Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on September 16, 2013, 03:48 am

Title: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on September 16, 2013, 03:48 am
We are back Online , Apologies for any delays


Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Gridlokk on September 16, 2013, 04:16 am
What were the reasons behind this?
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: iamcanada on September 16, 2013, 04:40 am
Probably finally caught for selective scamming
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Gridlokk on September 16, 2013, 04:57 am
Well it looks like "Going Postal" is doing the same shit.. It's a shame, MiMM had my favorite ketamine. Oh well
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: DopeSneaky on September 16, 2013, 05:00 am
Probably finally caught for selective scamming

^This. One of my first packages ever bought from SR was from MIMM, then on my 3rd purchase he decided to only send 1 out of 2 items and then blamed the postal system for having lost my package.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: sasha0785 on September 17, 2013, 01:10 am
I have bought so much from mimm, he has never scammed me ever!!! I have ordered small and large. Most of the time my orders came in less than a week. This is sad to see!!!
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on September 17, 2013, 01:33 am
SR don't suspend vendors for no good reason, maybe its an internal matter and buyers we can aonly assume MMM is suspended, which does not mean banned, but suspended from being able to vend until some issue is resolved.

That is mer surmising, the truth will come out when it needs to.

Never bought myself but was close to getting some, well, a drug shall we say!

Hope all turns out well and hope customers who went FE get their orders and those who are in escrow will have to wait until this suspension is sorted.

Oh well, life moves on. Any decent vendor would just join up again but if SR actually ban one I'd worry if I had an order, and worry more so if I went FE.

This shows SR has checks and balances so that is a good thing and hats off to the people who do all this shit behind the scenes.

Hats off!

Three cheers!
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Chewable on September 17, 2013, 02:32 am
Its about time MIMM got what was coming to guys have fucked so many customers with your 50 % refund bullshit..and weak ass drugs. Glad to see you gone...what a bunch of losers.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Pressed Rat on September 17, 2013, 03:06 am
HAHAHA GOOD! Piece of shit scammer! Robbing newbies finally caught up with you.
"Im the top seller om sr bla bla bla"

Karma is a bitch!
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: spanky loc on September 17, 2013, 03:35 am
Never ordered from them, seemed too sketchy for me. I'm a confidant, borderline cocky, guy, so it takes a lot to set off my "do not deal with" sensors.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Pressed Rat on September 17, 2013, 03:45 am
selective scammer with shitty product. A year ago this guy thought he was the shit here. Thought he could get away with robbing newbies by making them finalize early then didn't send anything. And if you received anything it was B rated merchandize.
his ratings started to tank. Why? because he was scamming. and now the door has been shut in his face. i love it!
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: riddikulus on September 17, 2013, 06:03 am
I don't know why anyone would want MIMM reinstated. 18 months ago when MIMM first popped up he was actually a pretty good guy / vendor to deal with but fell from grace a long time ago.

As soon as it started not being MIMM and became a group of people with no connection to who is ordering from them it became instantly bad. Clearly obvious that when messaging MIMM you were talking to someone totally different.

And of course shortly thereafter the packages started going missing. Why hasn't MIMM ever offered a better shipping option than, well.... zero stealth? Probably a lot harder to selective scam when packages don't get seized one could suspect.

To think it was only 15 months ago (haha) I was defending MIMM for taking care of his problems with stepping up when shit goes wrong.



While the real MIMM was a good guy (at least before his $) the fact that he doesn't have control of his brand and the people working for him is pretty fucking sad.

Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Chewable on September 17, 2013, 10:52 am
I don't know why anyone would want MIMM reinstated. 18 months ago when MIMM first popped up he was actually a pretty good guy / vendor to deal with but fell from grace a long time ago.

As soon as it started not being MIMM and became a group of people with no connection to who is ordering from them it became instantly bad. Clearly obvious that when messaging MIMM you were talking to someone totally different.

And of course shortly thereafter the packages started going missing. Why hasn't MIMM ever offered a better shipping option than, well.... zero stealth? Probably a lot harder to selective scam when packages don't get seized one could suspect.

To think it was only 15 months ago (haha) I was defending MIMM for taking care of his problems with stepping up when shit goes wrong.



