriented mindset.  The best cryptographic tools in the world cannot protect you from yourself. If you are indiscreet, eventually that will prove to be your undoing.

Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: CoolGrey on October 14, 2012, 09:30 pm
By the way BlarghRawr 1) how the fuck is anyone suppose to find me with the very vague info I gave? There are countless bank robbers that have been released this year from Victorville.
You gave away a big piece of the puzzle. Say somebody is determined to find out our identities. For me, I could be any person in the world. They don't know anything about me.

You, on the other hand, just gave away that you live somewhere in state X, that you recently got from prison Y for offense Z. That reduces the list of possibilities to a few hundred people max. And that is just in your first post. If you get sloppy at a later moment and reveal some tiny detail about yourself, it will make the list even shorter.

Then all LE has to do is go to your ISP and ask who of the guys recently connected to a Tor node. I bet you will jump out as the only guy.
2) I'm not buying or selling on here so why would anyone even be interested in me?
You said you were interested in making money. So my assumption is that you will be selling stuff. And then you'll be interesting.
Thought you guys would be more welcoming then this. Guess not.
It's called tough love bro. You are more than welcome but we don't want you back in jail.

If I were you, I'd just create another account and ask the mods to delete this thread. In the future don't give away any unnecessary personal information. Enjoy your stay ;-)
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: technofarm on October 15, 2012, 12:20 am
So the question is, cop or idiot? Either way, shouldn't be revealing details like this.

yea, was thinking the same thing
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: Zulu on October 15, 2012, 01:19 am
So the question is, cop or idiot? Either way, shouldn't be revealing details like this.

Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: grizzleblunt on October 15, 2012, 01:59 am
Just wanted to say thanks to those who made quite valid points. That post was pretty sloppy, and it won't happen again. I probably won't be posting under this acct b/c keeping this acct active really wouldn't be a great idea. So thanks again, and I will make sure to never repeat this mistake.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: gestaltassault2 on October 15, 2012, 02:02 am
lurk in the Security forum for a while...
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: BlarghRawr on October 15, 2012, 02:09 am
And he learns! Welcome to the Road, friend. Not that we'll know you under your next name, but I sincerely welcome you to our fold.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: Lucius Luv on October 15, 2012, 02:12 pm
:) note, you can go back to your old posts and edit that information out... i would do that now.. If i'm a dea cop with nothing to do, it's nothing for me to get records on that particular prison.

common sense stops me form making any specific comments about where or who i am.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: Aidoneus on October 15, 2012, 06:30 pm
By the way BlarghRawr 1) how the fuck is anyone suppose to find me with the very vague info I gave? There are countless bank robbers that have been released this year from Victorville. 2) I'm not buying or selling on here so why would anyone even be interested in me? Thought you guys would be more welcoming then this. Guess not.

Except for the fact that there is still only a finite number of people that fit that description. If you're not buying and/or selling... then whatever, guess it really doesn't matter too much. That being said, the deep web isn't exactly for people with halos over their head either... so it's likely you have some nefarious intent.

Just my 2btc.
Title: Re: New to the deep web. Pretty excited.
Post by: Gigawatt on October 16, 2012, 03:05 pm
Just wanted to say thanks to those who made quite valid points. That post was pretty sloppy, and it won't happen again. I probably won't be posting under this acct b/c keeping this acct active really wouldn't be a great idea. So thanks again, and I will make sure to never repeat this mistake.

Good idea, burn your grizzleblunt account and just start over.