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Messages - modziw

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I checked out the OP and if s/he says scam then I believe the OP.  I read all of his/her posts:  OP suffers from a chronic condition & gets no relief from physician prescribed drugs so prescribes his own meds.  Has been here for about a year. Seems to use SR to fill prescriptions monthly.  Visits forums monthly.  Uses H plus some other stuff.  Rats out vendors selling bad shit and gets scammers kicked off of SR.  Quality and drug safety are his/her concerns + looking out for other users - seems like an honest person doing his part to keep clean H on the Road. Tries to help others who get caught up in known scams. At least that's the impression I get. I respect the effort & amount of time OP devotes to his or her mission ~ he's not afraid to stand up and call foul - on behalf of everyone.

So, getting to the point ... the negs are probably from pissed off vendors, eh?  OP has long buying history with 3% refund rate.  I think he/she only complains when the drugs are bad as opposed to a chronic complainer.  The guy just wants what he paid for:  Monthly 'prescription' meds, not drugs for recreational use.   :-*

Geez - I spend WAY too much time on these boards ... Happy Christmas everyone!

Thanks for doing the research. Sorry to OP. Sucks but shit happens bro. Just try to count how much you didn't lose buying on the street IRL.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Visit from by the Drug Unit (UK)
« on: December 21, 2012, 12:04 am »
If you were in the USA I would call you a complete jackass.


I have some of my own methods I've worked, but would be very interested to hear yours and compare notes - would also be interested to read what you posted in the thread that was deleted if you still have that...


What you said.


I for one am appalled! Shocked and appalled to hear that there is money laundering being discussed here!

Good Lord. What has this illegal marketplace discussion board become!?!


Silk Road discussion / Re: Official DPR Fanboy Asslicking thread
« on: December 19, 2012, 05:50 am »
I'd fuck DPR. I'm sure she is a fine-ass bitch.


Rumor mill / Re: Modziw review
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:03 am »
i luv it !

Bilbo Baggins from “The Lord of the Rings” lends a hand too, shown in a film clip that i saw on a police blog relishing a smokable product of uncertain provenance called Old Toby, which Bilbo says, with a blissful sigh, is “the finest weed in the South Farthing.”


LOL  I Love it!  The finest weed in the South Farthing, indeed!

Silk Road discussion / Re: Official DPR Fanboy Asslicking thread
« on: December 19, 2012, 03:59 am »
Double Poke in the Rear



JK DPR! May Thine Ass  Be Forever Kissed.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road Compromised
« on: December 18, 2012, 06:11 pm »
From what we have been reading on the forums, even if Silk Road had been compromised, as long as the users are following the rules about PGP and the vendors are being safe there should be no real problem for us.

Is this true? I mean, even if it was the pigs running the site now, what could they really do?

So true.

I would be happy to buy drugs from the feds. Worked for my Dad after Vietnam. Worked for my brother who bought all those guns from the ATF to sell in Mexico. It will work for us.

Too bad so many don't use PGP - it's a life-saver.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road Compromised
« on: December 18, 2012, 02:31 pm »
Okay everyone, I admit it! You got me!

I am the OP and I freaked the fuck out because I was smoking so much of my AWESOME Bilbo Baggins hydro weed. Grown in the waters of the Brandywine River, where The Shire meets the lands beyond.

You really need to try my weed, it will take you on an unexpected adventure!

That's why I made the ridiculous post ;-)

Buy some now and you too can freak the fuck out (or learn to speak Elvish).



Rumor mill / Re: Modziw review
« on: December 18, 2012, 02:03 pm »
I just saw a new trailer for a new prequel to the Hobbit, i think i made the connection..
im totally stoked

Not to sound like a nerd, but I am a Tolkien fanatic. The Hobbit is a prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy. For this movie (saw it, loved it), the filmmaker split one smaller book into three parts to milk the box office, but I love it because they leave in details like Bilbo considering whether or not to kill Gollum.

Cinematic brilliance!

Even better if you are smoking my Bilbo Baggins Hydro along with Gandalf while you watch.



Rumor mill / Re: Modziw review
« on: December 18, 2012, 04:10 am »
Bump !

i was able to get an order placed and will review this beautiful Bilbo Baggins bud'

thanks a lot Metaphoe the Magnificent!

I hope you enjoy the journey it takes you on.


Off topic / Re: Mass shooting in
« on: December 18, 2012, 01:36 am »
The main problem is our responses are always based on emotion rather than logic.

What kills more, guns, alcohol, automobiles, deer, cancer?

Why do we kill 3000 of our young men and women because some asshole killed 3000 of our adult men and women on 9/11?

Everyone should have guns and drugs. Darwin will handle the rest.


Off topic / Re: Thoughts on Gun Control?
« on: December 18, 2012, 01:26 am »
I'm pro guns. The more the better.

No guns for wackos.


Shipping / Re: Former Prosecutor...Ask Away
« on: December 13, 2012, 08:47 am »
One piece of advice I can give everyone is to never NEVER talk to the cops if you get busted.  They will act like they are your friend and they will tell you it will be better if you talk.  Sometimes you can get a better deal if you talk, but don't think for an instant that you have to talk right away.  You can always ask for a lawyer.  If you do have good info, then the cops can wait.  If people didn't talk, we would have solved a lot less cases.

This quote is going on my profile and my signature.

Thanks Mr. former douche prosecutor.


Off topic / Re: Does any vendors accept moneypaks for payment?
« on: December 12, 2012, 03:55 pm »
Search the forums for the newbie sections and the FAQ'a and multiple guides.

You can also buy MP's and sell the to BTCKing or Sugar Mama or others who do that.


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