Thanks AnonymousAddict, I appreciate your patriotism. Thomas Paine would agree with your cry of "FUCK THE GOV!!!" At least the sentiment, if not the eloquence, but probably both. Allow me to state it in a more palatable way for you, KK. The problem is that the people support the government and feed it their money, willingly, while the elites additionally feed it their time and energy. Having more time, contacts and money the elite look after their interests to the detriment of all others and we (the people) end up with: Oil spills Creationism taught in our schools Banking collapses War No universal medical care The greatest wealth disparity in the history of the world Justin Bieber Thus Thomas Paine's lament "Of more worth is one honest man to society and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived." tells us that the ultra powerful must fall. And the history of the world tells up how it will inevitably occur: Revolution! You may donate to the cause by sending bitcoins directly to me. Modzi