Quote from: kmfkewm on October 18, 2012, 06:15 amQuote from: QwertAnon on October 18, 2012, 05:56 amomg stop the panic, admins can just set a robots.txt that forbids google to crawl.LE can crawl the forum regardless of google and it comes with a built in search function anyway.The more concerning question is how much tor bandwidth is used up by clearnet search engines crawling onionland.On the other hand this might get a lot of people aware of Tor if they accidently stumble upon a .onion.to page and wonder about the strange url...Admin can't do that because the robots are not crawling SR they are crawling web based proxies that let people (insecurely) view .onion sites without Tor. The admin of those sites would need to add the robots.txt file , and this is why I say the issue is not fixable. Making it members only for login would not really fix the issue in the sense I was thinking (ie: I was thinking a robots.txt type of fix the situation) but it would make it so the robots get stuck on the login page instead of spider the forum. That said, who gives a fuck. Loose lips sink ships hahahaha. This site has been all over the news of the entire god damn world and I don't keep track of the number of users but it must be over one hundred thousand by now. You guys sound fucking retarded to be tripping out about google having links to this thirty some thousand member public forum. Oh noez SR is fucked for sure now!!!1111When I said "Loose lips sink ships" I was thinking not of the site, but of individual users on the site. The more discreet you are about your dealings, the better. Having the details of one's activities splashed all over Google is not a particularly good idea. That does double when people are sloppy about their personal security.