Quote from: dj2000 on October 17, 2012, 09:26 pmHi, this is either really easy and I don't get it or I'm smoking too much of the product!Is it safe to use https://www.igolder.com/PGP/encryption/Here is my key, can please someone prove I'm not that dumb and message me?-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)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0Q22-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----No, igolder is NOT safe. PortablePGP is NOT safe. Quoting Guru in: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=43660.msg481941;topicseen#msg481941 Please don't take this the wrong way, but when it comes to convenience, in my experience convenience and security are, by and large, mutually exclusive. There is simply no substitute for educating yourself. Part of the problem with Googling for info on PGP is that you are liable to get information, or worse yet -- references to software -- that are severely out of date. Unfortunately, there's too much broken software out there -- two of the more prominent examples are: Portable PGP and iGolder.com. Both of them are very convenient, but that doesn't make up for the fact that both are completely and utterly broken.If you're looking either Windows or Linux, and you're looking for a decent implementation of GPG, I'd look no further than GPG4USB, which you can read about at: http://gpg4usb.cpunk.de/index.html This software has one of the easier interfaces to use, and moreover, has some of the best documentation. Perhaps best of all, it doesn't need to be installed on your computer at all -- you can can run it from a pen-drive.