While the real MIMM was a good guy (at least before his $) the fact that he doesn't have control of his brand and the people working for him is pretty fucking sad.

you are 100% right...thats how i saw it. and he even admits he had employees issues. but those issues started long ago. He never stood up to the plate and tried to make it right. all he did was slam those who told the truth.   And fuck GoingPostal, they suck ass too doing the same shit. Nothing has changed.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Pressed Rat on September 17, 2013, 05:51 pm
Lets all point our fingers at MIMM and laugh! KARMA IS A BITCH!

Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: harpua25 on September 17, 2013, 06:15 pm
About fucking time.  How many buyers have you scammed over the past year and a half or so? 500? 1,000?  Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of shit.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Pressed Rat on September 17, 2013, 06:23 pm
About fucking time.  How many buyers have you scammed over the past year and a half or so? 500? 1,000?  Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of shit.

Right. look at all the people slamming him. remember his threats that if you called him a reverse scammer he would black ball your name and no vendor would deal with you? lol
the guy is a joke. and he got balls coming here crying that he was suspended. there are more people happy about it then are backing him. tells you something.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Chewable on September 17, 2013, 10:01 pm
I'm just glad he got busted before he pulled an ETM exit.

ETM and MIMM looked like book ends.  Well i can see all his fans are out supporting him... ;D ;D ;D

I guess the only thing he will do is open under another name and start the scamming all over again.

please don't black ball me MIMM  :P....loser

Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: relocity on September 18, 2013, 01:02 am
My less than stellar experience with MiMM recently:

Ordered 2g MDMA, but only half arrived.  My messages were dealt with kindly, but not accurately or completely.  After a couple weird back and forths, MiMM agreed to reship the missing half.

Comparing the 2 halves:

1st half: Yelowish powder, Smell of diesel. No saffroil/licorice type scent.  Buzz was anything BUT MDMA. More like Methylone.  Shorter more energetic high.  Insomnia.  Muscle twitching.  Oddly, it was also labelled "M1" which is a moniker for Methylone.

2nd half: Dark tan, moist powder indicating unfinished processing . representative saffroil scent present.
Have not tried it yet, but will update this weekend.

Considering that the reagent testing kits used by MiMM indicate only that MDMA is PRESENT, and do not indicate the amount of impurities,(Darker colored  reactions for MDMA dominate lighter colored reactions for M1) I am more willing to trust my years of experience and other buyer feedback in judging this product. 
There is a sufficient level of adulterants in this product, and I am sure of it.  The high was much shorter and speedier.  Comedown is sharper and more sudden.  Trying to sleep was impossible, even after some hefty toking.
MiMM assured me that they do not deal with Methylone, and prompted me to get it tested.  That, IMO would be a cost ineffective way of dealing with this considering my experience is similar to others. 

This may  just be a case of a vendor not knowing their product, or a network inside the vendor not communicating well.  We'll see if the second half reship is any different when ingested.

Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on September 23, 2013, 02:04 pm
@ Chewable and Pressed Rat ... this is funny , this is why we don't waste our times in forums listening to 2 guys rant and rave back and forth. But if it makes you feel better so be it.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: bigbangbudtheory on September 23, 2013, 02:20 pm
Glad he's back.
His stealth keeps getting through to me.
I'll be ordering again shortly ....... :)
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: dr gonzo on September 23, 2013, 02:35 pm
I agree that this is long overdue. To any newbies, avoid this vendor unless you are in search of profound disappointment= My 2 cents.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: Pressed Rat on September 26, 2013, 05:17 pm
@ Chewable and Pressed Rat ... this is funny , this is why we don't waste our times in forums listening to 2 guys rant and rave back and forth. But if it makes you feel better so be it.

bla bla bla. you're a scammer. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. this is not a few people saying this but many. this is not aussies just saying it but people from everywhere.
Karma is a bitch and if anyone orders from you they have rocks in their head.
Dont black list me Hope you get permanently removed. Go to Atlantis with the other selective scammers.
Title: Re: MarijuanaIsMyMusE Has Been Suspended
Post by: cactuschomper on September 26, 2013, 09:35 pm
Probably finally caught for selective scamming

Ding Ding Ding! Right you are, selective scamming out the ass.

It's a shame they carried bangin' keta.