Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: AnonymousAddict on October 09, 2012, 05:53 am

Title: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: AnonymousAddict on October 09, 2012, 05:53 am
OK i got the program i followed what it asked once i installed it I used my SR namee and then a Mailinator email address now i went to send a encrypted msg to a vendor who refuses to take anything but this and he said its not my key and he cant decrypt my message well i wrote my address then i sign it then  pasted his key..then encrypted it..I then highlighted it on the clipboard went to the SR pm to him pasted it and waited, he said he could not decrypted it to please send him my key, well when i sign it is that not my key this is how it looks when sign

Ok Sr family,

Iv downloaded and set up and generated my key, I used my SR name and then a throw away email name for mailinator, then it generated a key. The key it says is this

Hash: SHA1

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)

This is what my key says it is when i go to clipboard to write a message and i sgn it this is it.. Is this wrong? I msg they guy im trying to order from who Requires PGP gpg ...Useually iv just used privnote in my orders so never botherd with this but i know i need it so im taking the time to do it to take further protecting for me and our family here on the road, specially after i read about TFM issue, I know its not us and they had to be just stupid to accept the way of cash they did but anyway, thank god were more advanced....Anyway please someone help me out, im on the right track but when i copy'd the vendors key to my clipboard on my program added after hitting sign i then encrpt copy the encrypted version copy it and i pasted it to the vendor, he said he needed my key,,When i sign it after my msg was that not my key? what i have posted? if not please tell me how to find my key..I thought everything was done correct, so im confused
Modify message
Title: Re: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: Slugger on October 09, 2012, 06:00 am
Read pine's thread on PGP. There is a link in my signature. What you want to do is, put the message into the clipboard. Click "encrypt" and select the VENDORS key. That's it. It should make a PGP message and your done. It's automatically signed by you. I did this a few times when I first learned, signing it by me. But it really is asking WHO can decrypt the message.

From what I read, you encrypted it to yourself, with HIS key in the message. You need to import the key into your keyring. Hope I helped.
Title: Re: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: AnonymousAddict on October 09, 2012, 06:13 am
Yea i tried to copy his key then paste to notepad then save, then i went to import but i couldnt find it, i saved it under documents but when i hit documents its only showing 2 listing...Im gonna try again but i did try to just copy his key then write my adreess sign it then put his key in and then encrypt it once encypted i highlighted it and then sent it to him through a PM, he said he needed my KEY which i dont know where to find my key...But im gonna try import again i gotta make this work, iv taking my adderal and i wont be able to stop til i know how...LOL, Is there a reason why i cant find his saved file when i hit import? i save under his initials and in documents but when i hit import it doesnt show all the stuff i have in my docs...guess i will try something else,,any hellp would be great,but im gonna check out pines if i cant get it
Title: Re: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: quietgirl79 on October 09, 2012, 06:49 am
Try saving his key as a text file (click File on whatever program you're using, and choose "save as").  Maybe your program doesn't recognize the format whatever your word editor is using

Also, be careful with that adderall.  My friend basically had a heart attack when he took too much...and he's totally clean now.  Well, besides alcohol.  And cigarettes.  And monster energy (caffiene)  Hey people, those are drugs too!
Title: Re: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: AnonymousAddict on October 09, 2012, 07:26 am
Yea i dont take it much..But ok i got his saved into my gpa thing...But now that its in there what do i do? WHERE DO I FIND MY KEY>?
Title: Re: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: Slugger on October 10, 2012, 02:45 am
I didn't realize you are using gpa. Also using Liberte?

Anyways, your key should be in the main keyring. You just right click and click "copy" you should get a message like "The keys have been copied to clipboard". Then you can paste that in your clipboard in order to decrypt it IN your PGP message. Just type the message, paste the key in after, then click encrypt and use the vendors PGP key.

I think you are over-complicating the process or you have the wrong vendor key. Make sure your vendor key is correct.
Title: Re: Please read this, i have followed the steps and setup a pgp key but...readmore
Post by: Nightcrawler on October 10, 2012, 05:45 am
Yea i dont take it much..But ok i got his saved into my gpa thing...But now that its in there what do i do? WHERE DO I FIND MY KEY>?

When you fire up gpa, you should be in Key Manager. Your key should be among those listed  there.  If you look in the first column, you will see a symbol that looks like a little key.  Silver (or gray) colored keys are those belonging to other people; your own keys should look like a pair of little keys, one yellow or gold, and the other silver or gray.

You shouldn't have that many keys on your ring; you should be able to pick your out by that method easily.