Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on November 23, 2011, 08:53 pm

Title: Bulk Shipping Weed
Post by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on November 23, 2011, 08:53 pm
Hi all

I'm looking for information on how I could go about bulk shipping weed (QP, HP, LB). Small Quantities is easy enough, flattening it out in an envelope, but I can't find much on ways to bulk ship. If anyone has any ideas, methods or places I can search, please let me know.

Title: Re: Bulk Shipping Weed
Post by: orson on November 25, 2011, 03:58 pm
Are you wanting to ship just inside of Canada or outside?
Title: Re: Bulk Shipping Weed
Post by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on November 25, 2011, 06:21 pm
I'm looking for options both domestically and internationally.
Title: Re: Bulk Shipping Weed
Post by: Chez on November 25, 2011, 07:54 pm
Hope you get the info you're looking for, been looking forward to trying some of your stuff out! If this thread doesn't prove fruitful then maybe try messaging some of the other bulk suppliers and seeing if they'd be kind enough to share some of their proven techniques.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Bulk Shipping Weed
Post by: g4bb3r on November 25, 2011, 11:58 pm
Domestically they have no reason to open your package if it doesn't smell, international bulk weed is tricky though.
Title: Re: Bulk Shipping Weed
Post by: MarijuanaIsMyMuse on November 27, 2011, 05:50 pm
It seems like this is a topic that is not discussed nearly as much as shipping drugs in an envelope. Methods are kept secret/confidential so as not to spread and inform LE, and understandably so. If someone reading this has experience in this area and wishes to discuss it privately, please message me, or if someone has experience and is willing to listen to some of the ideas I have and advise on whether they would be effective or overcome any obstacles I may face, it would be greatly appreciated.

Domestic delivery should be OK, from what I've read Canada Post doesn't check over 5 lbs, and as long as I can manage the smell it should be OK (triple seal, express delivery coast to coast, no signature, $60, 3 business days).

I keep getting stuck on border crossings, trying to figure out low cost/cheap, large, lightweight items you may send across the border that involve as few people or face-to-face interaction as necessary.

I'll keep seeing what I can come up with and contact some bulk vendors come the new year, see if they want to share some ideas, or at least vet what I've come up with.

Still checking this thread if people respond to it.
