-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA1ScarletFlagBearerThanks for your concern, I have not been compromised in any way. I used my private key to sign the message I posted so that members could validate that it was actually me that posted the message. This verification can be done using the public key posted on my vendor profile and validating against the signature tag at the bottom of the message. Note the difference between the terms PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK (my public key on my vendor profile page) and PGP SIGNATURE (appended to the end of the message). All is good on my end, orders are being processed and sent. There is no need to panic or raise any alarms.MJMuse-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJQpYm1AAoJEMYC66FKeXlRe3IIAIWTJoz6Av890GNXFAFiLohKkzqrdu2fVdKGa24gp2vm8KQjbfCafUggu9leyFFg9gOGLzXK+++Fc9ih0HwAVeusSAGWcV621bL+s6MixuIGEmg4OI+w213Q5TLP7LlpuPYBb+wedV2C1OM7ObgdPAwrIFyn/BZonJNdBvbiDB6ye+roNCsEkaAG7+bLYqv2nGfWuI1t4+Pzvx91XgkftCyYPiFyDiMyDf31elCiy0F0P29PweIdWgn4+WqHsrFperzMQ6ea8r7Agxu5f7ikFSQy8uHfz5+QyJvu0D2h4CrVKWiCkkCSMcwnrQG5owwg1qrxgg6Y/ZIb0YJKuzm0I3w==jct+-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----